Natural and Power resources of Arunachal Pradesh

Natural and Power resources of Arunachal Pradesh

Arunachal Pradesh has an area of 83,743 sq kms. It is the largest state in the North Eastern region sharing its international boundaries with Bhutan in the west , China in the North and Myanmar in the East. It also shares border with state of Assam and Nagaland in the southern and south eastern area. Total forest cover is about 82% and the state has numerous turbulent streams , fast flowing rivers , deep gorges , lofty mountains , snow clad peaks and rich biodiversity.

Total generating capacity of the state was only 32 MW hydro and 28.63 MW diesel till now, which has increased substantially with the completion of 405 MW Ranganadi hydropower project. 600MW Kameng hydro power project is under construction and these projects will provide electricity not only to the Arunachal Pradesh and other states in the north eastern region but also to the power starved regions of the country.

The per capita consumption of Arunachal Pradesh is below 100 Kwh as compared to the national average of 373Kwh. The state plans to harness its enormous potential from natural resources like forests and hydro power and exploit its mineral wealth to usher in the era of economic development and raise the capita electricity consumption to the 500 Kwh.Natural and Power resources of Arunachal Pradesh

Power Installations In 2016-17

In June 2016, the state accounted for an installed capacity of power generation of 55.41 MW from thermal power plants out of which 43.06 MW is contributed by gas power plants and 12.35 MW from coal power plants.

For the installation of 40,000 MW grid connected solar rooftop system in the country by 2022, the target allocated for the state is 50 MW.

Use of  Conventional resources and its issues

Conventional resources of energy are rapidly depleting and there is no formation of conventional sources of energies in near future. So there is need to divert our attention to renewable energy resources. The main concern over the rapid consumption of Fossil Fuels is they are depleting at fast pace. And there should be use of renewable resources to meet the growing demands of utilization of  non-renewable products

In order  to preserve the energy resources through proper utilization, the power developers have to create awareness among the people about the use of renewable resources as non-renewable resources declining at a rapid rate due to increasing demands of its use in global market of energy conservation and make it a culture in the long run to be a efficient state. The power is the most important contributing factor of a developed state so to be efficient there should be exploration of  all possible avenues to produce power.

Prospects  on involvement of private sector in Hydro-Power generation is very benefitting. There is need for energy conservation and its efficiency. There is need to look for  Power renewable energy, power trading, T&D loss reduction and technologies  and equipments for effective energy generation.

The reserves of coal, oil and natural gas are limited and they do not regenerate. Hence such energies could be used only as long as they last and their emissions cannot be absorbed by nature. Consequently, none of these energy sources can satisfy both sustainability criteria. Therefore, the sustainability criteria are best satisfied by solar, wind, wave and most hydro-power options. The state will produce adequate energy in all ways and means that is safe and good for the state and its population.

Renewable energy in the state

The government has launched the programme for promoting power generation from renewable sources since the last 25 years. In India, the cumulative power generation from these sources is only around 11,272.13 MW and in State , Power generation from renewable resources is very less. Small hydro-power projects generating up to 25 MW power are also categorized as power renewable sources of energy.

However there are socio socio-economic problems associated with small hydro projects at place where it has caused hydro-projects blockade or diversion in downstream water affecting farming operations and causing drinking water availability problems in villages. India is also lagging behind in power generation from biomass, bagasse and waste despite its high potential.

Technology improvement for Renewable Energy

Technological improvements, better quality control, standardization and increased number of suppliers/ manufacturers/vendors in technologies such as wind manufacturers/vendors turbines, biomass cogeneration and hydro power, biomass gasification, small and micro micro-hydro, bio-diesel and solar photovoltaic are also aiding the growth of renewable energy.

Efficiency in energy utilization needs to be a continuous activity as there is huge continuous un productive energy utilization has seen. The world is moving towards a sustainable energy future with an emphasis on energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources.

The North East has abundant renewable energy resources but their utilization has not been adequate. Apart from small hydel power projects, biomass holds a lot of scope in the region. Effective utilization of renewable energy could be of immense benefit in electrification of remote villages. The 11th Plan targeted utilization of renewable energy to the tune of 3,500 MW with a capacity addition of another 3,200MW. The private sector participation is very much encouraging in this regard. Continued growth of Indian economy will depend on large scale investments in its large-scale energy sector.

Central and State Governments should also address these issues for faster implementation of projects. Further, any development in the generation and objects transmission / sub-transmission infrastructure can only be sustained through transmission .Continuous cash-flow from end consumers, adequate focus needs to be on  strengthening of the distribution sector through administrative and management sector reforms. the Central Government sponsored schemes such as the R-APDRP, and development of the human resources through appropriately designed training and development programs.

The state is sparsely populated and the wide dispersion in population makes the centralized generation and long T&D network a costly option. This explains the presence of distributed generation, having installed capacities of several KW only which cater for the local areas. The Arunachal Pradesh Electricity Department, a vertically integrated entity, is vertically-integrated responsible for generation, transmission and distribution of power in the State.

Although the state has a huge hydro potential to the order of 55,000 MW, it is mostly unexplored .The State’s own installed capacity is only 61 MW and is primarily dependent on primarily purchase of power from CPSUs (share of 119 MW). Peak demand of the state stood at130 MW in 2008-09 and peak demand and energy deficit stand at 39.2% and 36.4% respectively which are way above the national average figures.

The best way of contributing to the nation is to tap the hydro potentials in Arunachal Pradesh, which can meet the nation’s one one-third power requirements. Of the projected 60,000 MW of power potentials in the State, only 4 5% has so far been exploited. 4-5%Highlighting the vast potentials for renewable energy in North Eastern states

The dams are constructed using best of scientific technologies to maximize power production and minimize the hypothetical negative impact.

