Handicrafts of Arunachal Pradesh

Handicrafts of Arunachal Pradesh


  • Indian words for handicrafts are commonly hastkala, hastshilp, dastkari, karigari, all meaning handiwork, but they also refer to objects made with craftsmanship, i.e., specialised skills of the hands which are also artistic.
  • The aesthetic content is an intrinsic part of such objects and means the object of utility has a value that goes beyond mere usage and is also pleasing to the eye.
  • Crafts are closely related to concept of form, pattern, design, usage, and these lead to its total aesthetic quality.
  • Arunachal Pradesh is the home to a large number of tribes and sub-tribes.
  • It has a rich tradition of craftsmenship, which manifests itself in various arts and crafts produced by these tribes.
  • The Buddhist including Monpas, Sherdukpen, Aka, Bugun et al make beautiful masks, carpets and painted wooden vessels.
  • The Bangis and Apatani make bag, hat, jewellery etc. Khamtis and Wanchos are well known for their wood carving. Pottery of Dafla women is well-known.
  • The significance is usually associated with the gonzo of tradition as people here defines their tribal community through oral handicrafts and each community has set of different things to offer which could be seen as great souvenir and could be compared as distinct from others.

Pottery Crafting of Handicrafts of Arunachal Pradesh

  • It is another area of craft where local have excelled with great fluency, the perfect exhibition of utility of clay could be examine through pots beside that design and amulets in pot would make the entire scene very defining with full of expression.
  • Dafla women are skilled in this craft.
  • The legend is that Abo Takam was the first Dafla potter and from him the art passed on to the women.
  • The process involves pounding a specific kind of earth called dekam on a big stone with a wooden hammer. When it turns into powder, water is mixed and it is hammered till it gains the required softness.
  • Finished pots are not subjected to any polishing or burnishing. They are carefully kept in the shade while drying.
  • When completely dry, they are put in a fire out-side the house. There are no kilns or pot-ovens, though a ditch, if available, makes it convenient to put burning firewood over the pots.

Cane and Bamboo Work of Handicrafts of Arunachal Pradesh

  • The cane and Bamboo industry dominates the front of handicraft sector here at Arunachal.Handicrafts of Arunachal Pradesh
  • The bamboo and cane is associated with life of people as most of the domestic and household products are made out of bamboo.
  • The grand utilization of it could be trace through utensils, bamboo hat, basket, cane vessel; cane belts, woven and lain, bamboo mugs etc beside that ornaments and jewellery are other important parts of Bamboo work.

Weapons of Handicrafts of Arunachal Pradesh

  • Weapons are an integral part of the tribal life since the times immemorial.
  • Although certain weapons have become obsolete and replaced by modern weapons yet traditional weapons have a place of their own.
  • Weapons are used in war and chase and day to day task. All such weapons are produced locally.
  • The most important weapon of Akas is bow and arrow, known by the names of tkeri and moo respectively, and used extensively in the chase.
  • Weapons may vary in size according to the user`s requirement.
  • The bigger ones used in hunting are fitted with tips of iron and smeared with aconite poison. The bows are usually hung over the shoulders while the arrows are carried in a case of bamboo called Thouvou.
  • Another weapon, orignally of war but now of defence, is a kind of crude harpoon, one end of which is barbed with sharp iron nails. It is hurled at the target from a distance.
  • The most common weapon used both in war and peace is the dao.
  • It is of extensive use to the people in their day-to-day task such as cutting wood and bamboo pieces, clearing shrubs and other growth in the forest etc. It is made of steel and is usually covered with bamboo sheath when not in use. The local term for dao is wetz
  • Like Akas, Pailibos also use different kinds of weapon.
  • They keep it in a special place. Some of the weapons used by them are as follows-
  1. UYI-A bamboo bow with a cane string.
  2. UPUK-A bamboo arrow without an iron tip or a poison.
  3. MORA-A bamboo arrow with an iron tip.
  4. GEB-BU-A quiver made from hollow bamboo with a bamboo lid.
  5. NYIBU-A pointed spear with long wooden pole and iron blade. It has a shaft made of a long pole of dry and hard wood. Below the metal head there is tuft of yak or horse hair.
  6. YOKSE-A big steel dao or sword.
  7. SOTAM-A shield made of bamboo and cane.
  8. CHOBUK-It is a sheath for the dao or medium size dagger made from cane and strengthened with pieces of wooden strips.
  9. EG-GYI-An iron axe used for felling trees and for slaughtering mithuns during sacrifice

