Railway,Roades And Ports of India

Railway,Roades And Ports of India

Impact on The Indian economy

The Indian Railways contributes to India’s economic development, accounting for about one per cent of the GNP and the backbone of freight needs of the core sector. It accounts for six per cent of the total employment in the organised sector directly and an additional 2.5 per cent indirectly through its dependent organisations.

Road transport is the second important mode of transport in India. It covers every corner of the country which the railway transport even could not cover. Road transport provides the basic infrastructural facilities to both the agricultural and industrial sector of the country.

Some of the important socio- economic benefits of ports are:


  • Fuels economic development – They are important links of hinterlands to points overseas. They facilitate movement of goods to and from hinterland. They increase international trade ( both exports and import).


  • Development of cities – Most of the world’s major cities are port cities. Ports spur the economic activities around them like banking, finance, Insurance, logistic etc.


  • Increase in Employment  –Ports increase employment both directly and indirectly. Direct employment refers to employment in port related activities. Indirect employment increases due to increased industrialization and increase in other services like banking and insurance.


  • Relatively Environment friendly –When compared to other transportation systems, railway transportation requires twice as much energy consumption, while road transportation requires ten times as much as sea conveyance.


  • Increase world Economic Integration –Globalization has been partially successful due to cheap transportation facilitated by ports.


  • Development of Infrastructure – Increase the economic activity between hinterland and ports lead to development of infrastructure including railways, roads & inland waterways.


Indian Railway


Indian Railways is one of the world’s largest railway network consists of freight, passengers, tourist, Suburban rail systems, toy train and luxury trains. IR has 4,337 operating railway stations,operates on a multi-gauge network of broad, metre and narrow gauges. Indian Railways is divided into 16 zones and Locomotives are consist of electric and diesel locomotives.

  1. Project Planning and Implementation
  2. Indian Railways entered the Billion Club in freight loading in 2012-13 by achieving 1,008 million tonnes of originating loading. The loading target fixed for 2014-15 is 1,105 million tonnes which is 4.9% higher than the achievement of 2013-14. The XIIth Plan projections of freight loading in the terminal year of the Plan (2016-17) are 1,405 million tonnes.
  3. Indian Railways carried 8,425.6 million passengers in 2013-14 which is about 1,430 million higher than the population of the world put together. The annual target for passenger traffic in 2014-15 is 8,645 million, which is 2.6% higher than in 2013-14. The XIIth Plan target is 11,710 million passengers in the terminal year of the Plan.

The Challenges

  1. As the growth in the economy picks up in the years to come, IR will have a challenging task ahead because of line and terminal capacity constraints in transporting the incremental traffic. Therefore, there is need for significant investment in the network, especially the HDN routes and its feeder and other important routes


2.There is a large shelf of pending projects which is estimated at Rs. 4,91,510 crore on the basis of originally estimated costs Of these, fund requirement for the prioritized works such as doubling, new lines, gauge conversion, traffic facilities, signal & telecom works, workshops and electrification is estimated at Rs 2,08,054 crore

Budget 2017

  1. A Rail safety fund with a corpus of Rs 100,000 crore will be created over a period of 5 years

    2. The service charge on rail tickets booked through IRCTC will be withdrawn.

    3. As many as 500 rail stations will be made differently abled-friendly by providing lifts and escalators.

    4. Steps will be taken to launch dedicated trains for pilgrimage and tourism

    5. A new metro rail policy will be announced+. This is expected to open up new jobs for the youth

    6. At least 25 train stations are expected to be awarded during 2017-18

    7. By 2019, all coaches of the Indian railwayswill be fitted with bio-toilets


  1. Railways will integrate end to end transport solutions for selected commodities through partnerships


  1. Unmanned railway level crossings to be eliminated by 2020


  1. A 22% rise in the Railway Budget was announced


Structure of IR’s finances:


The structure of IR’s finances is such that they are divided into revenue and capital expenditures.While revenue expenditure takes care of the day to day and operational working expenses, inclusive of debt servicing and dividend payment, capital expenditures take care of IR’s investments inclusive of repair and renewals. There are three streams that comprise capital expenditure; these are Gross Budgetary Support from the Ministry of Finance, internal generation of resources and leasing from IRFC.