Mega Power Policy and Small Hydro Power Policy

The Government of Arunachal Pradesh has formulated Mega Power Policy and Small Hydropower Policy for project under 25 MW under Build, Own, and Operate and Transfer (BOOT) model. Projects are classified according to their size and the project identification, allocation and various statutory clearances are detailed in the policy. various. The private sector companies will have the option to execute hydro projects on Build, Own, Operate (BOO) or Build, Own, Transfer (BOT). The land required for construction of the project shall be acquired and leased to the developer against payment of land.

Objective is to formulate effective policy, proper technology delivery and besides capacity building for realizing the potential of the renewable energy sector.

The State has got abundant renewable energy resources and made a strong pitch for improving power generating capacities. Power-generating through improved technologies so as to meet the future power requirements of the country. Around 15 per cent of energy is being lost in distribution and transmission system, besides the unauthorized tapping of power

Solar Energy

India has abundant solar insolation and state is also have potential for solar energy. There is also need to emphasized on tapping the solar energy to meet the electricity needs of people of border areas in the state.

Focus is on tapping the resources for renewable energy and eradicate hurdles in tapping them. There is need to provide solar power in border areas of the state as it has vast potentials for renewable energy in North Eastern states.

Bio diversity in the state

There is need to conserve power and bio diversity as well. Bio-diversity in Arunachal Pradesh with 82per cent forest cover will put all efforts in saving its natural bio- biodiversity and at the same time will march forward with other states in terms of development by becoming energy efficient.

To protect the bio diversity, the government will soon  eliminate the jhum cultivation and introduce tea and rubber cultivation. It will help in maintaining the economic balance and conserve bio diversity.

Efforts are being done in saving its natural bio diversity and at the same time co operate with other states in conserving bio diversity. Efforts are also done in terms of development by becoming energy efficient by producing adequate energy in all ways and means that is safe and good for the state and its population.

Wind Energy

Emphasizing the need of enhancing renewable energy  wind power could be transform into effective energy in the state. India now ranks as a “wind superpower” with an installed wind power capacity of 1167 MW and about 5 billion units of electricity have been fed to the national grid so far.

In the state, around 15 per cent of energy has been lost while distributing power in various states. State has been focusing on minute details on the energy efficiency and conservation and renewable energy.

Biogas based Power Generation Programme (BPGP)

Biogas based power units can be a reliable decentralized power generation option in the country. In order to promote this route of power generation, specifically in the small capacity range (3 kW to 250 kW), based on the availability of large quantity of animal wastes and wastes from forestry, rural based industries (agro/food processing), kitchen wastes, etc; a number of projects of different capacities and applications will be taken up for refining the technical know-how, developing manpower and necessary infrastructure, establishing a proper arrangement of operation & maintenance and large scale dissemination. Various small bio gas power generations has been installed in the state.

Effective Policy for future generations

Sustainable energy is the provision of energy that meets the needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Technologies that promote sustainable energy include renewable energy sources, such as energy from hydroelectricity, solar energy, wind energy, wave power, bio gas,  tidal power and also technologies ,designed to improve energy efficiency needs to be enhanced. The reserves of coal, oil and reserves natural gas are limited and they do not regenerate. Hence, such energies could be used only as long as they last and their emissions cannot be absorbed by nature. Consequently, none of the energy sources can satisfy both sustainability criteria. Therefore, the sustainability criteria are best satisfied by solar, wind, wave and most hydropower options.

Other options help to meet the sustainability goals were energy savings and increase energy efficiency.


28-29.01.18 Arunachal Pradesh(APPSC) Current Affairs


  • Northeast children dominate list of bravery award winners


  • Four children from Nagaland, two from Mizoram and one of each from Manipur and Meghalaya are among the 18 bravehearts honoured with the National Bravery Awards 2017.


  • Among the eight from the northeastern states, two — F. Lalchhandama from Mizoram and Km Loukrakpam Rajeshwari Chanu from Manipur — were honoured posthumously.


  • Of the eighteen children selected for National Bravery awards this year, seven are girls. Nazia from Uttar Pradesh was honoured with the Bharat Award for raising her voice against illegal gambling and betting which has become rampant in her neighbourhood.


  • Last year the National Bravery Awards was given to 25 children from different parts of the country. Five of the awardees were from the North-Eastern states. The children for National Bravery Award are selected by a committee comprising representatives of various Ministries, NGO’s and office bearers of Indian Council for Child Welfare ( ICCWF). The national Bravery Award was initiated by the ICCWF to give recognition to children for outstanding deeds of bravery.





·        India To Host Informal WTO Ministerial Gathering In New Delhi


  • Trade ministers from various countries including Australia, Japan, and Switzerland met for an informal WTO ministerial gathering in Davos, Switzerland.
  • India was represented by Deepak Jagdish Saksena, ambassador and permanent representative to the WTO.
  • India announced that it will host an informal WTO Ministerial gathering in March 2018.
  • The meeting would be held in New Delhi on March 19-20.



·        Worlds second largest food producer India ranks under Severe Hunger Levels


  • One of the highest food producers- India stands on the 100th rankfor the title ‘Hungry’.
  • Out of 119, India stood on 100th rank which is disturbing for the nation with the highest population.
  • ‘Global Hunger Index’ carried out by International Food Policy Research Institute chalked out nations that fall under ‘Starving’ category.
  • The 100 out of 119 countries on the GHI, while last year it was at 97 out of 118.
  • Even though India’s 2017 GHI score—31.4—has improved over the years, its hunger problem remains categorized as “serious.”
  • The rankings are based on four indicators: undernourishment, child mortality, child wasting, and child stunting.
  • A GHI score of between 20 and 34.9 points reflects serious hunger levels; between 35 and 49.9, it is alarming, and extremely alarming if over 50.

·        Doklam issue heated up

What is Doklam issue ?


