Arunachal Pradesh Planned Development

Arunachal Pradesh Planned Development

Till the first plan period there was practically no accent of economic or social development in Arunachal Pradesh. The tribal economy was backward and non monetized economy, land was scarce, technology primitive, manpower was scarce and unskilled, malnutrition, and illiteracy were some of the visible problems.

First and Second Five Year Plan

The first five year plan sanctioned a total outlay of only Rs. 3 crore. The plan was ushered only in 1953 as a result of which the final expenditure was even lesser than the actual outlay with just Rs. 2.01 Crore.

The top priority during the first two plans were given to the transport and communication services accounting for 35 to 40 percent of total plan expenditure in order to construct all weather roads in the territory. Next priority sector was social and community services, which received 32 to 35 percent of the total plan expenditure. In the field of education, more attention was given to consolidation and improvement of existing schools, rather than setting up new ones.

The extension of medical services got into stride in 1951 with the establishment of a separate medical department. In the agriculture sector emphasis was given to draw the attention of farmers to practice settled cultivation from the usual jhum cultivation.

Third Five Year Plan

The total outlay for the third five year plan ( 1961-66) was Rs. 7.15 Crores, which was because of extra allocation of Rs. 2 Crores for improvement of communication. The urgency for the development of transport and communication was felt after the Chinese aggression in 1962. As a result of which 306 kms of road was added during the third plan. During the third plan period, the highest priority was given to social and economic infrastructure of the territory.

During the three Annual Plans (1966-69) the topmost priority was given to extension of social and community services followed by transpo.rt and communication sector. Under Social and Community Services activities were confined to motivate the people in the field of education, covering more villages with water supply schemes, provision of health facilities, etc. Industry got very meager percentage of total o_utlay in all the plan period and the possible reason could be the absence of infrastructural development coupled with the absence of manpower and other resources.

Fourth Five Year Plan

During this period the fourth five year plan (1969-74) was already underway with the total outlay of Rs. 17.99 crores but actual expenditure at the end of the plan period went up to Rs. 21 crores as shown in Table 3 .1. In the agricultural and allied sectors the objective continued to be on increase in food production through various schemes such as land reclamation and development, terracing improved jhuming, irrigation etc. And from the general framework it appeared that more emphasis was given on land development and terracing, but food production was far from the required quantity.

Fifth Five Year Plan

During Fifth Plan the Pradesh Council was converted into a provisional legislative council in 1975. Arunachal Police was established in 1974. In the same year Arunachal Pradesh Planned DevelopmentState transport Department was set up with the aim to connect the administrative headquarters and to promote greater interaction to build economic, social and cultural link within and outside the territory. Transport and communication continued to be one of the topmost priority areas, with about 35 percent of states total plan expenditure devoted for its development. New roads-both surfaced and unsurfaced were constructed connecting the sub-divisional headquarters.

Sixth Five Year Plan

The sixth five-year plan (1980-85) period brought in lot of changes in addition to the . already existing institutions as well as development process. Top-most priority was given to social and community services accounting for 31 percent of the total plan allocation. By the end of same year Plan 3 colleges, 62-higher/ high school, 132 middle/ senior basic schools and 1144 primary/ junior basic schools with the total of 1338 schools were in existence in the territory.

About. 25 percent of total fund were allocated for the further development and maintenance of the transport and comm·unication services. As a result of which 300 krn , surfaced and 800krn unsurfaced road was constructed in the VI plan.

Emphasis was also laid on the development of agriculture and allied activities, village and small-scale industries and extension of essential services in the rural and backward areas.

Seventh Five Year Plan

With an outlay of Rs. 549 crores, the main thrust in the seventh five-year plan ( 1985-90) continued to be on the development of physical and social infrastructure facilities, agriculture and allied services, power, transport and communications .

In agriculture sector the main emphasis continued to be on increase in foodgrain production to generate surplus production, to wean the jhumias to settled cultivation.

Attempt was made by government to provide subsidised transport facilities to help the farmers to dispose off their produce in nearest markets. To overcome the endemic marketing problem Arunachal Pradesh Agricultural Produce Marketing (Regulation) Act was passed in 1989.

