Fundamental Rights and Duties

The Indian constitution originally provided 7 categories of fundamental rights. But one fundamental right, that to property was removed from the list of fundamental rights by 44th amendment. Right to property now is an ordinary legal right. Thus there are now 6 categories of fundamental rights. These are:

 (1) Right to equality (Arts. 14-18).

In this category there are five rights

  • Equality Before Law:- Equality before law is well defined under the Article 14 of the Constitution which ensures that every citizen shall be likewise protected by the laws of the country. It means that the State will not distinguish any of the Indian citizens on the basis of their gender, caste, creed, religion or even the place of birth. The state cannot refuse equality before the law and equal defense of the law to any person within the territory of India. In other words, this means that no person or groups of people can demand for any special privileges. This right not only applies to the citizens of India but also to all the people within the territory of India. Equality means that equals should be treated equally.
  • Abolition Of Discrimination On Grounds Of Caste, Race, Sex Or Religion:- The right of Social Equality and Equal Access to Public Areas is clearly mentioned under the Article 15 of the Constitution of India stating that no person shall be shown favoritism on the basis of color, caste, creed language, etc. Every person shall have equal admittance to public places like public wells, bathing ghats, museums, temples etc. However, the State has the right to make any special arrangement for women and children or for the development of any socially or educationally backward class or scheduled castes or scheduled tribes. This article applies only to citizens of India.
  • Equality in public employment, Article 16 of the Constitution of India clearly mentions that the State shall treat everyone equally in the matters of employment. No citizen shall be discriminated on the basis of race, caste, religion, creed, descent or place of birth in respect of any employment or office under the State. Every citizen of India can apply for government jobs. However, there are some exceptions to this right. The Parliament may pass a law mentioning that specific jobs can only be filled by candidates who are residing in a particular area. This requirement is mainly for those posts that necessitate the knowledge of the locality and language of the area. Apart from this, the State may also set aside some posts for members of backward classes, scheduled castes or scheduled tribes which are not properly represented in the services under the State to uplift the weaker sections of the society. Also, a law may be passed which may entail that the holder of an office of any religious institution shall also be a person professing that specific religion. Though, this right shall not be granted to the overseas citizens of India as directed by the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2003.
  • Abolition of untouchability, Article 17 of the Constitution of India abolishes the practice of untouchability in India. Practice of untouchability is declared as a crime and anyone doing so is punishable by law. The Untouchability Offences Act of 1955 (and now Protection of Civil Rights Act in 1976) states punishments for not allowing a person to enter a place of worship or from taking water from a well or tank.
  • Abolition of titles. Article 18 of the Constitution of India prohibits the State from granting any titles. Citizens of India are not allowed to accept titles from a foreign State. Titles like Rai Bahadurs and Khan Bahadurs given by the British government have also been abolished. Nevertheless, academic and military distinctions can be conferred upon the citizens of India. The awards of ‘Bharat Ratna’ and ‘Padma Vibhushan’ cannot be used by the beneficiary as a title and is not prohibited by the Constitution of India. From 15 December 1995, the Supreme Court has sustained the validity of such awards

 (2) Rights to freedom.

(Arts. 19-22) these now include six freedoms-

  • Freedoms of speech and expression,
  • Freedom of assembly without arms of association,
  • Freedom of movement,
  • Freedom of residence and
  • Freedom of profession oroccupation.

Each one of these six freedoms is subject to some restrictions. For rights can never be absolute. Individual rights must be reconciled with the interests of the community. It is logical that equal rights for all must mean limited rights for any. Hence, the state may impose ‘reasonable restrictions’ upon the exercise of any of these rights.


Firstly, the state may impose restrictions on the exercise of the right to freedom of speech and expression on eight grounds. These are:

  1. defamation,
  2. contempt of court,
  3. decency or morality,
  4. security of the state,
  5. friendly relations with other states,
  6. incitement of offence and,
  7. sovereignty and
  8. integrity of India.

Secondly, the freedom to assemble is subject to two restrictions. The assembly must be peaceable and the members of assembly must not bear arms. However the Sikhs are allowed to carry ‘Kirpan’ as part of their religious creed. In the U.S.A. right to bear arms is fundamental right. In India, this right is denied in the interest of public order.

Thirdly, the right to form associations or unions does not entitle persons to enter into criminal conspiracy either against individuals, groups or against the state.

Fourthly, the right to move freely or to reside and settle in any part of India, does not cover trespass into homes or restricted areas. State also may restrict this freedom to protect the aboriginal tribes.

Finally, the right to practice any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade or business are also subject to reasonable restrictions. Thus professions or, trade or, business must not be harmful to the interest of the community. The state may also prescribe qualifications for particular profession or, technical occupation. The state may itself carry on trade or business to the exclusion of citizens.

Power of Courts to enforce freedom of citizens of India

Every Indian citizen has the power to move the High Court or the Supreme Court for protecting and securing his personal freedom. The Courts are empowered to issue writs in the nature of habeas corpus. The courts can order the presence of detained or imprisoned person and set him free in case there is no legal justification for his detainment or imprisonment.

Rights to Freedom during National Emergency

The rights to freedom under Article 19 of Indian constitution are suspended during the period of National Emergency declared by the President of India.

Further, during the period when the National emergency is in operation, the President is empowered to suspend the right of citizens to move the Supreme Court for the enforcement of their personal freedom.


Each one of the fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the constitution of India is hedged by many restrictions. They are not absolute. This led to the criticism that Indian freedom is a myth and not reality for what has been given with one hand has been taken away with the other.

This criticism is unfair. For fundamental rights can nowhere be absolute. For logically, one can be absolutely free only when all others are absolute, slaves Individual freedom to be real must be social and hence must be limited.

There is a difference in the scheme of limitations on fundamental rights in the U.S. constitution and in the constitution of India. In the U.S.A. the restrictions are not mentioned in the constitution itself. This is left to judicial interpretations. In India on the other hand, the restrictions are mentioned in the constitution itself. It is not left to the vagaries of judicial interpretation.

On the whole fundamental rights everywhere are restricted or, limited. As Mr. Justice Mukherji observed in A. K. Gopalan vs. State of Madras case” There cannot be any such thing as absolute or uncontrolled liberty wholly freed from restraints.”

These freedoms are however not without limitations.

(3) Rights against exploitation (Arts. 24 and 25)

Include prohibition of traffic in human beings and prohibition of child labour.

(4)  Rights to freedom of religion (Arts. 25-28)

Include  freedom of conscience and freedom of religion. Citizens are free to profess and practice any religion. These provisions make India a secular state.

 (5) Cultural and Educational rights (Arts. 29-30)

Include right to protection of language, script and culture given to the minorities. The minorities are also given the right to establish and administer educational institutions of their own.

(6)   Right to constitutional remedies (Arts. 32-35)

Provides for enforcement of fundamental rights through the judicial process.Dr BR Ambedkar  expressed it to be the heart and soal of Indian constitution.

Thus the constitution contains an elaborate scheme of fundamental rights. But the fundamental rights in India are not absolute. They are hedged by many limitations. Indeed, fundamental rights cannot be absolute anywhere in the world. Countries differ only in their degree of limitations on fundamental rights.

Part IV-A was added by the 42nd Amendment Act, 1976. It encompasses Part IV, Article 51A enu­merating Ten Fundamental Duties of the Citizens of India.

There is no provision in the Constitution for direct enforcement of any of these Duties nor for any sanction to prevent their violation.But it may be expected that in determining the Consti­tutionality of any law, if a Court finds that it seeks to give effect to any of these duties, it may consider such law to ‘be reasonable’ in relation to Article 14 or 19, and thus save such law from unconstitutionality.

Arunachal Industrial Policy

Arunachal Industrial Policy


The Industrial Policy, 2008 of Arunachal Pradesh is formulated to achieve the following objectives:

  • To create an investment-friendly environment in the State for industrial growth in the private/ joint venture / cooperative sectors for sustainable economic development of Arunachal Pradesh.
  • To generate employment opportunities in the State.
  • To make Arunachal Pradesh a preferred destination for outside investors.
  • To encourage local entrepreneurs to set up enterprises based on locally available raw materials.
  • To promote export oriented industrial units.
  • To take steps to promote hand loom and handicrafts.
  • To promote local investors through joint ventures with outside investors.
  • To encourage industrial units producing high value – low volume products.
  • To ensure fast track clearance of industrial proposals.Arunachal Industrial Policy

Focus Industries

Focus Industries will be

  • Industries based on agricultural, horticultural and plantation produce.
  • Industries based on non-timber forest produce: bamboo, cane (rattan), medicinal plants / herbs, aromatic grass, tea, coffee etc.
  • Industries based on locally available raw materials except timber.
  • Textiles (handlooms and power looms), Handicrafts and Sericulture
  • Electronics and IT based Enterprises.
  • Mineral Based Industries ( eg. Ferro-alloys, Cement Plant etc.).
  • Facilitation and Development of Industrial Infrastructure including Power, Communications etc. under Public Private Partnership (PPP).
  • Food Processing Industries.
  • Engineering and Allied Industries (Rolling Mill, Steel etc.).
  • Tourism (tourism infrastructure including resorts, hotels, restaurants etc.).

Main Features of Arunachal Industrial Policy

  • The State Government shall make special efforts to create proper infrastructure by promoting establishment of Industrial Estates, Industrial Growth Centres, Integrated Infrastructure Development Centres, Small Industries Cluster Development, Export Promotion Industrial Parks, Export Promotion Zones, Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Food Parks; strengthening of existing Industrial Estates, Border Trade Centres, Industrial Cluster Development etc,.
  • Entrepreneur(s)/ a group of entrepreneurs/ consortium of industries will be allowed cent percent equity holding / ownership of their industrial unit(s)/enterprises for a period of 50 years.
  • Entrepreneurs/ Investors shall be allowed to hold the land on lease for a period of 50 years on a predetermined lease rent. The consideration for lease of land may be in the form of annual or lump sum payments or equity participation.
  • State Government shall provide 99% Sales Tax (VAT) / Entry Tax exemption to eligible industrial units on import of actual raw materials, machineries and equipments into Arunachal Pradesh as also on sale of finished goods in the State for a period of 7 years from the date of commencement of commercial production.
  • At present, trading licenses are issued only to indigenous local traders. The present policy will continue to hold good for small scale industries/enterprises. However, under this policy the trading license will be issued to all entrepreneurs including outside investors for the industries/ enterprises which involve investments of minimum Rs 5.00 Crore in plant and machineries, whereas in case of service sector the minimum investment on equipments should not be less than Rs.2.00 Crore to qualify for obtaining trading license.
  • State Government Departments and other state Government controlled bodies and organizations, while making purchases will give price preference to the products manufactured by registered Micro and Small Enterprises
  • The Department of Industries shall be the Nodal Department for quality control of all industrial products in the state and for the products notified by the union government from time to time.
  • Special incentives will be provided to eligible Food Processing Units as additional State Capital Investment Subsidy @ 20 % subject to a ceiling of Rs.25.00 lakhs.
  • The financial institutions’ under the control of the State Government will be revamped and the District Industries Centers and financial institutions will work in tandem to ensure smooth flow of credit to new projects, existing industrial units for modernisation/ expansion/ diversification, village industries and rural artisans.
  • A State Level Industrial Empowered Committee headed by the Chief Secretary will be constituted, which will comprise the Commissioners/ Secretaries of the concerned administrative department and representatives from banking and financial institutions as members for smooth passage of various clearances through a Single Window Clearance System.