  • Doklam, or Donglang in Chinese, is an area spread over less than a 100 sq km comprising a plateau and a valley at the trijunction between India, Bhutan and China. It is surrounded by the Chumbi Valley of Tibet, Bhutan’s Ha Valley and Sikkim.
  • Despite several rounds of engagement between China and Bhutan, the dispute between the two over Doklam has not been resolved. It flared up in 2017 when the Chinese were trying to construct a road in the area, and Indian troops, in aid of their Bhutanese counterparts, objected to it, resulting in the stand-off. Doklam is strategically located close to the Siliguri Corridor, which connects mainland India with its north-eastern region. The corridor, also called Chicken’s Neck, is a vulnerable point for India.
  • India and China have one of the world’s longest disputed borders and areas — which include 37,000 sq km of uninhabited Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh with 1.4 million residents and over 84,000 sq km.
  • Despite several rounds of negotiations between Special Representatives, the dispute is nowhere near a solution.




·        2017 witnessed a 38% rise in social media URL blocking


  • A total of 1,329 social media URLs were blocked or removed on the recommendation of a government committee to deal with “objectionable content” last year till November 2017.
  • This is an increase of nearly 38% from 964 social media URLs blocked or removed for the whole of 2016.
  • URLs that were blocked or removed on account of court orders during the same period came down from 100 in 2016 to 83 in January-November 2017, according to an internal note of the Ministry of Electronics and IT
  • Also, the widespread usage of social networking sites and lack of awareness among users about the methods of cybercriminals, it added, is leading to a rise in the spread of malware such as Trojans and bots, and the theft of sensitive personal information.
  • Blocking is a sovereign power that is given to the government by virtue of Section 69A of the Information Technology Act. So under certain specified considerations, the power of blocking can be exercised… This power was inserted in the IT Act by virtue of the Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2008, which came into effect from October 2009.


·        Sensors in Andamans to monitor earthquakes


  • The Indian Tsunami Early Warning System (ITEWS) of the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) is in the process of setting up an elaborate system of sensors on the Andaman & Nicobar Islands for real-time monitoring of earthquakes.
  • Strong Motion Sensors with Global Positioning Systems (GPS) have been installed at 28 locations on the islands.
  • INCOIS, which comes under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, has in place a fail-safe satellite-based communication system, Emergency Operation Centres (EOCs), with VSAT based VoIP phone and fax, electronic display board, a computer-based earthquake alert and web access system.
  • The system is capable of displaying ticket messages related to tsunami events and triggering of a built-in siren alert system audible for up to 1 km, which can be triggered by INCOIS or by the EOCs.
  • The real-time data is collated at INCOIS in collaboration with the Indian Meteorology Department, the National Institute of Ocean Technology, the Survey of India and international sources.
  • It detects globally occurring earthquakes of 5 magnitude and above within 5-10 minutes of the event.


·        Finance Minister Arun Jaitley aim to ease doing business in India


  • Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley reiterated that the government aims to provide an easy environment for doing business in India.
  • He was addressing a function to mark the International Customs Day in New Delhi.
  • He urged the officers of the Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) to be very sharp in the detection process to avoid tax evasion.
  • The role of customs in terms of detection changed a lot.
  • The appealed the officers to perform the role of trade facilitator to cut down costs, time and bring efficiency to the system.
  • He also launched ICETRAK app of CBEC.
  • The app tracks the status of consignments.


·        Bharat Net opens door for telemedicine and e-education facilities in Gram Panchayats


  • Under the purview of the telecommunication industry, the Gram Panchayats in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan are been provided access to telemedicine and re-education facilities riding on Bharat Net infrastructure.
  • With the aim of dreaming of a nation to use internet services, the government has taken immense efforts and pressure to provide people with easy access and availability of resources.
  • The rural area development has grown and the nation is moving towards progress at a faster pace.
  • The access to the internet has made the people more prone to the internet and use telecommunication at a higher level. Educating the masses and likewise providing them.
  • According to the survey it is found that Hamira is one among the one lakh Gram

panchayat covered under the BharatNet phase 1.


  • In total Rajasthan comprises of over8117 Gram panchayats under the BharatNet service.

Arunachal Pradesh Trade and Commerce

Arunachal Pradesh Trade and Commerce

  • Arunachal Pradesh is situated in the north eastern most part of India and is nearly 84,000 Sq. Km in area. It has a long international boundary with Bhutan to the west (160 Km), China to the North East (1080 Km) and Myanmar to the East (440 Km) stretching 1,680 Kms of international border.
  • The Department of Trade & Commerce was created and caArunachal Pradesh Trade and Commerceme into being in the state of Arunachal Pradesh during 1998.The main functions of the Department as per the Business of Allocation notified by the Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh are as under:
  1. Issue of Trade License.
  2. Facilities to Border Trade & Foreign Trade.
  3. Development and expansion of export production particular in plantation of crops, orchids, flowers and Handlooms and Handicrafts.
  4. Creation of Export commodities including Export Processing Zones etc

Activities of the Department by Department of Trade and Commerce Arunachal Pradesh

  • The Department of Trade & Commerce is the Nodal Department for issue of Trade Licences.
  • All the respective Deputy Commissioners/ ADCs of the Districts have been empowered to issue Trade Licences up to Rs. 10 lakhs.
  • Trade Licences involving more than Rs. 10 lakhs are also issued by the respective DCs after thorough examination by the Department of Trade & Commerce and subsequent approval of the Government.
  • Normally, Trade Licences are issued to Arunachal Pradesh Scheduled Tribe (APST) entrepreneurs only.
  • However, in exceptional cases where there is no APST entrepreneurs forth coming, Non-Tribals are also issued Trading licences with the approval of the Government subject to dully recommended by the respective DCs as a special case.
  • Moreover, trade licences can also be issued to industrial unit established by other than APST as per Arunachal Pradesh State Industrial Policy 2008

Facilities to Border Trade and Foreign Trade

  • By the advent of globalization and economic liberalization, The Government of India has given more emphasis on the development of Border Trade & Foreign Trade with the neighbouring countries for the overall economic development of the state in particular and country in general.
  • As a consequence, the Government of Arunachal Pradesh has taken up some ambitious proposals for re-opening of border trade with the neighbouring countries i.e. Bhutan, Myanmar & China.
  • In the past, the people of the state residing in the border areas had been maintaining trade relations with the neighboring countries though in traditional and unregulated manner.
  • People inhabiting in the border areas with Bhutan and Myanmar have been maintaining unregulated trade relation till today though trade relation with China was discontinued after Sino-Indian conflict in 1962.
  • The Government of Arunachal Pradesh has identified the following border trade points and further development of infrastructure is under active process in Indo-Myanmar and Indo-Bhutan sector.