During the seventh plan and subsequent Annual plans ( 1990-91 & 1991-92) governments objective was to execute micro as well as comparatively large hydel schemes

Eighth Five Year Plan

The proposed outlay for the VIII plan was Rs. 1728.62 crores. However, the actual expenditure turned out to be Rs. 1714.62 crores. The broad objectives of the Eight five-year Plans (1992-97) were:

  • Development ofbasic infrastructure

(ii) Self-sufficiency in food. ·

(iii) Promotion of horticulture

(iv) Rapid development of local resources based on industries

(v) Development of manpower resources (vi) Welfare programme: literacy, health care, minimum needs programmes etc.



Arunachal Pradesh Food security

Arunachal Pradesh Food security

It means to provide Food and nutritional Security in human life cycle approach by ensuring access to adequate quantity of quality food at affordable prices to people to live a life with dignity and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Food and agriculture organization (FAO) says Food security is made up of four pillars viz. Availability, Affordability, Nutrition, and Stability.

Availability of Arunachal Pradesh Food security

Food should be available in sufficient quantity at all times and at all places. Various steps were taken to diversify the agriculture economy by encouraging the cultivation of cash crops like potatoes, and horticulture crops like apple, oranges, guavas, and pineapples, etc. Many important projects such as Regional Seed Foundation Potato Farm at Tawang, Regional Apple Nursery at Dirang, and State Horticulture Farm at Sheragaon were set up with the help of North-Eastern Council to boost agro-horticulture activities.

Apart from these Gramsevak Training Centre and farmers Training Centre located at various parts of the state impart training in scientific methods of rural development and agriculture respectively. In this way pre-agricultural level of technology in 1950 is now firmly established in the world of hybrid varieties, genes and biotechnology.

Affordability of Arunachal Pradesh Food security

Food should be affordable to poor people.

Through Targeted-PDS and National Food Security Act (NFSA), Government provides cheap grain to poor.

Public Distribution System of Arunachal Pradesh Food security

Arunachal Pradesh’s unique set of problems impinge on the implementation of the public distribution system in the state. Most significantly, many regions in the hill state are hard to access. Further, the state does not have a civil supplies corporation to manage the movement of foodgrains from the Food Corporation of India (FCI) godowns to Fair Price Shops (FPS). The FCI does not have its own godowns in the state either. In the prevailing situation, the task of procuring and transporting PDS .

The practical challenges of implementing the Public Distribution System (PDS) in Arunachal Pradesh led to the conceptualization of the Arun ePDS initiative to improve delivery through process re-engineering and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).

The first phase, currently under implementation, is already showing significant impact in reducing the pilferage of food rations. The initiative has resulted in rapid redressal of grievances, detection of ghost ration cards and issuance of cards to people hitherto excluded from the system.


Food should be nutritious to ensure healthy development of body of mind.

Through Mid-day meal, Food-security Act, Integrated-Child Development scheme (ICDS) and half dozen other schemes, Government ensures nutritious food to children.


In food prices and supply must be stable. Otherwise political and social unrest.

FCI keeps ‘buffer-stock’ of grains. It can be sold to open market or distributed among people during high inflation, natural disaster etc.Arunachal Pradesh Food security

National Food Security Act (NFSA)

Govt. of India promulgated and issued National Food Security Ordinance on  5th July’2013 to provide Food and nutritional Security in human life cycle approach by ensuring access to adequate quantity of quality food at affordable prices to people to live a life with dignity and for matters connected therewith or  incidental thereto. The Food Security Ordinance envisage right to receive foodgrains at subsidised price by persons belonging to eligible households under Targeted Public Distribution System, nutritional support to pregnant woman, lactating mother and nutritional support to children etc. Under NFSA  every identified beneficiaries is entitled to get 5kg of foodgrain per month @ Rs. 3/- Rs. 2/- & Rs.1/- for rice, wheat and Coarse grain.
As approved by the Cabinet in the meeting on 08.08.2013, the Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh had launched the NFSO’2013 in the State on 20th Aug/2013 at Itanagar.

Identification of Eligible Households

For the state of Arunachal Pradesh, the targetted coverage of population under the priority group (including AAY) is Rural 66.31% and Urban 51.55%. the state of Arunachal Pradesh took it as an opportunity under NFSA to prepare a new list of eligible households under NFSA by not only relying on old BPL and AAY lists.

