Arunachal Pradesh Agriculture part -2


Arunachal Pradesh has rural base of economy as over seventy percent of population still live in about 3863 villages. Statistical Abstract of Arunachal Pradesh, 2008, shows that about 58.44 percent of population belongs to the category of cultivators, 3.85 percent agricultural labourers, 0.86 percent workers in household industries, and 36.85 percent other types of workers. Their main occupations are agriculture and animal husbandry. Tribal communities of the state follow both the shifting cultivation and sedentary agriculture.

Shifting Cultivation

In this form of agriculture practice first a forest land is selected. Then it is cleared and dried twigs are burnt on spot and thus land is prepared for sowing. After doing cultivation on such a plot for a few years it is left to regain fertility and the community moves to another plot. They return to the old plot after three years. In this way they shift from one plot to another. In the olden days when land was sufficiently available and there was no population pressure this system was practical to the tribal communities considering their life patterns and little advancement of modern scientific method of farming. At that time the cycle of one shifting was also between 10 and 20 years so there was no adverse effect of this practice on environment. The left over areas regained fertility and there was sufficient growth of vegetation on them in the meantime. So, ecological balance was maintained. Main crops cultivated in jhum lands include food grains, vegetables, root crops and fruit species.

Major Crops are


Rice is staple food of the people of this region as a whole. In Arunachal Pradesh production of rice is highest among all food crops. Five major districts in relation to rice production are Changlang , West Siang , East Siang , Lohit  and Papum Pare . Whereas in terms of production of all food crops during the same period five major districts were Changlang, West Siang, East Siang, Lohit, and Lower Dibang Valley.

Commercial Crops

Among the commercial crops oil seeds, potato, ginger and chilies are produced in all the districts of state in varying quantities.


Lohit district produced the highest quantity of oil seeds  followed by Lower Dibang Valley , East Siang , Changlang  and West Siang .


During the same period the production of potato was highest in Lohit  followed by East Siang , Lower Subansiri , Tawang , and Lower Dibang Valley .


Production of ginger was highest in Lower Dibang Valley , followed by Lohit , East Siang , Changlang  and Upper Subansiri .


Production of chili was highest in Changlang , followed by Upper Subansiri , Lower Subansiri , Anjaw , and West Siang .

Among other commercial crops sugarcane was produced highest in East Siang (7280MT), followed by Changlang (4899MT), Papum Pare (2888MT), West Siang (2663MT), and Lower Subansiri (1450MT).

Turmeric was produced in highest quantity in Lower Dibang Valley (616MT), Lohit (387MT), East Siang (369MT), West Siang (234MT) and Papum Pare (116MT).

Horticulture Crops

Apart from food and commercial crops, horticultural crops are equally important. They are the backbone of rural economy of Arunachal Pradesh, as pointed out by the Federation of Industry and Commerce of North East Region (FINER). A good agro-climatic condition and topography of the state is most suitable for cultivation of various tropical, sub-tropical and temperate fruits like apple, orange, pineapple, vegetables, mushrooms, spices, aromatic and medicinal plants.


Arunachal Pradesh is emerging as a major apple-growing state in the north-east. It grows apple in 8,400 ha and produces 9,500 tonnes apples. Its productivity is 1.1 tonnes/ha, which is extremely low, and the major constraints are low-density plantation of inferior varieties, lack of pollination management, inadequate and imbalanced use of plant protection, irrigation and nutrient management practices and poor canopy.

It is a leading state for production of mandarin, but plantations continue to suffer due to die-back and low productivity. Low productivity is due to old orchards seedling stock, poor management of nutrients and water coupled with incidences of insect pests and diseases. Low pH of soil also attributes to low productivity.

Department of Agriculture

The Department of Agriculture, Govt of Arunachal Pradesh is initiating to step up production and productivity of crops with the following schemes under State Plan Program under 3 (Three) major Heads of development:

  1. Crop Husbandry
    ii. Agriculture Research & Education
    iii. Agriculture Marketing & Quality Control

Crops Husbandry
Following programmes are covered under Crop Husbandry to enhance the food production and cash crops in the State:-

  1. State Food Security Programme
    II. Integrated Nutrient Management (INM)
    III. Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
    IV. Seed Production Programme through Govt. Agriculture Farms
    V. Chief Minister’s Agricultural Mechanization Programme
    VI. Strengthening of HRD Institution & Agriculture Programme
    VII. Cash Crops Development Programme
    VIII. Major repairs and renovation of assets (Buildings)
    IX. Promotion of Agriculture
    X. Agriculture Employment Generation Programme
    XI. Up gradation of10 (Ten) Nos. Laboratories
    XII. Organizing Sustainable Mountain Development Summit- IV

Agricultural Research & Education
The Department seeks to provide adequate stress on research by reorganizing the existing structure and pooling the existing manpower to deal effectively aiming at generating research output for the extension functionaries. Efforts are also intended to take up Research Programme on improving the productivity and generating data that suggest steps required to minimize the ill effect of Jhumming. A documentary film on Paddy-cum-Fish-Culture is also proposed for wide publicity and brings awareness to the farmers in other Districts.

Education is also an Integral part of developing the human resources in the field of Agriculture. In this Programme in which students are proposed to be sent for higher studies leading to B. Sc. (Agri.) etc. The expenditure on their stipend/Book grants etc. are to be borne by the Department.

Agriculture Marketing & Quality Control
Over the years there has been a significant increase in the production of crops like Potato, Ginger, Mustard, Vegetable, Sugarcane, Chilly & Maize in the State. The farmers are now facing the new challenge for disposal of these commodities and are deprived of the remunerative prices. All these commodities are considered as surplus and providing appropriate market avenues to the farmers is the real challenge at present to the Department.


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