  • The Government of Arunachal Pradesh is presently planning to open a new horizon by opening Border Trade with our neighbouring countries, viz., China, Bhutan and Myanmar.
  • In most of the places, traditional way of trade is existing but Government is preparing proposals to create proper infrastructure for formal trade.
  • Border Trade in following sectors is being proposed:

Indo-China Sector

  1. Kenzamane (Zemithang) in Tawang District
  2. Bumla in Tawang District .
  3. Gelling (Kepangla Pass) in Upper Siang District
  4. Kibithoo in Anjaw District
  5. Mechuka (Lolla Pass) in West Siang District.
  6. Monigong (Dumla Pass) in West Siang District
  7. Taksing in Upper Subansiri District.

Indo-Myanmar Sector

  1. Pangsu Pass (Nampong) in Changlang District

Indo-Bhutan Sector

  1. Bleting (Namtsering) in Tawang District
  2. Dongshengmang and Bongkhar in Tawang District

Various scheme for Trade Development

Export Development Fund (EDF)

  • Following the announcement of the Prime Minister on June, 21-22, 2000 at Shillong, an Export Development of Fund (EDF) has been set up for promotion of the export development in the North Eastern Region including Sikkim.
  • The fund was set up initially with a corpus of Rs 5 crores and thereafter further contribution to the fund is to be provided by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry from any other budgetary or non budgetary sources of the government which is to be managed by the Agriculture & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) under the instruction of the Department of Commerce.

Central Assistance to States for Developing Export Infrastructure and Other Allied Activities (ASIDE)

  • The Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India is implementing a central scheme, ‘Central Assistance to States for Developing Export Infrastructure and Other Allied Activities’ (ASIDE) for promotion and facilitation of export commodities and creation of necessary infrastructure in the state in order to maintain lower cost of production so as to make our exports internationally competitive.
  • The objective of the scheme is to involve the state in the export effort by providing assistance to the state government for creating appropriate infrastructure for the development and growth of exports as the states do not often have adequate resources to participate in funding of infrastructure for exports.

Setting up of World Trade Centre (WTC) in Itanagar

  • The World Trade Centre, Mumbai (WTCM) which is the lone Centre in entire Country is very much interested to set up one more such centre in the state of Arunachal Pradesh at Itanagar in view of the high potentiality of Border Trade scope in the region in tune with “Look East Policy” of the Central Government.
  • The W.T.C can facilitate in numerous ways, such as, holding of business exhibitions, Business centre with rooms for holding meetings, conferences, workshops, video conferencing, W.T.C club, undertaking research studies and dissemination of information through on-line, periodicals, training in foreign languages and taking and receiving trade missions.
  • Moreover the WTC can be a catalyst for all round development of the region, such as, renewal of urban areas, attraction of new business in the region, boosting of airport and air traffic and enhancing the trade capabilities of the trading community of the region


Arunachal Pradesh Trade & Commerce

Arunachal Pradesh Trade & Commerce

The entire North-east India had a long tradition of trade relations with eastern Himalayan sub-region comprising Bhutan, Tibet, China and Myanmar (Burma). It is more so in case of Arunachal Pradesh, because most of the tribes of Arunachal Pradesh migrated from these countries. Therefore, they had maintained ethnic, cultural, commercial and even matrimonial relationships with their neighboring territories through ages.

The tribes of Arunachal Pradesh living along the international border had trade connections with China, Tibet, Bhutan and Myanmar through several trade routes). While the tribes living along the southern border of Arunachal Pradesh had trade relations with Assam, the eastern part of Arunachal Pradesh had trading relations

With Burma, and the western and the northern part of Arunachal Pradesh had well developed trade links with the Tibetans.

Arunachal Pradesh Trade & Commerce

Trade Dynamics

History has recorded a number of trade routes between Arunachal Pradesh and its neighbouring countries. As many as 27 trade routes (passes) including the famous

Tawang route which passed via Tawang and Tsona Dzong have been identified between Arunachal Pradesh and Tibet. Local goods of Tibet and Bhutan were brought through these trade routes to be exchanged for local goods of Arunachal and Assam at different trade fairs (Mela) held annually coinciding with certain religious festivals in the foothills.


On the eastern border of Arunachal Pradesh four trade routes have been identified including the famous Pangsu Pass between Arunachal Pradesh and Burma. A large number of hill tribes from the present Tirap district of Arunachal Pradesh used to carry on trade in tea, blankets, matches, etc., at various places in Burma including in Bhamo, the most important trading centre on the bank of river Irrawaddy in Burma. The major articles from Burma side were amber (Jangphi), gum, nora cloth, silver, etc.


To speed up the process of development in the State, the present ‘inward looking’ paradigms of developmental policy is to be supplemented by an ‘outward looking’ approach based on market and trade. The changing scenario in international trade under WTO regime, India’s emphasis on signing trade agreements with several foreign countries including the South and South-east Asian countries (a few of which share common border with Arunachal Pradesh) and the ‘Look East’ policy of India can be of great help for Arunachal Pradesh in its efforts to introduce this ‘outward looking’ development strategy. ‘The global pattern of agrarian transformation initiated by GATT/WTO suggests that the major portion of third

world peasantries have no future simply as subsistence cultivators’


Prospects of Trade with Neighbouring Countries—Exploring New Frontiers


Arunachal Pradesh has potentials for producing some of the goods which currently India is exporting to various countries including those bordering Arunachal Pradesh.