Digitization of NFSA Beneficiaries
           After identification of the eligible households under NFSA, the  beneficifiaries data were digitized manually as per the standard presecribed by the GoI ensuring demographic data, FPS linkage, Family members data and PLC encoding (as per RGI standard) in ration cards for upload in the state portal for transparency and social audits. For centres with Arun ePDS running, the the data enumerations were done in the centres itself.


Economic Terms

Depository Receipt

A depositary receipt (DR) is a type of negotiable (transferable) financial security that is traded on a local stock exchange but represents a security, usually in the form of equity, that is issued by a foreign publicly listed company. The DR, which is a physical certificate, allows investors to hold shares in equity of other countries. One of the most common types of DRs is the American depositary receipt (ADR), which has been offering companies, investors and traders global investment opportunities since the 1920s.

Read moreEconomic Terms

Natural and Power resources of Arunachal Pradesh

Natural and Power resources of Arunachal Pradesh

Arunachal Pradesh has an area of 83,743 sq kms. It is the largest state in the North Eastern region sharing its international boundaries with Bhutan in the west , China in the North and Myanmar in the East. It also shares border with state of Assam and Nagaland in the southern and south eastern area. Total forest cover is about 82% and the state has numerous turbulent streams , fast flowing rivers , deep gorges , lofty mountains , snow clad peaks and rich biodiversity.

Total generating capacity of the state was only 32 MW hydro and 28.63 MW diesel till now, which has increased substantially with the completion of 405 MW Ranganadi hydropower project. 600MW Kameng hydro power project is under construction and these projects will provide electricity not only to the Arunachal Pradesh and other states in the north eastern region but also to the power starved regions of the country.

The per capita consumption of Arunachal Pradesh is below 100 Kwh as compared to the national average of 373Kwh. The state plans to harness its enormous potential from natural resources like forests and hydro power and exploit its mineral wealth to usher in the era of economic development and raise the capita electricity consumption to the 500 Kwh.Natural and Power resources of Arunachal Pradesh

Power Installations In 2016-17

In June 2016, the state accounted for an installed capacity of power generation of 55.41 MW from thermal power plants out of which 43.06 MW is contributed by gas power plants and 12.35 MW from coal power plants.

For the installation of 40,000 MW grid connected solar rooftop system in the country by 2022, the target allocated for the state is 50 MW.

Use of  Conventional resources and its issues

Conventional resources of energy are rapidly depleting and there is no formation of conventional sources of energies in near future. So there is need to divert our attention to renewable energy resources. The main concern over the rapid consumption of Fossil Fuels is they are depleting at fast pace. And there should be use of renewable resources to meet the growing demands of utilization of  non-renewable products

In order  to preserve the energy resources through proper utilization, the power developers have to create awareness among the people about the use of renewable resources as non-renewable resources declining at a rapid rate due to increasing demands of its use in global market of energy conservation and make it a culture in the long run to be a efficient state. The power is the most important contributing factor of a developed state so to be efficient there should be exploration of  all possible avenues to produce power.

Prospects  on involvement of private sector in Hydro-Power generation is very benefitting. There is need for energy conservation and its efficiency. There is need to look for  Power renewable energy, power trading, T&D loss reduction and technologies  and equipments for effective energy generation.

The reserves of coal, oil and natural gas are limited and they do not regenerate. Hence such energies could be used only as long as they last and their emissions cannot be absorbed by nature. Consequently, none of these energy sources can satisfy both sustainability criteria. Therefore, the sustainability criteria are best satisfied by solar, wind, wave and most hydro-power options. The state will produce adequate energy in all ways and means that is safe and good for the state and its population.

Renewable energy in the state

The government has launched the programme for promoting power generation from renewable sources since the last 25 years. In India, the cumulative power generation from these sources is only around 11,272.13 MW and in State , Power generation from renewable resources is very less. Small hydro-power projects generating up to 25 MW power are also categorized as power renewable sources of energy.

However there are socio socio-economic problems associated with small hydro projects at place where it has caused hydro-projects blockade or diversion in downstream water affecting farming operations and causing drinking water availability problems in villages. India is also lagging behind in power generation from biomass, bagasse and waste despite its high potential.