Budgets of Arunachal Pradesh

Main Features of budgets of Arunachal Pradesh

Constitutional Provision of Budget of State

As per Article 202 of the Constitution of India the Governor of a State shall, cause to be laid before the House or Houses of the Legislature of the State a Statement of the estimated receipts and expenditure of the State for a financial year. This estimated statement of receipt and expenditure for a financial year named in the Constitution as the “Annual Financial Statement” is commonly known as “Budget”

A-202 Annual Financial Statement                                                                              

  1. The Governor shall in respect of every financial year cause to be laid before the House or Houses of the Legislature of the State a statement of the estimated receipts and expenditure of the State for that year, in this Part referred to as the “annual financial statement”.
  2. The estimates of expenditure embodied in the annual financial statement shall show separately—
    1. the sums required to meet expenditure described by this Constitution as expenditure charged upon the Consolidated Fund of the State; and
    2. the sums required to meet other expenditure proposed to be made from the Consolidated Fund of the State; and shall distinguish expenditure on revenue account from other expenditure.
  3. The following expenditure shall be expenditure charged on the Consolidated Fund of each State—
  4. the emoluments and allowances of the Governor and other expenditure relating to his office;
  5. the salaries and allowances of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly and, in the case of a State having a Legislative Council, also of the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Council;
  6. debt charges for which the State is liable including interest, sinking fund charges and redemption charges, and other expenditure relating to the raising of loans and the service and redemption of debt;Budgets of Arunachal Pradesh
  7. expenditure in respect of the salaries and allowances of Judges of any High Court;
  8. any sums required to satisfy any judgment, decree or award of any court or arbitral tribunal;
  9. any other expenditure declared by this Constitution, or by the Legislature of the State by law, to be so charged.

A- 203 Procedure in Legislature with respect to estimates

  • So much of the estimates as relates to expenditure charged upon the Consolidated Fund of a State shall not be submitted to the vote of the Legislative Assembly, but nothing in this clause shall be construed as preventing the discussion in the Legislature of any of those estimates.
  • So much of the said estimates as relates to other expenditure shall be submitted in the form of demands for grants to the Legislative Assembly, and the Legislative Assembly shall have power to assent, or to refuse to assent, to any demand, or to assent to any demand subject to a reduction of the amount specified therein
  • No demand for a grant shall be made except on the recommendation of the Governor.

A- 204 Appropriation Bills

(1) As soon as may be after the grants under article 203 have been made by the Assembly, there shall be introduced a Bill to provide for the appropriation out of the Consolidated Fund of the State of all moneys required to meet—

  1. the grants so made by the Assembly; and
  2. the expenditure charged on the Consolidated Fund of the State but not exceeding in any case the amount shown in the statement previously laid before the House or Houses.

(2) No amendment shall be proposed to any such Bill in the House or either House of the Legislature of the State which will have the effect of varying the amount or altering the destination of any grant so made or of varying the amount of any expenditure charged on the Consolidated Fund of the State, and the decision of the person presiding as to whether an amendment is inadmissible under this clause shall be final.

(3) Subject to the provisions of articles 205 and 206, no money shall be withdrawn from the Consolidated Fund of the State except under appropriation made by law passed in accordance with the provisions of this article.

A- 205            Supplementary, additional or excess grants

  1. The Governor shall—
  1. if the amount authorised by any law made in accordance with the provisions of article 204 to be expended for a particular service for the current financial year is found to be insufficient for the purposes of that year or when a need has arisen during the current financial year for supplementary or additional expenditure upon some new service not contemplated in the annual financial statement for that year, or
  2. if any money has been spent on any service during a financial year in excess of the amount granted for that service and for that year,cause to be laid before the House or the Houses of the Legislature of the State another statement showing the estimated amount of that expenditure or cause to be presented to the Legislative Assembly of the State a demand for such excess, as the case may be.
    1. The provisions of articles 202, 203 and 204 shall have effect in relation to any such statement and expenditure or demand and also to any law to be made authorising the appropriation of moneys out of the Consolidated Fund of the State to meet such expenditure or the grant in respect of such demand as they have effect in relation to the annual financial statement and the expenditure mentioned therein or to a demand for a grant and the law to be made for the authorisation of appropriation of moneys out of the Consolidated Fund of the State to meet such expenditure or grant.

A- 206 Votes on account, votes of credit and exceptional grants

  1. Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing provisions of this Chapter, the Legislative Assembly of a State shall have power—
  1. To make any grant in advance in respect of the estimated expenditure for a part of any financial year pending the completion of the procedure prescribed in article 203 for the voting of such grant and the passing of the law in accordance with the provisions of article 204 in relation to that expenditure;
  2. To make a grant for meeting an unexpected demand upon the resources of the State when on account of the magnitude or the indefinite character of the service the demand cannot be stated with the details ordinarily given in an annual financial statement;
  3. To make an exceptional grant which forms no part of the current service of any financial year; and the Legislature of the State shall have power to authorise by law the withdrawal of moneys from the Consolidated Fund of the State for the purposes for which the said grants are made.
  4. The provisions of articles 203 and 204 shall have effect in relation to the making of any grant under clause (1) and to any law to be made under that clause as they have effect in relation to the making of a grant with regard to any expenditure mentioned in the annual financial statement and the law to be made for the authorisation of appropriation of moneys out of the Consolidated Fund of the State to meet such expenditure.

Arunachal Pradesh State Budget of Arunachal Pradesh

  • The Gross state domestic product is estimated to be Rs 21,414 crores in 2016-17, growing from a level of Rs 11062.69 crores five years ago.
  • There is a slow but perceptible shift of economic activity from the primary sector to the tertiary sector in the last few years. Nonetheless, the primary sector contributed to 38.21% of GSDP at constant prices, while the tertiary sector contributed to 40.28% of GSDP.
  • The Share of Central taxes grew from actual receipt of Rs 7075.58 crores in 2015-16 to Rs 8388.30 crores in revised estimates of 2016-17.
  • The state’s own tax revenue in the revised estimates of 2016-17 was Rs 650.63 crores as against actual receipt of Rs 535.07 crores in 2015-16, growing at 21.59%. Nearly 94% of the tax revenue was collected by the Tax and excise department.
  • The non-tax revenue receipt in the revised estimates of 2016-17 is estimated at Rs 506.79 crores as against an actual collection of Rs 392.12 crores in 2015-16, showing a growth of 29.2%.
  • The fiscal deficit targets laid out in the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act 2006 and state had a fiscal deficit of 0.4% of GSDP in revised estimates of 2016-17, which is well within the 3% obligation as per the FRBM Act. For the next financial year, the fiscal deficit target of the state is 2.83% of GSDP.
  • The outstanding borrowing and debt liability of the state was pegged at 22.26% of GSDP in 2015-16 which is estimated to be 21.94% of GSDP in the revised estimates of 2016-17, which is well below the prescribed norm of 25%.
  • The underpinning philosophy of the budget draws upon the following 15 broad themes in Arunachal Pradesh:
  1. Enhance transparency through governance reforms.
  2. Empower the youth and squarely address the twin challenge of deficit in skills and jobs
  3. Transformation of rural farm economy
  4. Unlock the latent potential of land
  5. Introducing policy measures which stimulates entrepreneurship
  6. Public investments to have a balanced regional spread
  7. Overhaul the educational system in the state
  8. Create an effective and affordable health services delivery model
  9. Create a social security net for the elderly , widows and the disabled
  10. Take measures for women empowerment
  11. Bridge the infrastructure deficit.
  12. Revitalize the hydro power sector and tourism
  13. Augment the internal resource generation capacity.
  14. Effective Law and Order management
  15. Follow a Sustainable growth path in harmony with environment

Major Points

Governance Reforms

  • The Budget Estimates of 2017-18 has done away with the distinction of Plan and Non Plan and classifies the receipts and expenditure only in Capital and Revenue heads
  • To harmonize the functioning of the Planning and Finance department into an integrated Department of Finance and Investments headed by the Development Commissioner, with three different wings: Investment and Planning division, Budget division and Economic Affairs division. This will help in developing a holistic perspective of planning, resource mobilization and expenditure.
  • The Centrally sponsored schemes will be implemented on the Public Financial Management System platform. The Finance department will make online transfers of money to the current accounts of concerned department opened for each Centrally Sponsored Scheme expeditiously and the departments in turn will transfer money directly to the bank accounts of beneficiaries for beneficiary oriented schemes. This will be a path breaking reform in streamlining the manner in which CSS schemes are currently administered and usher in greater simplicity in transactions as well as transparency.
  • The trinity of JAM – Jandhan, Aadhar and Mobile will be used for delivery of citizen services and moving towards a cashless and paperless economy–over 13 lakh bank accounts in Arunachal Pradesh of which nearly 2.2 lakh are Prime Minister Jandhan Yojana accounts. Nearly 1.4 lakh bank accounts are seeded with Aadhar
  • E Office will be made fully functional within this financial year for all departments in the Secretariat and steps will be initiated for ushering in the E office platform in the districts and the Directorates.
  • A computerized human resource management system will be introduced for all government employees which will integrate details of salaries, deductions, loans, increments etc.
  • Computerization of treasuries will be completed this year and an integrated on line Budget and expenditure management system will be rolled out which will streamline the functioning of the finance department.
  • A Chief Ministers dashboard will be created on an electronic platform which will track progress of key projects, including budget announcements, across the state through a regular video conferencing interface with all Deputy Commissioners
  • Stipends of students, scholarships, old age pensions, salaries of teachers of SSA, RUSA and RMSA will be paid on a direct benefit transfer mode directly into their bank accounts.

Employment and Skills of Budgets of Arunachal Pradesh

  • To establish a Skill University in Arunachal Pradesh on a PPP framework.
  • Aim to train 9000 youth in the coming financial year under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana with minimum 70% employment guarantee and an outlay of Rs 24 crores. Four ITI’s will be made operational next year: at Sagalee, Ziro, Kanubari and Pangin. One model ITI will be established at Yupia with an outlay of Rs 2.5 crores.
  • Chief Minister’s Bunkar Yojana
  • Chief Minister’s Swalamban Yojana. A back ended 30% Capital investment subsidy will be provided for small and medium enterprises on loans ranging from Rs 10 lakh to Rs 1 crores excluding land and building.