China, the ASEAN region, Bangladesh and other SAARC countries which are geographically close to Arunachal Pradesh import substantial portion of each of

the above items in which Arunachal Pradesh has export potential.



Arunachal Pradesh with 2.54 per cent of country’s geographical area is custodian of more than 23.52 per cent of the flowering plants of India. It is one of the richest botanical treasure houses of the country. A few valuable items of such rich biodiversity of the State, identified on the basis of market demand, could be commercially exploited for economic benefit of the State.



Out of 925 varieties of orchids available in India, more than 500 varieties are found in Arunachal Pradesh due to its favourable soil and climatic conditions.

In fact, approximately 200 varieties are unique to the State and 60 per cent of these are ornamental in nature with high demands in international markets. Thus,

Arunachal Pradesh can be a major exporter of orchids.


Horticultural Crops:

Arunachal Pradesh is famous for production of apple, orange, pineapple, banana, walnut, kiwi and several spices (cardamom, black-pepper, ginger, etc.) including 4500 species of flowering plants. Nearly 55,000 hectares of land is under horticultural crops including spices. At present, Arunachal Pradesh is selling some of these fruit crops only to Assam and neighboring North-eastern states, but its soil and climate are so rich for flower and fruit crop plantation that it can be a major exporter of flowers, fruits and fruit products even to the neighboring countries.


Major Forest Products:

The vast area of forests of Arunachal Pradesh covering 51,540 sq km, which forms

about 62 per cent of the total geographical area of the State, are full of valuable timber trees like hollock, pine, chir, teak, etc., which grow naturally. The commercial use of these trees along with its scientific captive plantation can earn substantial revenue for the State. Value added products from such trees can also be exported to the neighboring countries.


Minor Forest Products (MFP)


(i) Herbal Plants: Arunachal Pradesh has a rich tradition of herbal health care. The tribes have so far identified over 500 species of plants, having medicinal properties. However, some of these ‘medicinal’ plants are yet to be authenticated by appropriate scientific testing. Due to lack of awareness, the State is yet to harness the full potentials of this wealth


(ii) Aromatic Plants: Arunachal Pradesh forests offer a vast array of aromatic plants such as citronella, lemon-grass, vanilla, patcholi, agaroo, etc., which can be used in aromatic industry for the manufacture of perfumes, incenses, etc., for export purposes.


Economic Mineral Resources of Arunachal Pradesh Trade & Commerce

Among the valuable minerals spotted in Arunachal Pradesh are petroleum, limestone, marble coal, dolomite, fuller’s earth and natural gas reserves are worth mentioning.

If properly assessed and explored with required infrastructural development, the products of some of these minerals can be used for making several value-added products locally in small and medium scale industries. Some of the value-added products can be exported to the neighboring countries.


Tourism Products

The State’s unique natural beauty, different species of wildlife, religious places, historical and heritage sites, diverse attractive tribal cultures, friendly and hospitable people could make Arunachal Pradesh, the Switzerland of the East. The sites which can be developed into world class tourist spots are Tawang for religious, adventure and eco tourists; Parusuramkunda and Malini Than, for religious and eco tourists; Namdapha Tiger Project, Mowling National Park, and ten wildlife sanctuaries of the State for wildlife tourists; ‘Lake of No Return’ on the border of Arunachal Pradesh and Myanmar near Phangso Pass.


Hydro-electric Power

Arunachal Pradesh possesses immense potential of powers, primarily in the form of hydel. But the progress of this sector has not taken place on a scale proportionate to resource availability. The total unexploited hydel potential of the State is estimated to be 49000 MW. The National Hydro Power Corporation (NHPC) has undertaken survey and investigation works of Siang and Subansiri basins for establishing mega hydro power project with an installed capacity of 20700 MW. When this project will be completed, Arunachal Pradesh can be a major exporter of cheap hydel power not only to the entire North-east, but also to its neighbouring countries having power deficit like China and Myanmar.


Trade Routes


(i) Tezpur-Bomdila-Towang-Bum La (China)

(ii) Lakhimpur-Daparijo-Nacho (China)

(iii) Jonai-Sadiya-Mekha-Malvinil-Tajobum (China)

(iv) Sadiya-Tezu-Chirangal-Kahao (China)

(v) Tinsukia-Winstong-Mogung (Myanmar)

(vi) Khonsa-Wakha (Myanmar)

(vii) Ledo-Pangsou Pass-Myitkyina-Bhamo-Kunming

(Myanmar and China)

Out of these seven old border trade routes of Arunachal Pradesh, the most useful and economic route is the Ledo-Pangsou Pass-Myitkyina-Bhamo-Kunming route,

popularly known as StilWell Road.



04-05.02.18 Arunachal Pradesh(APPSC) Current Affairs


  • Arunachal Pradesh nods to much awaited Advertisement Policy 2018


  • Arunachal Pradeshgave a nod to much awaited “Arunachal Pradesh Advertisement Policy 2018.” State Cabinet headed by Chief Minister Pema Khandu approved Arunachal Pradesh Advertisement Policy 2018 which will enable the government to make payment of government advertisement bills to media houses on a timely basis.
  • In another decision, the Cabinet approved the release of gratuitous relief of Rs 2,000 for all contingency and casual workers serving under Arunachal Government.
  • Apart from approving the creation of 25 posts of Assistant Professors for government colleges of the state under Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA), the Cabinet also approved enhancement of salary of teachers working under SSA and RMSA on contractual basis up to 22% with effect from April 1, 2018.
  • The Cabinet directed the education department to ensure that salaries are disbursed by the first week of the subsequent month through the Aadhaar-based DBT through PFMS method. 



    • World Cancer Day: 4 February


    • World Cancer Day is an international day marked on February 4 to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection, and treatment.


    • World Cancer Day was founded by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) to support the goals of the World Cancer Declaration, written in 2008.


    • The primary goal of the World Cancer Day is to significantly reduce illness and death caused by cancer by 2020.


    • The theme for the World Cancer Day 2016-2018 is ‘We can. I can.’