Indian Roads



India has the second largest road network across the world at 4.7 million km. This road network transports more than 60 per cent of all goods in the country and 85 per cent of India’s total passenger traffic. Road transportation has gradually increased over the years with the improvement in connectivity between cities, towns and villages in the country.


Key Investments/Developments

1.The National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation (NHIDCL) has been           awarded a contract to build five all-weather access tunnels worth Rs 23,000 crore (US$ 3.57 billion) in Jammu and Kashmir by 2024.

2.Abertis Infraestructuras SA, a Spanish infrastructure firm, has agreed to buy two toll road assets in operation in South India from Macquarie Group for Rs 1,000 crore(US$ 150 million) to scale up its presence in India

Ports of India




The nine coastal Indian states Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa and  West Bengal are home to all major and minor ports of India. The long coastline of India forms one of the biggest piece of land into a body of water,These twelve major Indian Ports are handle a large volume of cargo traffic and container traffic. There are total 13 major sea ports of India,out of 12 are government and one, Ennore port of Chennai is the corporate one. Ennore Port is one of the major port of India located at Coromandel Coast of Tamil Nadu state along with Kakinada Port and private Krishnapatnam Port and Mundra Port




Key Policy Development


1:No approval required for foreign equity up to 51 per cent in projects providing supporting

services to water transport


2:Automatic approval of foreign equity up to 100 per cent in construction and maintenance of ports and harbours. However, the proposal needs to be referred to FIPB for investments exceeding Rs 15 billion.


3: Open tenders to be invited for private sector participation on build-operate-transfer (BOT) basis


4: Permission granted for formation of joint ventures between Major Ports and foreign ports, Major Ports and Non-Major Ports, and Major Ports and companies



  1. Geograhical: Heavy silting as seen in riverine ports like Haldia.
  2. Technological: Inadequate dredging capacities. Poor mechanization and manual handling of critical processes Eg in Paradip port
  3. Infrastructural: Congestion of roads connecting the port leading to time delays as seen in JLN port Underutilization of physical infrastructure of the ports Eg in Cochin port.
  4. Policy and regulatory issues: Currently the ports operate on “Trust Model” where government is the owner and operator of the port. Non-uniform tariff structure (TAMP) which makes some ports uncompetitive High turnaround time is as much as 3-4 days compared to average time of 6-7hrs in other developed ports because of cumbersome documentation and clearance.



Arunachal pradesh human development index

Arunachal pradesh human development index:-

Human development an integral part of economic development is fastly catching of various stakeholders around the world. It is also about people’s active engagement in shaping development, equity and sustainability, intrinsic aspects of freedom of people have to lead lives they have reason to value. Human development index is a tool devised by United Nations for ranking countries for measuring levels of social and economic development measuring life expectancy, education , literacy and standard of living.

The concept of human development emerged in the late 1980s based on the conceptual foundation provided by Dr. AmartyaSen and Dr. MahbubulHaq. The human development approach puts people at the centre of the development agenda, where economic growth and wealth are considered means to development, not an end by itself. Basically, human development is concerned with the advancing the richness of human life, rather than the richness of the economy in which human beings live. The starting point for the human development approach is the idea that the purpose of development is to improve human lives by not only enhancing income but also expanding the range of things that a person can be and can do, such as be healthy and well nourished, be knowledgeable, and to participate in community life. Seen from this viewpoint, development is about removing the obstacles to what a person can do in life, obstacles such as lack of income, illiteracy, ill health, lack of access to resources, or lack of civil and political freedoms.

There are scores of economic and social indicators which have been used to measure different aspects of socio-economic progress. The Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite index developed to measure the average achievement in basic dimensions of human development. These basic dimensions, as defined by UNDP3 are – a long and health life, knowledge and decent standard of living. While there exists a general consensus on these core dimensions, there could be slight variations in the choice of indicators depending upon the focus and also on availability of feasibility data.