Agriculture and allied Sectors of Budgets of Arunachal Pradesh

  • To achieve self-sufficiency in food grains: Rice, other coarse cereals and Pulses production by 2020 and total Rice sufficiency by 2023 from the present day deficit levels of 27%
  • To promote organic Agriculture movement by producing organic plant nutrients and other inputs to reduce external dependence.
  • To establish Four Tea & Rubber nurseries -Rubber Nurseries at Govt. Farm Kherem and Sonajuli and Tea nurseries at Govt. Farm Bolung and Jumlo to be under technical supervision of Agriculture Dept. A sum of Rs.10.00 cr is earmarked for this purpose during 2017-18.
  • An allocation of Rs 3 crores is being made under the Chief Minister’s Krishi Rinn Yojana.
  • A state level Agriculture Information Hub cum Farmers’ Hostel will be established at Naharlagun to serve as the node for knowledge and resource sharing for agriculture and allied sectors.This will become the central resource pool with information for farmers in both audio-visual as well as electronic mode. It will be equipped with state of the art agri-information devices for the farming community and also provide accommodation for farmers and Extension workers. An initial allocation of Rs 5 crores is being proposed for this purpose during 2017-18.
  • Establishment of State Horticulture Research and Development Institute (SHRDI) under Department of Horticulture at Itanagar in the year 2014 to provide sustained technical support for our farmers.
  • To give one time Corpus Fund of Rs. 5 crores to State Horticulture Research and Development Institute which will be utilized by the institute for core activities including revenue generating activities that aims at ultimately becoming self-sustaining in future.
  • To create new nurseries across different agro-climatic zones of the State. Four new nurseries including one for High Altitude Medicinal Plants will be established at Ziro, Lower Subansiri for temperate crops, Basar, West Siang for Sub-tropical crops and Namsai for tropical crops and at Tawang for medicinal plants. All four new nurseries will be managed by the SHRDI.
  • An initial outlay of Rs 5 crores is being proposed for the Chief Minister’s white revolution program to establish an integrated dairy development project in Lohit district

Unlocking the potential of Land

  • A land pooling policy will be notified which will make landowners partners in progress in key infrastructure and industrial development projects, while reducing the burden of land acquisition cost for the state

Industry and Private Investments of Budgets of Arunachal Pradesh

  • To roll out a new Industrial policy 2017
  • To develop Industrial estates in the foothill districts
  • To develop one food park at Tippi which will have common infrastructure facilities for investors including packaging, storage and processing

Balanced Regional Development of Budgets of Arunachal Pradesh

  • To develop Pasighat, Tezu and Bomdila as regional growth centres, which would have all facilities at the regional level for education, healthcare, employment generation, skilling and serve as economic growth hubs
  • To keep a provision of Rs 50 crores in the budget for socio economic development in the districts of Tirap, Changlang and Longding under DOTCL
  • To establish Chief Minister’s District Innovation and Challenge Fund, with a corpus of Rs 100 crores

Rural Transformation of Budgets of Arunachal Pradesh

  • The Rural Development department will be implementing the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act in rural areas of Arunachal Pradesh with a proposed outlay of Rs 270 crores
  • Under the RURBAN Mission, Tuting is being developed as a rural cluster through which rural areas would be provided with urban amenities. Nafra cluster will be taken up for implementation in the next financial year and an outlay of Rs 5 crores has been proposed for this scheme.
  • Rural road construction works are being undertaken across the state under Pradhan Mantri Gramin Sadak Yojana. This year, 16 roads have been taken up to cover 35 habitations, covering a length of 236 km. For the financial year 2017-18, we have set an ambitious target of covering 1000 km of rural roads and an outlay of Rs 450 crores has been proposed for this purpose


  • A sum of 30 crores is being earmarked for Chief Minister’s Adhunik Shiksha Yojana to cover nearly 1500 classrooms under this program.
  • To allocate a sum of Rs 2 crores for completion of works of VKV Longding and a sum of Rs 10 crores for starting classes at VKV Mukto on a PPP basis
  • To establish an Education Hub at Tezu


  • To make an allocation of Rs. 15 crores for procurement and installation of CT scan machines at Naharlagun and Pasighat
  • To allocate a sum of Rs. 10 crores for modernization of existing drug deaddiction centres at Pasighat, Tezu, Namsai, Changlang, Papum Pare, including for purchase of required medicines and equipment. A new drug deaddiction centre will be established at Khonsa.
  • The infrastructure and equipment of 5 zonal general hospitals will be upgraded at Bomdila, Tezu, Ziro, Aalo and Khonsa for which a provision of Rs. 25 crores is proposed.

Social security

  • To make an allocation of Rs. 60 crores under the Chief Minister’s Social security scheme and the benefit will be transferred to the beneficiary directly under the Direct Benefit transfer scheme.
  • To increase the honorarium of anganwadi workers to Rs. 4500 per month and for anganwadi helpers to Rs. 3000 per month to provide them adequate incentive for work
  • Under the integrated child protection scheme, six new juvenile homes are proposed to be constructed at Aalo, Bomdila, Changlang, Tezu, Roing, Yupia and an allocation of Rs. 6 crores is proposed

Infrastructure of Budgets of Arunachal Pradesh

  • A total length of the 2570.82 Km of National Highways/ State Road is being implemented under the Highway Programme of the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Government of India, of which our own PWD is executing 16 packages with a road length of 419.88 km, Ministry of Road transport and highway is executing 3 projects with a road length of 710.95 km, BRO is executing 22 packages with a road length of 717.78 km, NHIDCL is executing 25 packages with a road length of 722 km

Forest and environment

  • Arunachal Pradesh is one of the most richly endowed biodiversity zones of India. The rich forest cover, flora, fauna and wildlife are unique in the national context. Even as the state marches on the path of development, we must preserve, protect and nurture this habitat.
  • The Forest department undertakes programs under Project Elephant, Project tiger and Wildlife Habitat program at Pakke tiger reserve, D Ering wildlife sanctuary and Namdapha wild life sanctuary. A sum of Rs. 8.7 crores is being proposed for allocation for these programs.
  • U nder the National Forest Mission and Bamboo Mission, an allocation of Rs. 3.2 crores is being proposed.

Government servants

  • To introduce a Chief Minister’s Employee Housing Scheme under which employees can avail bank loan of upto Rs. 30 lakhs and will get an interest subsidy of 4% from government. This will entail a net interest rate of 4.5% and a doubling of housing loan entitlement



Law and Rule related Administration

Law and Rule related Administration


Administrative Law

Administrative law is the body of law created by the agencies and departments of the government, which carry out the laws passed by Center or a state legislature. When Center passes a law on a complicated issue, Center  often needs help determining all of the details of how the law will be enforced and implemented. Administrative agencies and government departments fill in those gaps for Congress and pass additional rules and regulations to achieve Center’s goals.

Administrative laws are laws pertaining to administrative agencies. These laws govern the formation and operation of administrative agencies.

Administrative law is also sometimes called regulatory law. This is a broad area of the law. It covers many different types of issues, legal procedures, and regulations. Administrative law is a type of public law.


People often deal with administrative agencies and administrative law when they apply for government benefits. For example, Center has passed laws that allow disabled individuals to receive government assistance. The Social Security Administration (SSA) is the administrative agency created to implement Center’s social security and disability laws. The SSA receives applications when people apply for disability benefits, determines who is eligible for the benefits, and passes rules and regulations to ensure that only the people who deserve these benefits receive them.

In addition to regulating government benefits like Social Security, administrative agencies also implement federal and state laws affecting almost every industry. For example, government bodies like the Department of Labor create and enforce workplace safety regulations. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) passes regulations and rules to enforce Center’s goal of protecting the environment. States also have their own administrative agencies to implement and execute laws passed by their state legislatures.


Generally speaking, there are two types of administrative law. The first type includes rules and regulations. Rules and regulations are policies that dictate how a law is to be used.

Centre and state legislatures enact laws, but they don’t usually specify how laws should be used. Our government uses special agencies in order to administer the law. These agencies use rules and regulations to determine how a law will be applied and enforced. These rules and regulations are a type of law.

The second type of administrative law includes administrative decisions. Government agencies issue their own decisions regarding the application and enforcement of rules and regulations. A government agency has the power to conduct its own hearings and render its own opinions and orders. Rulings are made by administrative law judges. These decisions are also a type of law.

Administrative Agencies

All administrative law is run through government agencies. Our government is made up of numerous administrative agencies. These agencies are also sometimes called regulatory agencies. Agencies can be federal, state, city, or county entities.

These agencies administer laws and manage public programs through the use of rules and regulations. Each agency is responsible for administering a particular set of laws, or often, a particular legislative act. A legislative act contains a set of laws. Agencies often possess the power to grant licenses and permits, investigate complaints, and punish infractions, as well as many other duties related to a particular set of laws.


arunachal pradesh industries

Arunachal pradesh industries:- Arunachal Pradesh has several small and medium scale industries based on forest products. The industries include plywood, rice mills, fruit preservation units and handicrafts. The state has its own mineral development and trading corporation which looks after the fair transportation and exploration of various minerals. The Corporation also gives an industrial shape to its mineral products. The state has 12 industrial estates, established across districts. To support industrial growth, the State Government has also notified integrated infrastructure development centres, industrial growth centres and industrial areas.

Key Industries are Arts and Crafts, weaving, cane and bamboo, carpet weaving, wood carving, ornaments, tourism and horticulture.

Arts and Crafts

Arunachal Pradesh has a rich tradition of Bamboo and Cane Handicrafts and also Wood Carving and Carpet Weaving. The products reflect the rich and varied culture of the tribes inhabiting this enchanting State and the products featured are representative of the wide range of Handicrafts produced in the State.

Handloom forms an integral part of the culture and tradition, which is reflected in the State’s apparels. Some of these are unique Handloom products in artists weaving and design. Most of the Women folk of the state have been engaged in Handloom sector  treated as primary occupation. A wide variety of crafts such as weaving painting, pottery, smithy work, basketry, woodcarving etc. are found among the people of Arunachal Pradesh.

The Department of Textile & Handicraft(s) has been set-up to develop  this sector to uplift the economic condition as well as to provide self employment opportunity to the Weaver and artisan of the  State through various Development Schemes/Projects.

Cane & Bamboo

The traditional Cane Bamboo product are mainly available in the Districts of East Kameng. Papumpare, Changlang, Upper and Lower Subansiri, East and West Siang, Lohit and Dibang Valley which represents high premium on design, quality, local technology and focus cultural indentity. The famous cane cap & head gear are available for different tribe of the State. While carrying Basket, Marketing Basket, varieties of design & utility product viz. Cane chair, Cane Table, Cane Racks, Cane Cradle, Cane Murrah , Designer Cane Tray etc. available in different marketing outlet in the State as well as out side the State.

Wood Carving


The unique, and artistic indigenous wood carving articles are available of Tirap, Upper & West Siang, Lohit and Tawang.

 It is practiced by very limited artisans / craftsman of the above mentioned districts, both passed out trainees form the Deptt. Craft center as well as traditional artisans.The main raw-materials used are locally available wood.

Traditional Male and Female Wooden figure are depicted as main subject, warriors / head hunters are popular in Tirap District Wood Carving, originally such wood carvings were used to decorate “MORANG” (Youths Dormitory ) & modernized as decorative collection items where as different types of Wooden Musk and goddess figure are depicted as main subject considering the cultural & religious value, which are popular in the district of Upper and East Siang , Lohit & Tawang.

Being promoted through Govt. Craft Centres with provision for training. Passed out trainees are engaged as production worker in departmental promotional schemes.

Traditional Ornament Products

Beads ornaments of various types are found in all over Arunachal Pradesh . However weaving or decorating small beads ornament are predominatory found in Tirap District. The unique beads ornaments and grass necklece products are mainly available in Tirap & Changlang districts which signify higher cultural and Traditional value.

The Beads ornaments making practiced by women folk , the main raw-material used in “GRASS BEADS” of very higher quality normally imported from other country .

All type of ornaments viz. Necklace Wrist band, Waist band , Head gear, earring are made with beautiful geometrical pattern used both by male and female.

Being promoted through Govt. Craft Centres while provision for training and passed out trainees are engaged as production worker.


The carpet making is one of the important occupation in the districts of Tawang, West Kameng, Changlang, Upper Siang. The women folk are engaged in this trade. The Arunachal Pradesh’s carpet has been acclaimed to be of National & International repute by considering the quality of carpet weaving in different motive and design. The items produced are wall hanging , cushion pad, telephone pad, floor covering etc. These are being promoted through Govt. Craft Centre with provision for training. Passed out trainees are engaged as production worker in the industry.