Technology improvement for Renewable Energy

Technological improvements, better quality control, standardization and increased number of suppliers/ manufacturers/vendors in technologies such as wind manufacturers/vendors turbines, biomass cogeneration and hydro power, biomass gasification, small and micro micro-hydro, bio-diesel and solar photovoltaic are also aiding the growth of renewable energy.

Efficiency in energy utilization needs to be a continuous activity as there is huge continuous un productive energy utilization has seen. The world is moving towards a sustainable energy future with an emphasis on energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources.

The North East has abundant renewable energy resources but their utilization has not been adequate. Apart from small hydel power projects, biomass holds a lot of scope in the region. Effective utilization of renewable energy could be of immense benefit in electrification of remote villages. The 11th Plan targeted utilization of renewable energy to the tune of 3,500 MW with a capacity addition of another 3,200MW. The private sector participation is very much encouraging in this regard. Continued growth of Indian economy will depend on large scale investments in its large-scale energy sector.

Central and State Governments should also address these issues for faster implementation of projects. Further, any development in the generation and objects transmission / sub-transmission infrastructure can only be sustained through transmission .Continuous cash-flow from end consumers, adequate focus needs to be on  strengthening of the distribution sector through administrative and management sector reforms. the Central Government sponsored schemes such as the R-APDRP, and development of the human resources through appropriately designed training and development programs.

The state is sparsely populated and the wide dispersion in population makes the centralized generation and long T&D network a costly option. This explains the presence of distributed generation, having installed capacities of several KW only which cater for the local areas. The Arunachal Pradesh Electricity Department, a vertically integrated entity, is vertically-integrated responsible for generation, transmission and distribution of power in the State.

Although the state has a huge hydro potential to the order of 55,000 MW, it is mostly unexplored .The State’s own installed capacity is only 61 MW and is primarily dependent on primarily purchase of power from CPSUs (share of 119 MW). Peak demand of the state stood at130 MW in 2008-09 and peak demand and energy deficit stand at 39.2% and 36.4% respectively which are way above the national average figures.

The best way of contributing to the nation is to tap the hydro potentials in Arunachal Pradesh, which can meet the nation’s one one-third power requirements. Of the projected 60,000 MW of power potentials in the State, only 4 5% has so far been exploited. 4-5%Highlighting the vast potentials for renewable energy in North Eastern states

The dams are constructed using best of scientific technologies to maximize power production and minimize the hypothetical negative impact.

Mega Power Policy and Small Hydro Power Policy

The Government of Arunachal Pradesh has formulated Mega Power Policy and Small Hydropower Policy for project under 25 MW under Build, Own, and Operate and Transfer (BOOT) model. Projects are classified according to their size and the project identification, allocation and various statutory clearances are detailed in the policy. various. The private sector companies will have the option to execute hydro projects on Build, Own, Operate (BOO) or Build, Own, Transfer (BOT). The land required for construction of the project shall be acquired and leased to the developer against payment of land.

Objective is to formulate effective policy, proper technology delivery and besides capacity building for realizing the potential of the renewable energy sector.

The State has got abundant renewable energy resources and made a strong pitch for improving power generating capacities. Power-generating through improved technologies so as to meet the future power requirements of the country. Around 15 per cent of energy is being lost in distribution and transmission system, besides the unauthorized tapping of power

Solar Energy

India has abundant solar insolation and state is also have potential for solar energy. There is also need to emphasized on tapping the solar energy to meet the electricity needs of people of border areas in the state.

Focus is on tapping the resources for renewable energy and eradicate hurdles in tapping them. There is need to provide solar power in border areas of the state as it has vast potentials for renewable energy in North Eastern states.

Bio diversity in the state

There is need to conserve power and bio diversity as well. Bio-diversity in Arunachal Pradesh with 82per cent forest cover will put all efforts in saving its natural bio- biodiversity and at the same time will march forward with other states in terms of development by becoming energy efficient.

To protect the bio diversity, the government will soon  eliminate the jhum cultivation and introduce tea and rubber cultivation. It will help in maintaining the economic balance and conserve bio diversity.

Efforts are being done in saving its natural bio diversity and at the same time co operate with other states in conserving bio diversity. Efforts are also done in terms of development by becoming energy efficient by producing adequate energy in all ways and means that is safe and good for the state and its population.

