Arunachal Pradesh: Irrigation  


Irrigation system was little known to the Arunachalees till 1950. Despite hilly terrain, low crop productivity and small land holdings, primary occupation of major population of Arunachal Pradesh is agriculture. Although the geographical area is larger than Assam, cultivable flat and mild slope area in the State is limited and hence every acre of irrigable land is to be planned properly to increase the productivity. Many farmers are resorting to shifting cultivation with primitive agricultural practices. In order to discourage the environmentally adverse shifting cultivation, permanent cultivation with assured irrigation facilities to the limited available area is the endeavor of the Govt.

The ultimate irrigation potential of Arunachal Pradesh is 3.60 lakh hectare through surface water and 0.18 lakh hectare through ground water at irrigation intensity of 200%. This figure, which accounts for about 2.00% of State’s geographical area, needs to be reviewed in due course of time. The actual ultimate irrigation potential is expected to be more than 3.60 lakh hectare due to population growth leading to de-reservation of social forestry and unclassified forests for agricultural purposes.


The ultimate irrigation potential of 3.60 hectare through surface water implies that net potential area available for irrigated cultivation is 1.80-lakh hectare. This indicates that irrigation potential creation and its utilization need to be emphasized to meet the growing demand of anticipated population growth. Judicious irrigation management practices through active participatory approach require to be stepped up.


Minor Irrigation

All Ground Water and Surface Water Schemes that have a Culturable Command Area (CCA) up to 2,000 ha. individually are classified as Minor Irrigation Schemes. The development of Ground Water is mostly done through individual and cooperative efforts of the farmers, with the help of institutional finance and through own savings. Surface Minor Irrigation Schemes are generally funded from the Public Sector outlay.

Geological fragility of Himalayan Region combined with highest rainfall intensity in the State result in frequent damages to the irrigation structures constructed earlier. Many minor irrigation projects have been rendered defunct due to water related damages. It is reported that about 30% of created potential (0.36 Lakh hectare) are lying defunct due to water related damages.

As against the potential creation of 1.20-lakh hectare, potential utilization is reported to be 0.48 lakh hectare, which is 40% of potential created. There exists a utilization gap of 60% at present. Expansion of area of utilization is done through the Command Area Development and Water management programme with active involvement of Water Users Associations in several commands.


Major and Medium Irrigation 

Topography of the State does not offer much scope for taking up Major Irrigation Projects. However, several feasible locations are available for Medium Irrigation Projects in the foothill and valleys of the State. The Detailed Project Reports/ Feasible Reports of following investigated projects have been brought out so far:


(i) Deopani Multipurpose Project: Located in Lower Dibang Valley District, this project envisages irrigation potential creation of 5000 hectare CCA with power generation of 4 MW.


(ii) Pappu Valley Medium Irrigation Project: Located in East Kameng District, this project envisages irrigation potential creation of 2000 hectare CCA along with power generation of 750 KW.


(iii) Medium Irrigation Project at Paya, Hatiduba, Yealiang and Zeko Village under Sunpura Circle: This project is located in Lohit District under Sunpura administrative circle. It envisages irrigation potential creation of 2170 hectare CCA.


In addition to above, one Medium Irrigation Project at Sille Remi in East Siang District.


Command Area Development 

The irrigation potential created is brought under utilization through Command Area Development Programme. Under this programme, construction of on-farm-development (OFD) components like field channel, field drain, reclamation of water-logged areas within the command and correction of system deficiency are taken care of as hardware activities of the programme.


It also covers regulatory water distribution activity called warabandi, formation of registered water user association (WUA), training to the officers and farmers as software activities of the programme. The programme aims at establishing a close partnership between the farmers (water users) and the implementing Govt. Department with the ultimate objective of transferring the responsibility of irrigation management system to the farmers.


Out of 1.20 lakh hectare net irrigation potential created, about 0.48 lakh hectare only has been brought under utilization. The utilized area works out to be 40% only leaving 60% potential created unutilized. With the help of Govt. of India, CSS Command Area Development programmes are under implementation in a phased manner to narrow down the existing gap of 60%.



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