Arunachal Pradesh can be called store House of Handloom designs as its 20 major tribes and more then 100 sub-tribes has got   unique and appealing Handloom designs.  The products are , Skirt (Gale), Shirt (Galuk) , cotton shawl, side bag, curtain cloth etc, in different pricing pattern according to the quality, traditional value, motive and design.arunachal pradesh   industries


Arunachal Pradesh has tremendous scope for development of various types of tourism activities, such as Cultural tourism, Adventure tourism, Historical tourism, Wildlife tourism, Nature based tourism and Eco-tourism. Any developmental programme tapping the latent tourism potential of the state, need to be based on sound understanding of the ground realities and the general of basic infrastructure development.

Inspite of vast tourism potential, Arunachal Pradesh so long remained unexplored to the outside world due to general backwardness of the area in terms of low road length, absence of rail links and airstrips, remoteness and inaccessibility of the area, lack of infrastructural development which holds the progress of development in check and the imposition of Restricted Area Perrmit (RAP)/Protected Area Permit (PAP) and Inner Line Permit (ILP) system.

Industrial Policy

  • The State Government will encourage the establishment of industrial undertakings in the private and cooperative sectors for the sustainable development of the state.
  • Employment opportunities and gainful self-employment in industrial and allied sectors for the local populations of Arunachal Pradesh will be given priority.
  • Investors from outside the state will be encouraged to invest in the state. Hundred percent equity ownership of an industrial unit by entrepreneurs will be allowed for a maximum period of 30 (thirty) years by the end of which period such equity holding will be reduced to 49 percent, the remaining 51 percent will be held by a local Arunachal Tribal entrepreneur or a group of local tribal entrepreneurs or the state government, if it considers necessary to do so.
  • Outside entrepreneurs may be allowed to hold land on lease for a period of 30 years, after which the lease may be renewed for a further period of 30 days. The consideration for the lease may be in the form of annual or lump sum payments or as equity. (The lease may be used as security for loans from financial institutions.)
  • Development of all industries will be encouraged. To begin with, the following industries will have priority.
  • Industries based on locally available raw materials.
  • Textiles (handlooms and power looms) and handicrafts.
  • Electronics and knowledge based industries.
  • Industries based on non- timber forest produce.
  • Infrastructure, such as power and communications.
  • Tourism
  • Medical services
  • Educational services













Judiciary : Composition, Role, Judicial Review and Judicial Activism.

Union Judiciary : The Supreme Court ; its role and powers

The Supreme Court is the highest court of The Indian Republic.  Judiciary, the third organ of the government, has an important role to play in the governance. It settles the disputes, interprets laws, protects fundamental rights and acts as guardian of the Constitution. India has a single unified and integrated judicial system and that the Supreme Court is the highest court in India.

The  promulgation  of  Regulating  Act  of  1773  by  the  King  of  England paved the way for establishment of the Supreme Court of Judicature at Calcutta. The Letters of Patent was issued  on 26 March  1774 to establish  the  Supreme Court  of  Judicature  at  Calcutta,  as  a  Court  of  Record,  with  full  power  & authority  to  hear  and  determine  all  complaints  for  any  crimes  and  also  to entertain, hear and determine any suits or actions against any of His Majesty’s subjects  in  Bengal,  Bihar  and  Orissa.  The  Supreme  Courts  at  Madras  and Bombay was established by King George – III on 26 December 1800 and on 8 December 1823 respectively.

Federal Court of India was established under the Government of India Act 1935. The Federal Court  had  jurisdiction  to  solve  disputes  between  provinces  and  federal  states and  hear  appeal  against  Judgements  from  High  Courts.

After  India  attained independence in 1947, the Constitution of India came into being on 26 January 1950. The Supreme Court of India also came into existence and its first sitting was held on 28 January 1950.

The Chief Justice and other judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the President of India. While appointing the Chief Justice, the President is constitutionally required to consult such other judges of the Supreme Court as he deems proper, but outgoing Chief Justice is always consulted. Normally, the senior most judge of the Supreme Court is appointed as the Chief Justice of India, although there is no constitutional requirement to do so. While appointing other judges, the President is bound to consult the Chief Justice and other senior judges, if he deems proper.

The original Constitution of 1950 envisaged a Supreme Court with a Chief Justice and 7 puisne Judges – leaving it to Parliament to increase this number.

According to the Constitution of India, the role of the Supreme Court is that of a federal court, guardian of the Constitution and the highest court of appeal. Articles 124 to 147 of the Constitution of India lay down the composition and jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India. Primarily, it is an appellate court which takes up appeals against judgments of the High Courts of the states and territories.

The Supreme Court is a Court of Record. It has two implications. All its decisions and judgments are cited as precedents in all courts of the country. They have the force of law and are binding on all lower Courts, and indeed the High Courts. As a Court of Record, the Supreme Court can even send a person to jail who may have committed contempt of the court.

As a Federal Court: Supreme Court is the Federal Court of India, India being a federation; powers are divided between the Union and State governments. The Supreme Court of India is the final authority to see to it that the division of powers as specified in the constitution is obeyed by both the Union and the State governments. So, Article 131 of the Indian Constitution vests the Supreme Court with original and exclusive jurisdiction to determine the justiciable disputes between the Union and the States or between the States.

Interpreter of the Constitution and Law: The responsibility of interpreting the constitution rests on the Supreme Court. The interpretation of the constitution which the Supreme Court shall make must be accepted by all. It interprets the constitution and preserves it. Where a case involves a substantial question of law as to the interpretation of the constitution either certified by the High Court or being satisfied by the Supreme Court itself, an appeal shall lie to the Supreme Court for interpretation of the question of law raised.

As a Court of Appeal: The Supreme Court is the highest court of appeal from all courts in the territory of India. Appeal lies to the Supreme Court of the cases involving interpretation of the constitution. Appeals in respect of civil and criminal cases also lie to the Supreme Court irrespective of any constitutional question.

Advisory Role: The Supreme Court has an advisory jurisdiction in offering its opinion an any question of law or fact of public importance as may be referred to it for consideration by the President.

Guardian of the Constitution: The Supreme Court of India is the guardian of the constitution. There are two points of significance of the Supreme Court’s rule as the protector and guardian of the constitution.

  • First, as the highest Federal Court, it is within the power and authority of the Supreme Court to settle any dispute regarding division of powers between the Union and the States.
  • Secondly, it is in the Supreme Court’s authority to safeguard the fundamental rights of the citizens.

In order to discharge these two functions it is sometimes necessary for the Supreme Court to examine or review the legality of the laws enacted by both the Union and the State Governments. This is known as the power of Judicial Review. Indian Supreme Court enjoys limited power of Judicial Review.

Writ Jurisdictions: Under Article 32 of the constitution of Supreme Court can issue Writs for the enforcement of fundamental rights. These writs are in the nature of Habeas Corpus, Mandamas, Prohibition, and Quo-warranto Certiorari.

Power of Judicial Review and Supreme Court: The power of the Judiciary to examine the validity of such law is called Judicial Review. The Supreme Court of India enjoys limited power of Judicial Review. Judicial Review empowers the courts to invalidate laws passed by the legislature. Supreme Court of India also enjoys the power of Judicial Review. If it occurs to the Supreme Court that any law enacted by Parliament or by a State Legislature curbs or threatens to curb the citizen’s fundamental rights, the Supreme Court may declare that law as unlawful or unconstitutional.

High Court: Organization, Powers and functions

The India High Courts Act 1861 was enacted to create High Courts for various provinces and abolished Supreme Courts at Calcutta, Madras and Bombay and also the Sadar Adalats in Presidency towns. These High Courts had the distinction of being the highest Courts for all cases till the creation of Federal Court of India, which was established under the Government of India Act 1935.

Art-214 of the constitution provides that, “There shall be a High Court for each state” Art-231 further provides that , “Parliament may by law establish a common High court for two or more states and a union territory.” At present for example there is a common High court for the states of punjab, Haryana and Union Territory of Chandigarh. Similarly. There is Common High court for Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mijoram.

A person shall not be qualified for appointment as a Judge of a High Court unless he is a citizen of India and—

(a) has for at least ten years held a judicial office in the territory of India; or

(b) has for at least ten years been an advocate of a High Court or of two or more such Courts in succession;

A High Court judge may be removed before he or she attains the age of 62 years, only on the ground of incapacity or proved misbehaviour. He or she may be removed if both the Houses of Parliament adopt a resolution by a majority of their total membership and by two thirds majority of members present and voting, separately in each House in the same session. Such a resolution is submitted to the President, who then can remove the concerned judge.

The jurisdiction of the High court can basically be divided into-

(a) Original Jurisdiction and  (b) Appellate Jurisdiction

(a) Original Jurisdiction:The original jurisdiction of the High Courts is very limited.

(i) Cases related to Fundamental rights.(Can even issue writs for legal rights)

(ii) Constitutional jurisdiction.

(iii) Power of judicial review

(iv) The cases related to matters such as will, divorce, contempt of court.

(v) Election disputes.

(b) Appellate Jurisdiction:When a High Court hears an appeal against the decision of a lower court, it is called Appellate Jurisdiction.The High Court can hear appeals against the decisions of the lower Courts in the following cases:

(i) Civil cases

(ii) Appeals in revenue cases against the decision of the revenue board.

(iii) In cases related to succession,insolvency, patent, Design etc.

2. appeal in criminal cases-

(i) If the session judge has awarded imprisionment for seven year or more.

(ii) where the session judge has awarded capital punishment.

3. Constitutional Cases– if the high court certify that perticular cases is fit for appeal before itself and involves a substantial question of law.

Administrative powers

  1. It supervises and superintends the working of all the courts subordinate to it.
  2. It makes rules and regulations for the court subordinate to it and cun change such law.
  3. It can transfer any case from one court to another court
  4. It can investigate or enquire in to the record or anotherconnected documentsof any court subordinate to it.

Subordinate Judiciary

Articles 233 to 237 in Part VI of the Constitution make the following provisions to regulate the organization of subordinate courts and to ensure their independence from the executive . Articles 233 to 237 in Part VI of the Constitution make the following provisions to regulate the organization of subordinate courts and to ensure their independence from the executive .

The framework  of the  current  legal  system has been  laid  down by the  Indian  Constitution  , which states for an integrated and uniform judiciary system and  the judicial  system  derives  its  powers  from  it.  There  are  various  levels  of  judiciary  in  India— different  types  of  courts,  each  with  varying  powers  depending  on  the  tier  and  jurisdiction bestowed upon them. They form a hierarchy of importance, in line with the order of courts in which they sit, with the Supreme Court of India at the top, followed by High Courts of respective states with District Judges sitting in District Courts and Magistrates of Second Class and Civil Judge (Junior Division) at the bottom.

Type of cases

  • Civil cases pertain to disputes between two or more persons regarding property, breach of agreement or contract, divorce or landlord – tenant disputes. Civil Courts settle these disputes. They do not award any punishment as violation of law is not involved in civil cases.
  • Criminal cases relate to violation of laws. These cases involve theft, dacoity, rape, pickpocketing, physical assault, murder, etc. These cases are filed in the lower court by the police, on behalf of the state, againt the accused. In such cases the accused, if found guilty, is awarded punishment like fine, imprisonment or even death sentence.
  • Revenue cases relate to land revenue on agriculture land in the district.


The District Courts of India are presided over by a judge. They administer justice in India at a district level. These courts are under administrative and judicial control of the High Court of the State to which the district concerned belongs.

       The highest court in each district is that of the District and Sessions Judge. This is the principal court of civil jurisdiction. This is also a court of Sessions. Sessions-triable cases are tried by the Sessions Court. It has the power to impose any sentence including capital punishment.

