Arunachal Pradesh Horticulture

Arunachal Pradesh being a land of Undulating topography and varied agro-climatic conditions offer vast potential for the development of Horticulture for growing varieties of tropical, sub-tropical and temperate fruits, vegetable including off season vegetables), spices, aromatic and medicinal plants flowers and mushroom. The fruits being perennial in nature help in checking soil erosion and provide high density green cover to the soil.

Horticulture is the backbone and future of rural economy.  The practice of shifting cultivation has various adverse effect on ecology and poses silting problems in the plains as millions of tonnes of soil is eroded and washed down through rain water depleting the nutrient status of soils of the hills every year. To check the erosion it is essential to cover such area by perennial and other suitable crops of economic importance so that rural people may get employment and generate income through such ventures.

Horticulture Zones

  • Foothills and Valleys ( 170-915 Mtr. Altitudes)– potential area in hectares is 145000 hectares. Crops cultivated are Citrus, Guava, Banana, Mango. Litchi, Pine apple, Sapota, Jackfruit, Papaya, Plum, Pear, etc. seasonal vegetables.


  • Mid Hills (915-1803 Mtr)- potential area in hectares is 140,000 hectares. Crops cultivated are Apples, Plum, Apricot, Pear, Almond, Low Chilling apple, Pomegranate, Olive, Grapes, etc. seasonal vegetables for seed, and truck gardening.



  • High Hills (above 1830 Mtr.)- Potential area in hectares is 145000 hectares. Crops cultivated are Apples, Cherry, Walnut, Chestnu, Peanut, Pomegranate, etc. off season vegetables and production of temperate vegetable seeds.


  • Rain shawow area below 40” annual rainfall (with wide range of chilling requirement and temperature)- potential area in hectares is 31000 hectares. Crops cultivated are Apple, Pear, Plum, Preach, Apricot, Almond, Walnut, Pomegranate, etc. off season vegetables.


Horticulture – purpose it can serve

  • To provide better nutrition to people through fruits, vegetables for their own consumption and sale for cash income.
  • To support inducted population through perishable commodities for administrative centres, model village institutions, defence and para military installations.
  • To provide additional income to small and marginal farmers through vegetables and quick growing fruits like Banana, Papaya, Guava, Lime etc.
  • To select existing indigenous material for seedling root stock, use and trails.
  • To replace abandoned Jhums by suitable fruit trees & plantation cover.
  • To provide increasing rate of tree cover and improve ecology and environment.
  • To provide better water retention capacity and perennial water sources in tree plantation areas.
  • To eliminate destruction of biomass under the wasteful practice of slash burn (Jhum).
  • To explore possibilities and develop projects for import substitution and export development production.

What needs to be done

  • ensure quality planting material of Horticulture crops.
  • Reduction in losses through the development of suitable infrastructure and creation of awareness.
  • Establishment of market system having forward and backward linkage.
  • Development of quality plants and seeds.
  • Development of quality testing laboratory.
  • Skillful and efficient transfer of technology.
  • Application of information technology in Horticulture.
  • Ensure credit support and risk management.


Various Schemes for Development of  Horticulture

  • Control of shifting cultivation.
  • Maintenance of Farm of Nurseries.
  • Kitchen gardening and Floriculture.
  • Horticulture Fair & Exhibition.
  • Mushroom Development Programme.
  • Fruit Preservation.
  • Kiwi Cultivation.

Technology mission for the integrated development of horticulture in Arunachal Pradesh

Owing to diverse agro-climatic condition horticulture has been   identified as main activity for development in the state. Mission mode programme having and to go and approach is vital for achieving desired goal. Accordingly Technology Mission for Integrated Development  of Horticulture was mooted for establish convergence and synergy among numerous ongoing governmental programme in the field of horticulture development to achieve horizontal and vertical integration of these programmes.



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