Wind Energy

Emphasizing the need of enhancing renewable energy  wind power could be transform into effective energy in the state. India now ranks as a “wind superpower” with an installed wind power capacity of 1167 MW and about 5 billion units of electricity have been fed to the national grid so far.

In the state, around 15 per cent of energy has been lost while distributing power in various states. State has been focusing on minute details on the energy efficiency and conservation and renewable energy.

Biogas based Power Generation Programme (BPGP)

Biogas based power units can be a reliable decentralized power generation option in the country. In order to promote this route of power generation, specifically in the small capacity range (3 kW to 250 kW), based on the availability of large quantity of animal wastes and wastes from forestry, rural based industries (agro/food processing), kitchen wastes, etc; a number of projects of different capacities and applications will be taken up for refining the technical know-how, developing manpower and necessary infrastructure, establishing a proper arrangement of operation & maintenance and large scale dissemination. Various small bio gas power generations has been installed in the state.

Effective Policy for future generations

Sustainable energy is the provision of energy that meets the needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Technologies that promote sustainable energy include renewable energy sources, such as energy from hydroelectricity, solar energy, wind energy, wave power, bio gas,  tidal power and also technologies ,designed to improve energy efficiency needs to be enhanced. The reserves of coal, oil and reserves natural gas are limited and they do not regenerate. Hence, such energies could be used only as long as they last and their emissions cannot be absorbed by nature. Consequently, none of the energy sources can satisfy both sustainability criteria. Therefore, the sustainability criteria are best satisfied by solar, wind, wave and most hydropower options.

Other options help to meet the sustainability goals were energy savings and increase energy efficiency.


Impacts of Globalisation:-

Definition of Globalization :- Its a process(not an outcome) characterized by increasing global Interconnections by gradual removal of barriers to trade and investment between nation and higher economic efficiency through competitiveness.

Various economic, political, social and cultural effects of globalization are as follows:-

  • Breaking down of national economic barriers
  • International spread of Trade, Financial and productive activities
  • Growing power of transnational cooperation and International financial Institutions(WTO, IMF)Through the process of:-

1- Liberalization- relaxation of restrictions, reduction in role of state in economic activities,decline in role of govt in key industries, social and infrastructural sector.

2- Privatization- Public offering of shares and private sale of shares, entry of private sector in public sector and sale of govt enterprises.

3- FDI

4- International regulatory bodies(WTO,IMF)

5- MNC’s

6- Infrastructural development

7- Expansion of information and communication technology and birth of information age.

8- Outsourcing of services- ie BPO and Call Centres.

9- Trade related intellectual property rights(TRIPS)- product based patent rather than process based.

Social effects:-
  • Withdrawal of National govt from social sectors ie declining share of govt in public spending, reducing social benefits for worker(social dumping,pension cuts,subsidies reduction)
  • Labor  reforms and deteriorating Labor welfare:-
    • Labour Market deregulation:-
      • Minimum wage fixing
      • Employment security
      • Modifying tax regulation
      • Relaxed standards of security
    • Increased Mechanization demands skilled labour and thus loss of job for unskilled labour
    • Loss of jobs for traditional workers for example bihar silk workers due to imported Chinese- Korean silk
  • Feminism of Labour ie increased women participation specially in soft industries
  • Trickle down theory of poverty reduction has limited success and in agricultural nations poverty has infect increased.
  • Unsustainable development practices such as:- excessive use of fertilizers, irrigation, fish trawling by mnc’s(Protein flight ),Exploitation of natural resources by MNC’s.
  • Migration and urbanization have lead to problem of slums
  • Commercialization of indigenous knowledge:- patenting
  • Rising inequality in wealth concentration


  • Increased pace of cultural penetration
  • Globalization of culture
  • Development of hybrid culture
  • Resurgence of cultural nationalism ie shivsena opposing valentine day


  • Globalization of National Policies- Influenced by International agencies
  • Reducing economic role of govt
  • Political lobbying


Positive effects of Globalization
  • Increased competition
  • Employment generation
  • Investment and capital flow
  • Foreign trade
  • Spread of technical know how
  • Spread of education
  • Legal and ethical effects
  • Improved status of women in the society
  • Urbanization
  • Agriculture:- greater efficiency,productivity, use of HYV seeds, Future contracts and cooperative farming
  • Higher standard of living