       There are many other courts subordinate to the court of District and Sessions Judge. There is a three tier system of courts. On the civil side, at the lowest level is the court of Civil Judge (Junior Division). On criminal side the lowest court is that of the Judicial Magistrate. Civil Judge (Junior Division) decides civil cases of small pecuniary stake. Judicial Magistrates decide criminal cases which are punishable with imprisonment of up to five years.

       At the middle of the hierarchy there is the Court of Civil Judge (Senior Division) on the civil side and the Court of the Chief Judicial Magistrate on the Criminal side. Civil Judge (senior division) can decide civil cases of any valuation. There are many additional courts of Additional Civil Judge (senior division).The Jurisdiction of these addition courts is the same as that of the principal court of Civil Judge (Senior Division). The Chief Judicial Magistrate can try cases which are punishable with imprisonment for a term up to seven years. Usually there are many additional courts of Additional Chief Judicial Magistrates. At the top level there may be one or more courts of additional district and sessions judge with the same judicial power as that of the District and Sessions judge.

The Judiciary plays a very important role as a protector of the constitutional values that the founding fathers have given us. They try to undo the harm that is being done by the legislature and the executive and also they try to provide every citizen what has been promised by the Constitution under the Directive Principles of State Policy. All this is possible thanks to the power of judicial review.


All this is not achieved in a day it took 50 long years for where we are right now, if one thinks that it is has been a roller coaster ride without any hindrances they are wrong judiciary has been facing the brunt of many politicians, technocrats, academicians, lawyers etc. Few of them being genuine concerns, and among one of them is the aspect of corruption and power of criminal contempt. In this paper I would try to highlight the ups and downs of this greatest institution in India.




The rule of law is the bedrock of democracy, and the primary responsibility for implementation of the rule of law lies with the judiciary.1 This is now a basic feature of every constitution, which cannot be altered even by the exercise of new powers from parliament. It is the significance of judicial review, to ensure that democracy is inclusive and that there is accountability of everyone who wields or exercises public power. As Edmund Burke said: “all persons in positions of power ought to be strongly and lawfully impressed with an idea that “they act in trust,” and must account for their conduct to one great master, to those in whom the political sovereignty rests, the people”.2




India opted for parliamentary form of democracy, where every section is involved in policy-making, and decision taking, so that every point of view is reflected and there is a fair representation of every section of the people in every such body. In this kind of inclusive democracy, the judiciary has a very important role to play. That is the concept of accountability in any republican democracy, and this basic theme has to be remembered by everybody exercising public power, irrespective of the extra expressed expositions in the constitution.3




The principle of judicial review became an essential feature of written Constitutions of many countries. Seervai in his book Constitutional Law of India noted that the principle of judicial review is a familiar feature of the Constitutions of Canada, Australia and India, though the doctrine of Separation of Powers has no place in strict sense in Indian Constitution, but the functions of different organs of the Government have been sufficiently differentiated, so that one organ of the Government could not usurp the functions of another.4


The power of judicial review has in itself the concept of separation of powers an essential component of the rule of law, which is a basic feature of the Indian Constitution. Every State action has to be tested on the anvil of rule of law and that exercise is performed, when occasion arises by the reason of a doubt raised in that behalf, by the courts. The power of Judicial Review is incorporated in Articles 226 and 227 of the Constitution insofar as the High Courts are concerned. In regard to the Supreme Court Articles 32 and 136 of the Constitution, the judiciary in India has come to control by judicial review every aspect of governmental and public functions.5




Extent of Judicial Review in India:


The initial years of the Supreme Court of India saw the adoption of an approach characterised by caution and circumspection. Being steeped in the British tradition of limited judicial review, the Court generally adopted a pro-legislature stance. This is evident form the rulings such as A.K. Gopalan, but however it did not take long for judges to break their shackles and this led to a series of right to property cases in which the judiciary was loggerhead with the parliament. The nation witnessed a series of events where a decision of the Supreme Court was followed by a legislation nullifying its effect, followed by another decision reaffirming the earlier position, and so on. The struggle between the two wings of government continued on other issues such as the power of amending the Constitution.6 During this era, the Legislature sought to bring forth people-oriented socialist measures which when in conflict with fundamental rights were frustrated on the upholding of the fundamental rights of individuals by the Supreme Court. At the time, an effort was made to project the Supreme Court as being concerned only with the interests of propertied classes and being insensitive to the needs of the masses. Between 1950 and 1975, the Indian Supreme Court had held a mere one hundred Union and State laws, in whole or in part, to be unconstitutional.


After the period of emergency the judiciary was on the receiving end for having delivered a series of judgments which were perceived by many as being violative of the basic human rights of Indian citizens 7and changed the way it looked at the constitution. The Supreme Court said that any legislation is amenable to judicial review, be it momentous amendments8 to the Constitution or drawing up of schemes and bye-laws of municipal bodies which affect the life of a citizen9. Judicial review extends to every governmental or executive action – from high policy matters like the President’s power to issue a proclamation on failure of constitutional machinery in the States like in Bommai case, to the highly discretionary exercise of the prerogative of pardon like in Kehar Singh case  or the right to go abroad as in Satwant Singh case.Judicial review knows no bounds except the restraint of the judges themselves regarding justifiability of an issue in a particular case.


Judicial Review of Political Questions:


In the initial stages of the judicial adjudication Courts have said that where there is a political question involved it is not amenable to judicial review but slowly this changed, in Keshavananda Bharathi’s case,10 the Court held that, “it is difficult to see how the power of judicial review makes the judiciary supreme in any sense of the word. This power is of paramount importance in a federal constitution…. Judicial Review of constitutional amendments may seem involving the Court in political question, but it is the Court alone which can decide such an issue. The function of Interpretation of a Constitution being thus assigned to the judicial power the State, the question whether the subject of law is within the ambit of one or more powers of the legislature conferred by the constitution would always be a question of interpretation of the Constitution.”


Than it was in Special Courts Bill, 1978, In re, case where the majority opined that, “The policy of the Bill and the motive of the mover to ensure a speedy trial of persons holding high public or political office who are alleged to have committed certain crimes during the period of emergency may be political, but the question whether the bill or any provisions are constitutionally invalid is a not a question of a political nature and the court should not refrain from answering it.” What this meant was that though there are political questions involved the validity of any action or legislation can be challenged if it would violate the constitution. This position has been reiterated in many other cases11 and in S.R. Bommai’s case the Court held, “though subjective satisfaction of the President cannot be reviewed but the material on which satisfaction is based open to review…” the court further went on to say that, “The opinion which the President would form on the basis of Governor’s report or otherwise would be based on his political judgment and it is difficult to evolve judicially manageable norms for scrutinizing such political decisions. Therefore, by the very nature of things which would govern the decision-making under Article 356, it is difficult to hold that the decision of the president is justiciable. To do so would be entering the political thicker and questioning the political wisdom which the courts of law must avoid. The temptation to delve into the President’s satisfaction may be great but the courts would be well advised to resist the temptation for want of judicially manageable standards. Therefore, the Court cannot interdict the use of the constitutional power conferred on the President under Article 356 unless the same is shown to be male fide.”


As Soli Sorabjee points out, “there is genuine concern about misuse by the Centre of Article 356 on the pretext that the State Government is acting in defiance of the essential features of the Constitution. The real safeguard will be full judicial review extending to an inquiry into the truth and correctness of the basic facts relied upon in support of the action under Article 356 as indicated by Justices Sawant and Kuldip Singh. If in certain cases that entails evaluating the sufficiency of the material, so be it.”


What this meant was the judiciary was being cautious about the role it has to play while adjudicating matters of such importance and it is showing a path of restraint that has to be used while deciding such matters so that it does not usurp the powers given by the Constitution by way of the power of review at the same it is also minimizing the misusing of the power given under Article 356 to the President.


Judicial Review as a part of the Basic Structure:


In the celebrated case of Keshavanda Bharathi v. State of Kerela, the Supreme Court of India the propounded the basic structure doctrine according to which it said the legislature can amend the Constitution, but it should not change the basic structure of the Constitution, The Judges made no attempt to define the basic structure of the Constitution in clear terms. S.M. Sikri, C.J mentioned five basic features:


  1. Supremacy of the Constitution. 2. Republican and democratic form of Government. 3. Secular character of the Constitution. 4. Separation of powers between the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. 5. Federal character of the Constitution.

He observed that these basic features are easily discernible not only from the Preamble but also from the whole scheme of the Constitution. He added that the structure was built on the basic foundation of dignity and freedom of the individual which could not by any form of amendment be destroyed. It was also observed in that case that the above are only illustrative and not exhaustive of all the limitations on the power of amendment of the Constitution. The Constitutional bench in Indira Nehru Gandhi v. Raj Narain (1975 Supp SCC 1.) held that Judicial Review in election disputes was not a compulsion as it is not a part of basic structure. In S.P. Sampath Kumar v. Union of India((1987) 1 SCC 124 at 128.), P.N. Bhagwati, C.J., relying on Minerva Mills Ltd. ((1980) 3 SCC 625.) declared that it was well settled that judicial review was a basic and essential feature of the Constitution. If the power of judicial review was absolutely taken away, the Constitution would cease to be what it was. In Sampath Kumar the Court further declared that if a law made under Article 323-A(1) were to exclude the jurisdiction of the High Court under Articles 226 and 227 without setting up an effective alternative institutional mechanism or arrangement for judicial review, it would be violative of the basic structure and hence outside the constituent power of Parliament.


In Kihoto Hollohan v. Zachillhur (1992 Supp (2) SCC 651, 715, para 120) another Constitution Bench, while examining the validity of para 7 of the Tenth Schedule to the Constitution which excluded judicial review of the decision of the Speaker/Chairman on the question of disqualification of MLAs and MPs, observed that it was unnecessary to pronounce on the contention whether judicial review is a basic feature of the Constitution and para 7 of the Tenth Schedule violated such basic structure.


Subsequently, in L. Chandra Kumar v. Union of India ((1997) 3 SCC 261) a larger Bench of seven Judges unequivocally declared:


“that the power of judicial review over legislative action vested in the High Courts under Article 226 and in the Supreme Court under Article 32 of the Constitution is an integral and essential feature of the Constitution, constituting part of its basic structure”.


Though one does not deny that power to review is very important, at the same time one cannot also give an absolute power to review and by recognizing judicial review as a part of basic feature of the constitution Courts in India have given a different meaning to the theory of Check’s and Balances this also meant that it has buried the concept of separation of powers, where the judiciary will give itself an unfettered jurisdiction to review any thing every thing that is done by the legislature.


Expansion of Judicial Review through Judicial Activism:


After the draconian exposition of power by the Executive and the Legislature during Emergency the expectations of the public soared high and the demands on the courts to improve the administration by giving appropriate directions for ensuring compliance with statutory and constitutional prescriptions. Likewise the judiciary has taken an activist view the Beginning with the Ratlam Municipality case 12the sweep of Social Action Litigation13 had encompassed a variety of causes14.


With the interpretation given by it in Menaka Gandhi case the Supreme Court brought the ambit of constitutional provisions to enforce the human rights of citizens and sought to bring the Indian law in conformity with the global trends in human-rights-jurisprudence. This was made possible in India, because of the procedural innovations with a view to making itself more accessible to disadvantaged sections of society giving rise to the phenomenon of Social Action Litigation/Public Interest Litigation15. During the Eighties and the first half of the Nineties, the Court have broken there shackle’s and moved much ahead from being a mere legal institution, its decisions have tremendous social, political and economic ramifications. Time and again, it has sought to interpret constitutional provisions and the objectives sought to be achieved by it and directed the executive to comply with its orders.