    • Nepal gets a high Rs. 650 crore outlay


    • India’s annual financial allocation to Nepal for 2018-19 has nearly doubled under the Union Budget presented on February 1.


    • The External Affairs Ministry has been allocated a total Rs. 15,011 crore, which indicates a marginal increase of Rs. 1,321 crore over the previous year’s grant.


    • For India’s development and diplomatic engagement under the ‘Neighbourhood First’ policy, the Budget has allocated Rs. 5545 crore.


    • Bhutan is traditionally the largest recipient of Ministry’s allocation.





    • Venkaiah Naidu to Inaugurate First International Kala Mela


    • The Vice President of India Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu will inaugurate the First International Kala Mela in New Delhi on February 4.
    • The Minister of State for Culture (Independent Charge) and Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Dr. Mahesh Sharma will also grace the occasion.


    • Lalit Kala Akademi, the premier institution for the promotion of Art and Culture is organizing it at Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi (IGNCA).


    • Environment Ministry launches ‘Green Good Deeds’ campaign


    • Environment Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan has appealed to the teaching community to join the “Green Good Deeds” campaign, launched by his Ministry to sensitise the people about climate change and global warming.


    • The Minister reminded the teachers of their “Green Social Responsibility similar to corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).


    • CRISIL, SIDBI Launch India’s First MSE Sentiment Index


    • The Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs Shri Arun Jaitley launched CriSidEx , India’s first sentiment index for micro and small enterprises ( MSEs) developed jointly by CRISIL & SIDBI.


    • CriSidEx is a composite index based on a diffusion index of 8 parameters and measures MSE business sentiment on a scale of 0 (extremely negative ) to 200 ( extremely positive) .


    • The parametric feedback was captured through a survey of 1100 MSEs in November –December.


    • CriSidEx will have 2 indices , one for the ‘survey quarter’ and another for the ‘next quarter’ once a trend emerges after few rounds of the survey , providing independent time series data.


    • The crucial benefit of CriSidEx is that its readings will flag potential headwinds and changes in production cycles and thus help improve market efficiencies and by capturing the sentiment of exporters and importers , it will also offer actionable indicators on foreign trade.


    • India’s biggest floating island released in Neknampur lake


    • On the occasion of World Wetland Day, city-based NGO Dhruvansh has introduced biggest floating island of India at Neknampur Lake, Hyderabad.
    • The duo of Dhruvansh NGO, Madhulika and Neeraj Singh started Neknampur restoration programme in June 2016 adopting various cost effective methodologies to clean the lake.
    • After successful introduction of 10×10 feet floating islands last year, the NGO introduced 2,500 square feet floating island with 3,500 wetland plants floating on this platform.


    • “A Century is Not Enough”: Autobiography of Sourav Ganguly


    • Former Team India captain Sourav Ganguly’s autobiography is soon-to-be-published and it is named “A Century is Not Enough”.

    • The book is co-authored by Gautam Bhattacharya and published by Juggernaut Books.


    • The book covers the ups and downs in more than a decade long career of the former Indian captain fondly called ‘Dada’.


    ·        Railways Ministry may introduce dynamic pricing system


    • The Railways Ministrythe current flex-fare system and is considering introducing a dynamic pricing system for train tickets, Railway Minister Piyush Goyal has said. Under dynamic pricing system, fares will be decided as per the season and demand.


    • The Fares will be automatically adjusted via artificial intelligence, algorithms or technology, to help trains have more occupancy.

    ·        India Lifts U-19 World Cup 2018


    • India defeated Australia to lift the Under 19 World cup for the fourth time.
    • The Men in Blue defeated the three-time champions Australia at Bay Oval, New Zealand.


    • Manjot Kalra scored a sensational unbeaten century and was named Man of the Match.


    • Shubman Gill was declared man of the series.


An Introduction to Arunachal Pradesh Economy

An Introduction to Arunachal Pradesh Economy

Arunachal Pradesh – State profile

  • Covering an area of 83,743 sq km, Arunachal Pradesh is the largest state in the Northeast India.
  • The state is located in the extreme Northeastern corner of the country. It shares its border with the neighbouring countries of Bhutan in the West, China (Tibet) in the North and Northeast, Myanmar in the East and Southeast and the Indian states of Assam and Nagaland in the South.
  • Itanagar is the state capital. Arunachal Pradesh has 16 administrative districts.
  • Naharlagun, Tawang, Tezpur, Bomdila, Ziro, Pasighat and Tezu are the major towns in the state.
  • Brahmaputra is the major river flowing through the state. Other smaller rivers include Kameng, Subansiri, Lohit and Tirap.
  • The most commonly spoken languages are Assamese, Bengali and Hindi. English is the primary medium of education in the schools

Rich and varied agro-climatic conditions

  • Undulating topography and varied agro-climatic conditions offer vast potential for horticulture and growing a variety of fruits, vegetables, spices, aromatic and medicinal plants, flowers and mushroom.

Policy and fiscal incentives

  • The state offers a wide range of fiscal and policy incentives and assistance for businesses under the State Industrial Policy, 2008. Additionally, the state has sectorspecific policies for industries related to power and agriculture.

Facilitating industrial infrastructure

  • The state has 12 industrial estates, established across districts. To support industrial growth, the State Government has also notified integrated infrastructure development centres, industrial growth centres and industrial areas.

International trade opportunities

  • The geographic location of the state provides immense opportunities for international trade with the South Asian countries through its shared borders with Myanmar, Bhutan and China.