State Profile:-

Till 1972, Arunachal Pradesh was known as the North-East Frontier Agency (NEFA). It gained the Union Territory status on January 20, 1972 and renamed as Arunachal Pradesh. On February 20, 1987, it became a full-fledged state. Its capital is located in Itanagar in the Papumpare district. Itanagar is named after Ita fort meaning fort of bricks, built in the 14th century AD.Arunachal pradesh human development index

Arunachal Pradesh constitutes 2.55 per cent of India’s total geographical area and 31.94 per cent of that of the Northeast. The State is divided into five river valleys: the Kameng, the Subansiri, the Siang, the Lohit and the Tirap. Part of the Eastern Himalayan ranges, Arunachal Pradesh is one of the most picturesque tourist destinations in India.

Human development trends in Arunachal Pradesh:-

  • The State of Arunachal Pradesh is significantly rich in mineral resources, oil and natural gas. The State is also rich in forest products such as bamboo, cane and timber. But in human development index state has been poor performance.
  • The per capita Gross Domestic Product (GSDP) in 2004-05 for the State stands at Rupees 21,919 and the Net State Domestic Product (NSDP) in 1999-2000 is Rupees 14338. Arunachal Pradesh ranks 29 th in the human resource development index and 30th in the poverty index in India, as per the Human Development Report 2001.
  • In 2001 the literacy rate of Arunachal was only 55 percent. Although there has been a remarkable growth of education and health facilities in the state, the performance of the state in the area of human development has come in for a great deal of criticism, as there are considerable interdistrict variations in the levels of services and performance.

Arunachal Pradesh as per Human development report 2005:-

·         The faculty of the Rajiv Gandhi University at Itanagar prepared the report, sponsored by the Planning Commission, for the Arunachal Pradesh government.


·         More than a quarter of the population of Arunachal Pradesh will not live beyond 40 years of age.

·         The report shows that 28 per cent of the people are not expected to survive beyond the age of 40, as compared to 16.7 per cent at the national level.

·         It points out that the hilly and steep terrain, inaccessibility and scattered habitations result in poor access to medical facilities and consequently to poor health status.

·         Not surprisingly, districts located at high altitudes or less accessible areas record more premature deaths. In KurungKumey, East Kameng and Dibang Valley (New), more than 40 per cent of the population are not expected to survive beyond the age of 40.

·         In contrast, the well-connected districts, particularly those in the plains, have substantially higher rates of life expectancy. For example, in Papum Pare, a district with good connectivity and access to healthcare facilities, only around 23 per cent of the people are not expected to live beyond 40 years of age.

·         The report noted with surprise that ‘in the cases of premature deaths, variables such as medical facilities or the distance of the village from the health centres, doctor-population ratio and hospital beds per 1,000 people, did not have any significant bearing on premature deaths’.

·         This suggests that the creation of medical facilities alone is not sufficient: awareness, willingness and road connectivity are the more important variables in improving the health status of the population.

·         It also revealed that there was a high degree of inter-district variation in life expectancy among the 15 of the total 16 districts of the state surveyed.

·         Though the people of Arunachal Pradesh strive to remain healthy by following appropriate diets and maintaining regulated lifestyles, their health status is not commendable when measured by conventional indicators, in absolute terms and in comparison with other states and regions.

·         The report said in the past few decades, the state has made significant progress in moving from an absence of hospitals, dispensaries and diagnostic facilities to a relatively wide network of healthcare facilities.

·         However, the increase in health coverage and services has been at a slower pace than the expansion of educational facilities and the growth of the economy.

·         Fortunately, Arunachal Pradesh is relatively free from the problem of discrimination against girl children that many other states in the country face. While the people of Arunachal do have some preference for sons, it is not as deep-rooted as in other regions.

·         This is partly responsible for the relatively better infant mortality rate here than in many other parts of the country. Arunachal Pradesh has an infant mortality rate of 77 per 1,000 live births. Among the 15 big states, Orissa has the highest such rate at 95.





National and state SC/ST commission

National and state SC/ST commission

National SC commission

National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC) is an Indian constitutional body established with a view to provide safeguards against the exploitation of Scheduled Castes to promote and protect their social, educational, economic and cultural interests, special provisions were made in the Constitution.