SAL, a manifestation of judicial activism, has introduced a new dimension regarding judiciary’s involvement in public administration16. The sanctity of locus standi and the procedural complexities are totally side-tracked in the causes brought before the courts through SAL. In the beginning, the application of SAL was confined only to improving the lot of the disadvantaged sections of the society who by reason of their poverty and ignorance were not in a position to seek justice from the courts and, therefore, any member of the public was permitted to maintain an application for appropriate directions17.


The new role of the Supreme Court has been criticised in some quarters as being violative of the doctrine of separation of powers; it is claimed that the Apex Court has, by formulating policy and issuing directions in respect of various aspects of the country’s administration, transgressed into the domain of the executive and the legislature. As Justice Cardozo puts it, “A Constitution states or ought to state not rules for the passing hour but principles for an expanding future.”18 It is with this view that innovations in the rules of standing have come into existence.


Limitation on the power of review:


The expansion of the horizon of judicial review is seen both with reverence and suspicion; reverence in as much as the judicial review is a creative element of interpretation, which serves as an omnipresent and potentially omnipotent check on the legislative and executive branches of government. But at the same time there is a danger that they may trespass into the powers given to the legislature and the executive.


One many say that if there is any limitation on judicial review other than constitutional and procedural19 that is a product of judicial self-restraint. As justice Dwivedi empathically observed, “Structural socio-political value choices involve a complex and complicated political process. This court is hardly fitted for performing that function. In the absence of any explicit Constitutional norms and for want of complete evidence, the court’s structural value choices will be largely subjective. Our personal predilections will unavoidably enter into the scale and give colour to our judgment. Subjectivism is calculated to undermine legal certainty, an essential element of rule of law.”20


The above observations also reveal another assumption to support an attitude of self-restraint, viz., the element subjectiveness in judicial decision on issues having socio-political significance. When one looks at the decisions of the Supreme Court on certain questions of fundamental issues of constitutional law one can see that there is a sharp division among the judges of the apex court on such basic questions of power of the Parliament to amend the Constitution, federal relations, powers of the President etc. This aptly demonstrates the observation of the judge. This would mean that though there has been expansion of powers of judicial review one cannot also say that this cannot be overturned.


Judicial self-restrain in relation to legislative power manifests itself in the form the there is a presumption of constitutionality when the validity of the statute is challenged. In the words of Fazl Ali, “…the presumption is always in favour of the constitutionality of an enactment, and the burden is upon him who attacks it to show that there has been a clear transgression of the constitutional principles”21


In applying the presumption of constitutionality the Courts sometimes apply an interpretational device called ‘reading down’. The essence of the device is that “if certain provisions of law construed in one way would make them consistent with the constitution, and another interpretation would render them unconstitutional, the court would lean in favour of the former construction.”22 But all this depends on the outlook and values of the judge.23


When it come judicial review of administrative action though the presumption of validity is not so strong in the case of administrative action as in the case of statutes. Still, when the legislature expressly leaves a matter to the discretion of an administrative authority the courts have adopted an attitude of restraint. They have said we cannot the question the legality of the exercise of discretionary power unless and until it is an abuse of discretionary power (which includes mala fide exercise of power, exercising the power for an improper motive, decision based on irrelevant considerations or in disregard of relevant consideration, and in some cases unreasonable exercise of power) and non-exercise of discretion ( which come when power is exercised without proper delegation and when it is acted under dictation).


The relevant considerations which should make the judicial choice in favour of activism or restraint are the policy and scheme of the statute, the object of conferring discretionary powers, the nature and scope of the discretion, and finally, the nature of the right and interests affected by the decision. Any impulsive move to activism without a serious consideration of these factors may only be viewed as undesirable. Judicial activism, being an exception, not the general rule, in relation to the control of discretionary power, needs strong reasons to justify it. In the absence of such strong support of reasons the interventionist strategy may provoke the other branches of Government may retaliate and impose further limitations on the scope of judicial review.




Accountability is an essential part of the rule of law. It is essential for another reason, as in the earlier editions of Dicey,24 of course modified in later editions, referring to John Wilkes’s case,25 that “conferment of any discretion tends to arbitrariness and therefore there is something inconsistent with the rule of law.” But then, as time passed, it was realized that conferment of some discretion for the purpose of application to the facts of a given case is something you cannot do away with. The area of discretion should be the minimum possible, and set norms, standards or guidelines should regulate it, so that it does not tend to become arbitrary. Therefore, the rule of non-arbitrariness is something to be tested by the judiciary whenever the occasion arises.26


The growth of judicial review is the inevitable response of the judiciary to ensure proper check on the exercise of public power. Growing awareness of the rights in the people; the trend of judicial scrutiny of every significant governmental action and the readiness even of the executive to seek judicial determination of debatable or controversial issues, at times, may be, to avoid its accountability for the decision, have all resulted in the increasing significance of the role of the judiciary. There is a general perception that the judiciary in this country has been active in expansion of the field of judicial review into non-traditional areas, which earlier were considered beyond judicial purview.


The Judges have a duty to perform, which is even more onerous to keep the judicial ship afloat on even keel. It must avoid making any ad hoc decision without the foundation of a juristic principle, particularly, when the decision appears to break new grounds. The judgments must be logical, precise, clear, and sober, rendered with restraint in speech avoiding saying more than that, which is necessary in the case.27


It must always be remembered that a step taken in a new direction is fraught with the danger of being a likely step in a wrong direction. In order to be a path-breaking trend it must be a sure step in the right direction. Any step satisfying these requirements and setting a new trend to achieve justice can alone be a New Dimension of Justice and a true contribution to the growth and development of law meant to achieve the ideal of justice.

An Introduction to Arunachal Pradesh Economy

An Introduction to Arunachal Pradesh Economy

Arunachal Pradesh – State profile

  • Covering an area of 83,743 sq km, Arunachal Pradesh is the largest state in the Northeast India.
  • The state is located in the extreme Northeastern corner of the country. It shares its border with the neighbouring countries of Bhutan in the West, China (Tibet) in the North and Northeast, Myanmar in the East and Southeast and the Indian states of Assam and Nagaland in the South.
  • Itanagar is the state capital. Arunachal Pradesh has 16 administrative districts.
  • Naharlagun, Tawang, Tezpur, Bomdila, Ziro, Pasighat and Tezu are the major towns in the state.
  • Brahmaputra is the major river flowing through the state. Other smaller rivers include Kameng, Subansiri, Lohit and Tirap.
  • The most commonly spoken languages are Assamese, Bengali and Hindi. English is the primary medium of education in the schools

Rich and varied agro-climatic conditions

  • Undulating topography and varied agro-climatic conditions offer vast potential for horticulture and growing a variety of fruits, vegetables, spices, aromatic and medicinal plants, flowers and mushroom.

Policy and fiscal incentives

  • The state offers a wide range of fiscal and policy incentives and assistance for businesses under the State Industrial Policy, 2008. Additionally, the state has sectorspecific policies for industries related to power and agriculture.

Facilitating industrial infrastructure

  • The state has 12 industrial estates, established across districts. To support industrial growth, the State Government has also notified integrated infrastructure development centres, industrial growth centres and industrial areas.

International trade opportunities

  • The geographic location of the state provides immense opportunities for international trade with the South Asian countries through its shared borders with Myanmar, Bhutan and China.

Key industries in Arunachal Pradesh

  • The resources, policy incentives and climate in the state support investments in mining and mineral products (including cement), tissue culture and floriculture, plantation crops (tea, rubber, etc.) and agro-based industries.
    • The North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Limited is engaged in catalysing the industrial growth of the Northeastern region (including Arunachal Pradesh) by providing counselling, timely advice and assistance for building quality enterprises.
    • The Department of Industries, Government of Arunachal Pradesh, is responsible for promoting industrial activities in the state to provide employment opportunities to the rural and urban people.
    • The Department of Industries has set up district industries centres (DICs) and sub-district industries centres (sub-DICs) for the industrial development of small scale, tiny and village industries.
  • Key industries in Arunachal Pradesh
  • Art and crafts
  • Weaving
  • Cane and bamboo
  • Carpet weaving
  • Wood carving
  • Ornaments
  • Tourism
  • Horticulture
  • Saw mills and plywood

Employment profile of Arunachal Pradesh

  • The primary sector employs around 67.4 per cent of the total workforce in Arunachal Pradesh, followed by tertiary sector (23.9 per cent) and secondary sector (8.7 per cent).
  • Around 94 per cent of the state‟s population lives in the rural belt. Thus, agriculture is the main occupation of the people of Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Of the total workforce, 60.4 per cent are cultivators with self-owned land and only 5.1 per cent of the workforce falls in the agricultural labourer category.

Cereals, oil seed and sugarcane are the key agricultural products

  • In 2009-2010, total production of cereal crops was 325,000 tonnes, compared to 306,500 tonnes in the previous year.
  • Major cereal crops of the state are rice, maize, millet, wheat and pulses (pea, kidney-bean and black-gram).
  • Non-cereal crops include ginger, oil seed and sugarcane, apart from vegetables.

Road network

  • Arunachal Pradesh has a road density of 17.36 km per 100 sq km.
  • Six National Highways run through Arunachal Pradesh, connecting the state with the rest of India as well as the international borders with China (Tibet), Myanmar and Bhutan.

Airports and railways

  • In December 1995, the State Government introduced passenger flight services by nine-seat Dauphin helicopters to overcome the constraints posed by the hilly terrain.
  • Later a 23-seat MI-172 type helicopter had been added to the fleet, primarily to operate between Guwahati in Assam and Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh.
  • The service also connects 29 major towns including Naharlagun, Tawang, Ziro, Pasighat, Bomdila, Seppa, Daporijo, Along, Yingkiong, Roing and Tezu.
  • A greenfield airport has been proposed near Itanagar, for which environmental clearance has been received in April 2010. Ministry of Civil Aviation has also planned to operationalise airports at Daporijo and Tezu.
  • The nearest railway station is located at Harmoti in Assam, 23 km from Naharlagun and 33 km from Itanagar.

Industrial infrastructure

  • Arunachal Pradesh has 12 industrial estates located in different districts and spread over total area of 55.6 hectare. These industrial estates have been developed in land-areas ranging from 4,540 to 202,325 square metre, with the primary objective of growth and development of small scale industries.
  • In addition, the State Government has also notified integrated infrastructure development centres, industrial growth centres and industrial areas to support industrial growth.
  • The State Government has set up district industries centres (DICs) in all 16 districts. These DICs play a vital role in the industrial development by providing services to the entrepreneurs viz., identification of suitable schemes, preparation of project report, arrangement for providing required plant, machinery and raw-material, assistance in availing incentives and facilities provided by both central and state governments, liaison with all development departments and financial institutions to provide assistance to the prospective entrepreneurs.
  • Based on availability of resources, the State has identified thrust areas for industrial development:
  • Industries based on agricultural, horticultural and plantation produce.
  • Industries based on non-timber forest produce such as bamboo, cane (rattan), medicinal plants/herbs, aromatic grass, tea and coffee.
  • Industries based on locally available raw-materials except timber.
  • Textiles (handlooms and power-looms), handicrafts and sericulture.
  • Electronics and IT-based enterprises.
  • Mineral-based industries (such as ferro-alloys, cement, etc.)
  • Facilitation and development of industrial infrastructure including power, communications, etc., under public private partnership
  • Food processing industries.
  • Engineering and allied industries (rolling mill, steel mill, etc.).