Key industries in Arunachal Pradesh

  • The resources, policy incentives and climate in the state support investments in mining and mineral products (including cement), tissue culture and floriculture, plantation crops (tea, rubber, etc.) and agro-based industries.
    • The North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Limited is engaged in catalysing the industrial growth of the Northeastern region (including Arunachal Pradesh) by providing counselling, timely advice and assistance for building quality enterprises.
    • The Department of Industries, Government of Arunachal Pradesh, is responsible for promoting industrial activities in the state to provide employment opportunities to the rural and urban people.
    • The Department of Industries has set up district industries centres (DICs) and sub-district industries centres (sub-DICs) for the industrial development of small scale, tiny and village industries.
  • Key industries in Arunachal Pradesh
  • Art and crafts
  • Weaving
  • Cane and bamboo
  • Carpet weaving
  • Wood carving
  • Ornaments
  • Tourism
  • Horticulture
  • Saw mills and plywood

Employment profile of Arunachal Pradesh

  • The primary sector employs around 67.4 per cent of the total workforce in Arunachal Pradesh, followed by tertiary sector (23.9 per cent) and secondary sector (8.7 per cent).
  • Around 94 per cent of the state‟s population lives in the rural belt. Thus, agriculture is the main occupation of the people of Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Of the total workforce, 60.4 per cent are cultivators with self-owned land and only 5.1 per cent of the workforce falls in the agricultural labourer category.

Cereals, oil seed and sugarcane are the key agricultural products

  • In 2009-2010, total production of cereal crops was 325,000 tonnes, compared to 306,500 tonnes in the previous year.
  • Major cereal crops of the state are rice, maize, millet, wheat and pulses (pea, kidney-bean and black-gram).
  • Non-cereal crops include ginger, oil seed and sugarcane, apart from vegetables.

Road network

  • Arunachal Pradesh has a road density of 17.36 km per 100 sq km.
  • Six National Highways run through Arunachal Pradesh, connecting the state with the rest of India as well as the international borders with China (Tibet), Myanmar and Bhutan.

Airports and railways

  • In December 1995, the State Government introduced passenger flight services by nine-seat Dauphin helicopters to overcome the constraints posed by the hilly terrain.
  • Later a 23-seat MI-172 type helicopter had been added to the fleet, primarily to operate between Guwahati in Assam and Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh.
  • The service also connects 29 major towns including Naharlagun, Tawang, Ziro, Pasighat, Bomdila, Seppa, Daporijo, Along, Yingkiong, Roing and Tezu.
  • A greenfield airport has been proposed near Itanagar, for which environmental clearance has been received in April 2010. Ministry of Civil Aviation has also planned to operationalise airports at Daporijo and Tezu.
  • The nearest railway station is located at Harmoti in Assam, 23 km from Naharlagun and 33 km from Itanagar.

Industrial infrastructure

  • Arunachal Pradesh has 12 industrial estates located in different districts and spread over total area of 55.6 hectare. These industrial estates have been developed in land-areas ranging from 4,540 to 202,325 square metre, with the primary objective of growth and development of small scale industries.
  • In addition, the State Government has also notified integrated infrastructure development centres, industrial growth centres and industrial areas to support industrial growth.
  • The State Government has set up district industries centres (DICs) in all 16 districts. These DICs play a vital role in the industrial development by providing services to the entrepreneurs viz., identification of suitable schemes, preparation of project report, arrangement for providing required plant, machinery and raw-material, assistance in availing incentives and facilities provided by both central and state governments, liaison with all development departments and financial institutions to provide assistance to the prospective entrepreneurs.
  • Based on availability of resources, the State has identified thrust areas for industrial development:
  • Industries based on agricultural, horticultural and plantation produce.
  • Industries based on non-timber forest produce such as bamboo, cane (rattan), medicinal plants/herbs, aromatic grass, tea and coffee.
  • Industries based on locally available raw-materials except timber.
  • Textiles (handlooms and power-looms), handicrafts and sericulture.
  • Electronics and IT-based enterprises.
  • Mineral-based industries (such as ferro-alloys, cement, etc.)
  • Facilitation and development of industrial infrastructure including power, communications, etc., under public private partnership
  • Food processing industries.
  • Engineering and allied industries (rolling mill, steel mill, etc.).

State Industrial Policy, 2008

  • Aim: To facilitate and promote the growth of industry, employment and investment in the state.

Key initiatives:

  • To create an investment-friendly environment in the state for industrial growth in the private, joint and cooperative sectors for sustainable economic development of Arunachal Pradesh.
  • To generate employment opportunities in the state.
  • To make Arunachal Pradesh a preferred destination for outside investors.
  • To encourage local entrepreneurs to set up enterprises based on locally available raw-materials.
  • To promote export-oriented industrial units.
  • To take steps to promote the handloom and handicrafts industry.
  • To promote local investors through joint ventures with outside investors.
  • To encourage industrial units producing high value products.
  • To ensure fast-track clearance of industrial proposals

Hydro Power Policy – 2008


  • To harness hydropower potential of the state in a manner that is consistent with the provision of the Electricity Act, 2003 and the National Electricity Policy and other policies formulated in the Act.
  • To develop hydropower projects in eco-friendly manner causing minimum distress to the affected people.
  • To accelerate the pace of hydropower development through participation of both the central public sector undertakings and private power developers, as also by formulating public private partnership.
  • To provide for creation of social and development infrastructure through hydropower development.
  • To ensure proper rehabilitation and resettlement of people affected by projects in order to improve their living standards.
  • To create job opportunities for local tribal people specially for those affected by the project

Small Hydro Power (SHP) Policy, 2007

Aim: To facilitate and promote the growth of small hydro power plants and, thereby, increase employment opportunities in the state.

Key initiatives:

  • Private participation in development of SHPs with targeted incentives.
  • Formulation and notification of an action plan for SHP generation. The action plan to provide programmes for capacity addition and determine the extent of involvement of various stakeholders of State Government or agencies in the field.

North East Industrial and Investment Promotion Policy (NEIIPP), 2007

Aim: To promote the Northeast region as an attractive investment region through concessions and incentives.