  • To investigate and monitor all matters relating to the safeguards provided for the Scheduled Castes under this Constitution or under any other law for the time being in force or under any order of the Government and to evaluate the working of such safeguards.
  • To inquire into specific complaints with respect to the deprivation of rights and safeguards of the Scheduled Castes.
  • To participate and advise on the planning process of socio-economic development of the Scheduled Castes and to evaluate the progress of their development under the Union and any State.
  • To present to the President, annually and at such other times as the Commission may deem fit, reports upon the working of those safeguards.
  • To make in such reports recommendations as to the measures that should be taken by the Union or any State for the effective implementation of those safeguards and other measures for the protection, welfare and socio-economic development of the Scheduled Castes.
  • To discharge such other functions in relation to the protection, welfare and development and advancement of the Scheduled Castes as the President may, subject to the provisions of any law made by Parliament, by rule specify.



National ST commission

The National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST) was established by amending Article 338 and inserting a new Article 338A in the Constitution through the Constitution (89th Amendment) Act, 2003. By this amendment, the erstwhile National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes was replaced by two separate Commissions namely-

  • the National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC),
  • (ii) the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST) w.e.f. 19 February, 2004.

Powers of the Commission

For Investigation and Inquiry, the Commission is vested with powers of a civil court having authority to:

  • Summon and enforce attendance of any person and examine on oath.
  • Discovery & production of any documents.
  • Receive evidence on affidavits.
  • Requisition any public record or copy thereof from any court or office.
  • Issue Commissions for examination of witnesses and documents.
  • And Any matter which President, by rule, may determine.

Functions of the Commission

  • To investigate & Monitor matters relating to Safeguards provided for STs under the Constitution or under other laws or under Govt. Order, to evaluate the working of such Safeguards.
  • To inquire into specific complaints relating to Rights & Safeguards of STs.
  • To participate and advise in the Planning Process relating to Socio-economic development of STs, and to evaluate the progress of their development under the Union and any State.
  • To submit report to the President annually and at such other times as the Commission may  deem  fit, upon/ working of Safeguards, Measures required for effective implementation of Programmers/ Schemes relating to Welfare and Socio-economic development of STs.
  • To discharge such other functions in relation to STs as the President may, subject to the provisions of any law made by Parliament, by rule specify.
  • The Commission would also discharge the following other functions in relation to the protection, welfare and development & advancement of the Scheduled Tribes, namely:
  • Measures that need to be taken over conferring ownership rights in respect of minor forest produce to the Scheduled Tribes living in forest areas.
  • Measures to be taken to safeguard rights to the Tribal Communities over mineral resources, water resources etc. as per law.
  • Measures to be taken for the development of tribals and to work for move viable livelihood strategies.
  • Measures to be taken to improve the efficacy of relief and rehabilitation measures for tribal groups displaced by development projects.
  • Measures to be taken to prevent alienation of tribal people from land and to effectively rehabilitate such people in whose case alienation has already taken place.
  • Measures to be taken to elicit maximum cooperation and involvement of Tribal Communities for protecting forests and undertaking social afforestation.

State level SC/ST commission

Different states has founded SC/ST commissions to address the issues related to both the casts.

Role of State level commission:

  • The study the existing state of various provisions in the Constitutions and by the State Government for the Scheduled Castes and Tribes and suggest measures to fulfill the same.
  • To investigate various grievances raised by members from Scheduled Castes and Tribes.
  • To participate in the process of creation of schemes related to the economic upliftment of Scheduled Castes and Tribes and provide advice to the State Government regarding the same.
  • To take a review of matters registered under the Scheduled Castes / Tribes Atrocities Act 1989 and Protection of Civil Rights Act 1955.
  • To take review of the financial assistance to be given to the affected persons under the above mentioned acts. To accept and investigate grievances of SC/ST employees related to service.
  • To take a review of policies related to Scheduled Castes / Tribes. To provide advice to the State Government for rolling out beneficial schemes for Scheduled Castes and Tribes.