State Industrial Policy, 2008

  • Aim: To facilitate and promote the growth of industry, employment and investment in the state.

Key initiatives:

  • To create an investment-friendly environment in the state for industrial growth in the private, joint and cooperative sectors for sustainable economic development of Arunachal Pradesh.
  • To generate employment opportunities in the state.
  • To make Arunachal Pradesh a preferred destination for outside investors.
  • To encourage local entrepreneurs to set up enterprises based on locally available raw-materials.
  • To promote export-oriented industrial units.
  • To take steps to promote the handloom and handicrafts industry.
  • To promote local investors through joint ventures with outside investors.
  • To encourage industrial units producing high value products.
  • To ensure fast-track clearance of industrial proposals

Hydro Power Policy – 2008


  • To harness hydropower potential of the state in a manner that is consistent with the provision of the Electricity Act, 2003 and the National Electricity Policy and other policies formulated in the Act.
  • To develop hydropower projects in eco-friendly manner causing minimum distress to the affected people.
  • To accelerate the pace of hydropower development through participation of both the central public sector undertakings and private power developers, as also by formulating public private partnership.
  • To provide for creation of social and development infrastructure through hydropower development.
  • To ensure proper rehabilitation and resettlement of people affected by projects in order to improve their living standards.
  • To create job opportunities for local tribal people specially for those affected by the project

Small Hydro Power (SHP) Policy, 2007

Aim: To facilitate and promote the growth of small hydro power plants and, thereby, increase employment opportunities in the state.

Key initiatives:

  • Private participation in development of SHPs with targeted incentives.
  • Formulation and notification of an action plan for SHP generation. The action plan to provide programmes for capacity addition and determine the extent of involvement of various stakeholders of State Government or agencies in the field.

North East Industrial and Investment Promotion Policy (NEIIPP), 2007

Aim: To promote the Northeast region as an attractive investment region through concessions and incentives.

Key features:

  • Industries covered under this policy are eligible for incentives for a period of 10 years from the date of commencement of commercial production.
  • All new units as well as existing units that undergo substantial expansion (minimum 25 per cent increase in fixed capital) and start production before 2017 would qualify for incentives.
  • Incentives would be available for all existing industrial units and upcoming units anywhere in the Northeast.
  • A high-level monitoring committee or advisory committee would oversee the implementation of the NEIIPP.
  • NEIIPP would not be applicable to peripheral activities such as preservation while in storage, cleaning, packing, re-packing, labelling or re-labelling, sorting, etc.
  • North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd (NeDFI) to act as the nodal agency for disbursal of subsidies.
  • NEIIPP, 2007, has replaced the North East Industrial Policy, 1997

Agriculture Policy, 2001

Aim: To achieve higher economic growth and create job opportunities for the rural unemployed through agriculture and allied sectors.

Key initiatives:

  • Top priority to be accorded on increasing farmers‟ income.
  • Addressing problems related to shifting (jhum) cultivation.
  • Location-specific strategy development – area specific and differentiated strategy.
  • Convergence of allied activities by making a shift from a commodity approach to a system approach in agriculture.
  • Technology transfer.
  • Supply of inputs such as seed, fertiliser, pesticides, agri-tools and implements and credit to farmers at reasonable rates.
  • Facilitating private investment in agriculture, especially for establishing agro-based industries.
  • People‟s participation through formation of “self-help groups” and village committees at several levels.
  • Research and technology package for location-specific agricultural research based on identified agro-climatic zone.
  • Marketing infrastructure and techniques, especially for preservation, storage and transportation.
  • Priority on setting up agro-processing units in key production areas.
  • Market intervention scheme involving procurement by a notified agency to assure remunerative prices to farmers

Mineral-based industry

  • Arunachal Pradesh has considerable mineral reserves, which offers immense potential.
  • The state has reserves of coal at Bhalukpong; graphite at Tahila, Bopi and Khetabari; limestone at Hunli, Tidding, Menga and Pagin; marble at Hunli, Tezu, Pyuli and Dora; dolomite at Kaspi and Rupa; and lead and zinc at Shergaon.
  • These minerals are useful in the gasified form or in cooking, fertiliser plants, refractory units and calcium carbide manufacturing units.
  • The state‟s mining activities are managed by the Arunachal Pradesh Mineral Development and Trading Corporation Limited (APMDTCL ).
  • Parsuram Cements, a subsidiary of APMDTCL, is one of the oldest resource-based companies, based out of Lohit.

Agriculture and forest-based industries

  • Major agro- and forest-based industries in the state relate to tea, fruit, timber and plywood industries.
  • Non-timber based industries include bamboo, cane and medicinal plants.
  • The industry is characterised by many regional players; several units have been set up by Arunachal Pradesh Forest Corporation (APFC), a government organisation.
  • APFC has taken up a project on capacity building for production of bamboo-based industrial intermediates at Poma village near Itanagar.
  • The State Industrial Policy, 2008 of Arunachal Pradesh lists agriculture and non-timber forest produce-based industries as thrust sectors.


  • Textile is a grass-roots industry in Arunachal Pradesh and provides employment to mainly, women. Most of the units are home-based and have small scale of operations.
  • Carpet making is one of the important occupations in the districts of Tawang, West Kameng, Changlang and Upper Siang. The state‟s carpets have received national and international repute owing to their quality.
  • The carpet weaving industry is promoted through the Government Craft Centre.
  • The state has unique and appealing handloom designs from each of its tribes. The products include skirt (gale), shirt (galuk), cotton shawl, side bag and curtain cloth.

Key nodal agencies in Arunachal Pradesh

Department of Industries

  • The Department of Industries is the main executive and regulatory agency, functioning under the State Government. It oversees and monitors the over all industrial development activities in the state.
  • The department is engaged in various activities such as:
  • Registration of industries regulation and development of industries.
  • Providing finance to small scale and other industries.
  • Distribution of scarce and indigenous raw-materials to different industrial units.
  • Other industrial development related activities.

Arunachal Pradesh Industrial Development and Financial CoAn Introduction to Arunachal Pradesh Economyrporation Limited (APIDFC)

  • APIDFC was incorporated under the Companies Act,1956, in August 1978, to promote and finance industries in Arunachal Pradesh.

Arunachal Pradesh Energy Development Agency (APEDA)

  • APEDA is the state designated agency (SDA) for implementation and enforcement of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001, in coordination with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Ministry of Power, Government of India.
  • APEDA is also the state nodal agency for projects connected with clean development mechanism (CDM)

Arunachal Pradesh Khadi and Village Industries Board (APKVIB)

  • APKVIB was constituted by the Government of Arunachal Pradesh in 1989, with the mission to create employment opportunities in the non-farm sector in the rural areas, to promote saleable articles and support rural development to improve quality of life.
  • The industries under its purview include khadi (silk, cotton, woollen), minerals, forest- and agro-based industries, polymer and chemical, engineering and non-conventional energy, textile industry and service sectors.

North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Limited (NeDFI)

  • NeDFI was promoted by Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI), Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI), Industrial Credit and Infrastructure Corporation of India (ICICI), Unit Trust of India (UTI), Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC) and its subsidiaries and State Bank of India (SBI).
  • Incorporated in August 1995, NeDFI has its headquarter in Guwahati, Assam.
  • NeDFI provides facilities such as project and equipment finance, working capital finance, schemes for development of entrepreneurial skill and market development for products from the Northeast.


  • Arunachal Pradesh had a total installed power capacity of 201.9 MW, under the state and central sector. While 83.3 MW of installed capacity was under state sector, 118.6 MW was under central sector.
    • Hydro power is the major source of electricity generation in the state, contributing around 97.6 MW, followed by 67.4 MW of renewable energy resources and 36.9 MW of thermal power.
    • Arunachal Pradesh has been focusing on developing its huge hydro power potential. The state has set up the Department of Hydro Power Development to oversee, coordinate and monitor hydro power development.
    • The Government of Arunachal Pradesh has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with central sector power generators and integrated power developers (IPD) for the development of 135 hydroelectric power plants, with an aggregate capacity of 25,722 MW


Planning commission and national development council

Planning commission and national development council

Planning commission

The Planning Commission was an institution in the Government of India, which formulated India’s Five-Year Plans, among other functions.


Rudimentary economic planning, deriving from the sovereign authority of the state, was first initiated in India in 1938 by Congress President and Indian National Army supreme leader Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, who had been persuaded by Meghnad Saha to set up a National Planning Committee. M. Visvesvaraya had been elected head of the Planning Committee. Meghnad Saha approached the great engineer and requested him to step down. He argued that planning needed a reciprocity between science and politics. M. Visvesvaraya generously agreed and Jawaharlal Nehru was made head of the National Planning Committee.The so-called “British Raj” also formally established a planning board that functioned from 1944 to 1946. Industrialists and economists independently formulated at least three development plans in 2012. Some scholars have argued that the introduction of planning as an instrument was intended to transcend the ideological divisions between Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru. Other scholars have argued that the Planning Commission, as a central agency in the context of plural democracy in India, needs to carry out more functions than rudimentary economic planning.

After India achieved Independence, a formal model of planning was adopted, and accordingly the Planning Commission, reporting directly to the Prime Minister of India, was established on 15 March 1950, with Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru as the Chairman. Authority for creation of the Planning Commission was not derived from the Constitution of India or statute; it is an arm of the Central Government of India.

Composition of commission

The composition of the Commission underwent considerable changes since its initiation. With the Prime Minister as the ex officio Chairman, the committee had a nominated Deputy Chairman, with the rank of a full Cabinet Minister. Cabinet Ministers with certain important portfolios acted as ex officio members of the Commission, while the full-time members were experts in various fields like economics, industry, science and general administration.  Ex officio members of the Commission included the Finance Minister, Agriculture Minister, Home Minister, Health Minister, Chemicals and Fertilisers Minister, Information Technology Minister, Law Minister, Human Resource Development Minister and Minister of State for Planning.

The Commission worked through its various divisions, of which there were two kinds:

  • General Planning Divisions
  • Programme Administration Divisions


  • To make an assessment of the material, capital and human resources of the country, including technical personal, and investigate the possibilities of augmenting those are related resources which are found to be deficient in relation to the nation’s requirement.
  • To formulate a plan for the most effective and balanced utilisation of country’s resources.
  • To define the stages, on the basis of priority, in which the plan should be carried out and propose the allocation of resources for the due completion of each stage.
  • To indicate the factors that tend to retard economic development.
  • To determine the conditions which need to be established for the successful execution of the plan within the incumbent socio-political situation of the country.
  • To determine the nature of the machinery required for securing the successful implementation of each stage of the plan in all its aspects.
  • To appraise from time to time the progress achieved in the execution of each stage of the plan and also recommend the adjustments of policy and measures which are deemed important vis-a-vis a successful implementation of the plan.
  • To make necessary recommendations from time to time regarding those things which are deemed necessary for facilitating the execution of these functions. Such recommendations can be related to the prevailing economic conditions, current policies, measures or development programmes. They can even be given out in response to some specific problems referred to the commission by the central or the state governments.

In his first Independence Day speech in 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced his intention to dissolve the Planning Commission. It has since been replaced by a new institution named NITI Aayog.

National development council

The National Development Council (NDC) or the Rashtriya Vikas Parishad is the apex body for decision making and deliberations on development matters in India, presided over by the Prime Minister. It was set up on 6 August 1952 to strengthen and mobilize the effort and resources of the nation in support of the Plan, to promote common economic policies in all vital spheres, and to ensure the balanced and rapid development of all parts of the country. The Council comprises the Prime Minister, the Union Cabinet Ministers, Chief Ministers of all States or their substitutes, representatives of the Union Territories and the members of the NITI Aayog.  It is an extra-constitutional and non-statutory body.