Key features:

  • Industries covered under this policy are eligible for incentives for a period of 10 years from the date of commencement of commercial production.
  • All new units as well as existing units that undergo substantial expansion (minimum 25 per cent increase in fixed capital) and start production before 2017 would qualify for incentives.
  • Incentives would be available for all existing industrial units and upcoming units anywhere in the Northeast.
  • A high-level monitoring committee or advisory committee would oversee the implementation of the NEIIPP.
  • NEIIPP would not be applicable to peripheral activities such as preservation while in storage, cleaning, packing, re-packing, labelling or re-labelling, sorting, etc.
  • North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd (NeDFI) to act as the nodal agency for disbursal of subsidies.
  • NEIIPP, 2007, has replaced the North East Industrial Policy, 1997

Agriculture Policy, 2001

Aim: To achieve higher economic growth and create job opportunities for the rural unemployed through agriculture and allied sectors.

Key initiatives:

  • Top priority to be accorded on increasing farmers‟ income.
  • Addressing problems related to shifting (jhum) cultivation.
  • Location-specific strategy development – area specific and differentiated strategy.
  • Convergence of allied activities by making a shift from a commodity approach to a system approach in agriculture.
  • Technology transfer.
  • Supply of inputs such as seed, fertiliser, pesticides, agri-tools and implements and credit to farmers at reasonable rates.
  • Facilitating private investment in agriculture, especially for establishing agro-based industries.
  • People‟s participation through formation of “self-help groups” and village committees at several levels.
  • Research and technology package for location-specific agricultural research based on identified agro-climatic zone.
  • Marketing infrastructure and techniques, especially for preservation, storage and transportation.
  • Priority on setting up agro-processing units in key production areas.
  • Market intervention scheme involving procurement by a notified agency to assure remunerative prices to farmers

Mineral-based industry

  • Arunachal Pradesh has considerable mineral reserves, which offers immense potential.
  • The state has reserves of coal at Bhalukpong; graphite at Tahila, Bopi and Khetabari; limestone at Hunli, Tidding, Menga and Pagin; marble at Hunli, Tezu, Pyuli and Dora; dolomite at Kaspi and Rupa; and lead and zinc at Shergaon.
  • These minerals are useful in the gasified form or in cooking, fertiliser plants, refractory units and calcium carbide manufacturing units.
  • The state‟s mining activities are managed by the Arunachal Pradesh Mineral Development and Trading Corporation Limited (APMDTCL ).
  • Parsuram Cements, a subsidiary of APMDTCL, is one of the oldest resource-based companies, based out of Lohit.

Agriculture and forest-based industries

  • Major agro- and forest-based industries in the state relate to tea, fruit, timber and plywood industries.
  • Non-timber based industries include bamboo, cane and medicinal plants.
  • The industry is characterised by many regional players; several units have been set up by Arunachal Pradesh Forest Corporation (APFC), a government organisation.
  • APFC has taken up a project on capacity building for production of bamboo-based industrial intermediates at Poma village near Itanagar.
  • The State Industrial Policy, 2008 of Arunachal Pradesh lists agriculture and non-timber forest produce-based industries as thrust sectors.


  • Textile is a grass-roots industry in Arunachal Pradesh and provides employment to mainly, women. Most of the units are home-based and have small scale of operations.
  • Carpet making is one of the important occupations in the districts of Tawang, West Kameng, Changlang and Upper Siang. The state‟s carpets have received national and international repute owing to their quality.
  • The carpet weaving industry is promoted through the Government Craft Centre.
  • The state has unique and appealing handloom designs from each of its tribes. The products include skirt (gale), shirt (galuk), cotton shawl, side bag and curtain cloth.

Key nodal agencies in Arunachal Pradesh

Department of Industries

  • The Department of Industries is the main executive and regulatory agency, functioning under the State Government. It oversees and monitors the over all industrial development activities in the state.
  • The department is engaged in various activities such as:
  • Registration of industries regulation and development of industries.
  • Providing finance to small scale and other industries.
  • Distribution of scarce and indigenous raw-materials to different industrial units.
  • Other industrial development related activities.

Arunachal Pradesh Industrial Development and Financial CoAn Introduction to Arunachal Pradesh Economyrporation Limited (APIDFC)

  • APIDFC was incorporated under the Companies Act,1956, in August 1978, to promote and finance industries in Arunachal Pradesh.

Arunachal Pradesh Energy Development Agency (APEDA)

  • APEDA is the state designated agency (SDA) for implementation and enforcement of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001, in coordination with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Ministry of Power, Government of India.
  • APEDA is also the state nodal agency for projects connected with clean development mechanism (CDM)

Arunachal Pradesh Khadi and Village Industries Board (APKVIB)

  • APKVIB was constituted by the Government of Arunachal Pradesh in 1989, with the mission to create employment opportunities in the non-farm sector in the rural areas, to promote saleable articles and support rural development to improve quality of life.
  • The industries under its purview include khadi (silk, cotton, woollen), minerals, forest- and agro-based industries, polymer and chemical, engineering and non-conventional energy, textile industry and service sectors.

North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Limited (NeDFI)

  • NeDFI was promoted by Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI), Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI), Industrial Credit and Infrastructure Corporation of India (ICICI), Unit Trust of India (UTI), Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC) and its subsidiaries and State Bank of India (SBI).
  • Incorporated in August 1995, NeDFI has its headquarter in Guwahati, Assam.
  • NeDFI provides facilities such as project and equipment finance, working capital finance, schemes for development of entrepreneurial skill and market development for products from the Northeast.


  • Arunachal Pradesh had a total installed power capacity of 201.9 MW, under the state and central sector. While 83.3 MW of installed capacity was under state sector, 118.6 MW was under central sector.
    • Hydro power is the major source of electricity generation in the state, contributing around 97.6 MW, followed by 67.4 MW of renewable energy resources and 36.9 MW of thermal power.
    • Arunachal Pradesh has been focusing on developing its huge hydro power potential. The state has set up the Department of Hydro Power Development to oversee, coordinate and monitor hydro power development.
    • The Government of Arunachal Pradesh has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with central sector power generators and integrated power developers (IPD) for the development of 135 hydroelectric power plants, with an aggregate capacity of 25,722 MW