  • To secure cooperation of the states in the execution of the plan.
  • To strengthen and mobilize the effort and resources of the nation in support of the Plan.
  • To promote common economic policies in all vital spheres.
  • To ensure the balanced and rapid development of all parts of the country.


  • To prescribe guidelines for the formulation of the National Plan, including the assessment of resources for the Plan.
  • To consider the National Plan as formulated by the NITI Aayog.
  • To make an assessment of the resources that are required for implementing the Plan and to suggest measures for augmenting them.
  • To consider important questions of social and economic policy affecting national development; and to review the working of the Plan from time to time.
  • To recommend such measures as are necessary for achieving the aims and targets set out in the National Plan.
  • To recommend measures for achievement of the aims and targets set out in the national Plan.

Human Development in Arunachal Pradesh

Human Development in Arunachal Pradesh

The human development index (HDI) is basically a composite index based on three dimensions of human development—income, health and education. In conventional analysis a country is called rich or poor mainly on the basis of a single indicator—the per capita income. The HDI, on the other hand, puts equal emphasis on all the three dimensions of development. Thus, different indicators of development like per capita income, life expectancy, adult literacy and enrolment ratio are used to construct a single index—the human development index.

In terms of HDI the position of Arunachal Pradesh is dismal, ranking 14th among the 16 major states of India. At a disaggregated level, in Arunachal Pradesh, the district East Siang with an HDI of 0.660 ranks first among the 13 districts, followed by Dibang Valley with an HDI of 0.659. The district of Papum Pare in which the capital complex, Itanagar is situated ranks third with an HDI of 0.573. Further it has been observed that the hilly districts have a lower HDI compared to that of the plain districts.

The spatially uneven process of development in the State has created new challenges and constraints. Usually, the districts or areas bordering Assam, and within the district areas near the urban, administrative centres have better infrastructural facilities than the interiors.Human Development in Arunachal Pradesh

Arunachal Pradesh has been the home of a number of tribes and sub-tribes, and many of them have limited mobility beyond their well-defined local boundaries. Interregional disparities in the State, therefore, have an additional implication—as in many cases, it may reflect inter-tribal disparities to a certain extent.

Though the state has been relatively free from secessionist violence and insurgency, its development performance, particularly in terms of the human development indicators, has not been satisfactory.

Health of Human Development in Arunachal Pradesh

The right to lead a long, healthy and productive life is one of the fundamental prerequisite for human development. In fact, it is one of the essential indicators of peoples’ well-being and quality of life. Apart from the low levels of food and nutrition security, access to health care, education and income, critically conditions the survival and well-being of individuals.

Life Expectancy of Human Development in Arunachal Pradesh

The life expectancy at birth in Arunachal Pradesh is estimated to be 54.05 years, which is less than the national average of 63.30 years. Although, the health conditions in Arunachal Pradesh, by and large, have improved in the post-Independence decades, yet there are no reliable estimates of the changes in the health condition of people in the State.

Papum Pare is the district with the highest life expectancy at birth indicating the best of health status of the people among all the 15 districts of the State, followed by East Siang. At the other extreme is Kurung Kumey, which has a life expectancy of only 42.50 years.

Infant and Child Mortality of Human Development in Arunachal Pradesh

Infant mortality rate measures the health conditions in infancy and it is intricately enmeshed with the low economic conditions of the population. In general, a high IMR in a high fertility society is associated with illiteracy, low level of technology in production and poverty. As per the HDR survey, Arunachal Pradesh has a high IMR of 77.

The IMR in Arunachal Pradesh varies from 113 in Kurung Kumey to 53 in Lower Dibang Valley, the inter-district variation being quite large. In Arunachal Pradesh there are six districts with IMR higher than 90. There are five districts in Arunachal Pradesh with IMR higher than that of Orissa’, the state having the largest IMR.

Immunisation of Human Development in Arunachal Pradesh

The universal immunisation programme (UIP) was introduced by the Government of India in 1985-86 with the objective of covering at least 85 per cent of infants against six vaccine-preventable diseases by 1990. Subsequently, the programme was expanded to cover all the districts of the country and the target now is to achieve 100 per cent immunisation coverage. In spite of the programme being universal, a number of states in the country including Arunachal Pradesh have failed to really ‘universalise’ it.

Educational Attainments of Human Development in Arunachal Pradesh

Literacy Rates

The literacy rate for Arunachal Pradesh, according to 2001 census, is only 54.34 per cent, much lower than the national average of 64.80 per cent. Nevertheless, the State has made some progress in raising the literacy rate—from only 25.55 per cent in 1981 to 54.34 per cent in 2001. However, literacy rate in rural areas is as low as 47.8 per cent, and the rural-urban gap in literacy continues to be very high. Among the ST population literacy has gone up from 14.04 per cent in 1981 to 34.45 per cent in 1991 and further to 49.62 per cent in 2001. Adult literacy rate went up from 23.77 per cent in 1981 to 37.53 per cent in 1991, but in rural Arunachal Pradesh literacy was only 32.61 per cent, which was much below the other northeastern states.

Gender Gap in Literacy

The gender gap in literacy in Arunachal Pradesh as per 2001 census is 20.30 per cent points which is lower than the national average of 21.5 percentage points. The gap between male and female literacy rates in the State declined very slowly during 1981 to 2001. In rural areas, gender gap in literacy is sharper than that in urban areas. Although the gender gap in literacy has been narrowing down in the urban areas; it has remained at around 20 per cent points during the past two decades in rural areas—a fact that needs to be addressed in all future initiatives.


In Arunachal Pradesh, the educational infrastructure continues to be inadequate, but its expansion over the past three decades or so has been impressive. Children, as a result, have better access to schooling today in comparison with the past. Enrolment ratio in the age group 6-11 has gone up from 31.9 to 38.1 per cent, while in 11-14 age group it improved from 42.8 to 61.5 per cent during 1981 to 1991.

Dropout Rates

Improvements in enrolment, however, do not guarantee access to adequate levels of education. The dropout rates in relatively underdeveloped regions are very high. Dropout rates in classes I-V for children in Arunachal Pradesh have come down substantially from 73.9 per cent in 1981-82 to 46.85 per cent in 2004-05. It is still higher than the national average, but there seems to be very little improvement in reducing dropout rate at this stage in the past few years. The dropout rate at this stage had already reduced to 46.89 per cent in 1998-99.


Administrative Adjudication: Various types of Administrative Tribunals in India


Administrative adjudication is a name give to the administrative exercise of judicial functions. It is a name given to the various ways of deciding disputes outside the ordinary courts. Administrative adjudication is constitutional, though it is a negation of the principle of separation of powers. Administrative adjudication is the participation or involvement of the executive arm of government (administrative agencies) in judicial function. Through the instrumentality of administrative adjudication, administrative agencies can pass authoritative and appealable decisions.

Administrative adjudication in india

In India, administrative adjudication increased after independence and several welfare lawswere promulgated which vested the power on deciding various issues in the hands of theadministration. The modern Indian Republic was born a Welfare State and thus the burden onthe government to provide a host of welfare services to the people was immense. Thesequasi-judicial powers acquired by the administration led to a huge number of cases withrespect to the manner in which these administrative bodies arrived at their decisions.

Administrative Tribunals in India

  In India growth of administrative tribunals has been rather haphazard. They have come into existence as or when required. Though their number has been gradually multiplying, yet they have never been organized into a coherent system. Over 3,000 such courts exist in India.  Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Railway Rates Tribunal, Labour Courts, Industrial Tri­bunals, Wage Boards, Compensation Tribunals, Election Tribunals, Central Administrative Tri­bunal, Rent Tribunals are some of the examples of such Tribunals.

Administrative tribunals are constituted with amendment to Articles 323A and 323B of the Indian Constitution. These are constituted to exclusively deal with service matters of the civil servants. However, Administrative Tribunal is a substitute to High Court. These tribunals are quasi-judicial in nature but assigned with adjudicate the matters referred before them. It is a sign of welfare state. As many tribunals are working today, regulatory mechanism is very much needed. The tribunals are established to avoid regular court approach by civil servants. The only strict restriction imposed on them is to follow Principles of Natural Justice, but the tribunals started to give their own construction to interpret the Principles of Natural Justice. This is because there are no settled definite principles to say these are the fundamental principles of Natural Justice.

Central Administrative Tribunal:  Article 323 A added in the Constitution of India in 1985 provides for the setting up of Administrative Tribunal for adjudicating the disputes relating to service matters of persons em­ployed to public services and posts in the Central Government and the States. In Pursuance of the above amendment the Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985 was enacted.  The CAT enjoys the status and powers of a High Court in respect of service matters Appeals against its orders He to the Supreme Court only. It has 17 regular Benches operating at the principal seats of High Court. These regular Benches also hold circuit sittings at other seats of High Courts.

The difference between CAT and ordinary courts is as follows:

  • The Tribunal is free from the shackles of many of the technicalities of the ordinal courts in respect of hearing of evidence and pleading by the lawyers and the presentation of the case.
  • The government can present its case through the departmental officers or legal prac­titioners.
  • Only a nominal fee is to be paid by the petitioner for filing an application before the Tribunal.

The members of the Administrative Tribunals are drawn from the administrative stream also, whereas the judges of ordinary courts belong to the legal stream.

State administrative tribunal

Article 323 B empowers the state legislatures to set up tribunals for various matters. The matters to be covered by such tribunals are as follows:

Levy, assessment, collection and enforcement of any tax

Matters connected with Land reforms covered by Article 31A


Income Tax Appellate Tribunal:  Section 252 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 provides that the Central Government shall constitute an Appellate Tribunal consisting of an many Judicial Members and Accountant mem­bers as it thinks fit to exercise the powers and functions conferred on the Tribunal by the Act.  Under the Act, a judicial Member shall be a person, who has held a judicial office for at least ten years or has been a Member of the Central Legal Services and has held a post in Grade II of that service or any equivalent or higher post for at least three years or who has been an Advocate for at least ten years.

The powers and functions of the Tribunal are exercised and discharged by the Bench constituted from amongst the members of the Tribunal. A Bench consists of one Judicial Mem­ber and one Accountant Member. The Benches of the Tribunal have been constituted in differ­ent parts of the country presently there are 63 benches.

Advantages of Administrative Tribunals

  • Administrative adjudication is a dynamic system of administration, which serves, more adequately than any other method, the varied and complex needs of the modern society. The main advantages of the administrative tribunals are as follows:
  • Administrative adjudication has brought about flexibility and adaptability in the judicial as well as administrative tribunals.
  • In the fast changing world of today, administrative tribunals are not only the most appropriated means of administrative action, but also the most effective means of giving fair justice to the individuals.
  • Administrative justice ensures cheap and quick justice. As against this, procedure in the law courts is long and cumbersome and litigation is costly.
  • The system also gives the much-needed relief to ordinary courts of law, which are already overburdened with numerous suits.

Disadvantages of Administrative Tribunals

  • Administrative adjudication is a negation of Rule of Law. Rule of Law ensures equality before law for everybody and the supremacy of ordinary law and due procedure of law over governmental arbitrariness.
  • Administrative tribunals have in most cases, no set procedures and sometimes they violate even the principles of natural justice.
  • Administrative tribunals often hold summary trials and they do not follow any precedents. As such it is not possible to predict the course of future decisions.