Carpet Making of Handicrafts of Arunachal Pradesh

  • The Carpet Making is a manifest of Monpas, the Buddhist community living in Arunachal Pradesh.
  • The Monpas are expert in this process and the weave carpet with essence of design makes it more eclectic and cultural.
  • The religious expression finds true meaning in their works as geometrical progression moves from one angle to angle to portray the figures of dragons and floral patterns.
  • The carpet at present is high on demand as people around asking for it which in turn have graph the production to large scale.

Wood Carving of Handicrafts of Arunachal Pradesh

  • Wood carving is one of the oldest tradition carried by locals of Arunachal Pradesh and again Monpas, the Buddhist community of the state is leading the front by making an ample use of their talent and understanding in carving and designing an element to a different level.
  • The grand example of wood carving could be trace through beautiful cups, wooden mask, etc.Handicrafts of Arunachal Pradesh
  • Khamptis, another legion of tribal community is specifically renowned for wood carving and their idea of chiselling the woods is bit different as they craft religious figures, toys and other objects.
  • Wood carving is a tradition with some of the tribes of Arunachal Pradesh.
  • The Monpas, Khamtis, Wanchos, Phom, Konyak tribes occupy significant place in this art.
  • Wood carving like in the case of Nagaland finds expression mainly under three categories;firstly, with head hunting, secondly with the decoration of the morungs or men`s youth dormitory and thirdly, the funerary images erected for warriors and other important person.
  • In carving of the human figure, special attention is paid to the head. The features are carved in low relief and are fairly realistic.
  • Usually the image depicting a warrior is decorated with special cowerie belt and several other artefacts.
  • The top of the head is rounded and usually has some indication of hair-cut.
  • Tattoo marks are carefully represented, and most figures are dressed up with little bits of cloth and even ornaments with tufts on head or beads in the ear.


  • Weaving is the occupation of the womenfolk throughout the territory.
  • They have an excellent sense of colour.
  • The basic colours that dominate the weaves are black, yellow, dark blue, green and scarlet – all put together in the most fascinating combinations.
  • Originally natural dyes were used which today have given way to synthetic dyes.
  • The designs are essentially geometric varying from a formal arrangement to lines and bands.
  • Items that could make excellent buys are Sherdukpen shawls, Apatani jackets and scarves, Adi skirts, jackets and bags, Mishmi shawls, blouses and jackets; and Wancho bags.

Ornaments Making of Handicrafts of Arunachal Pradesh

  • Ornaments making is a craft widely practised in Arunachal Pradesh.
  • The work of a silver smith is more intricate and artistic.
  • The first stage in the manufacture of the traditional ornaments he makes, is to make a wax mould of the ornament.
  • This is done by warming the wax sticks or coils and then placing them on the standard moulds made of wax and wood.
  • Where designs are essential, they are made with thin wax coils and cut with a knife where necessary.
  • Scion of ornaments are another significant arts carried by local people of Arunachal, the layer of colours are usually the main highlights but implantation of beads is the complex idea that needs special attention.
  • Beside the game of colours, the feather of birds is used to add more spark to their ornaments.
  • The Akas tribe of Arunachal makes bamboo bangles and ear rings beside that they design pucker work.

Ivory and Metal Craft of Handicrafts of Arunachal Pradesh

  • Ornaments made of brass, bone, ivory, silver and gold are also crafted – using a set of simple tools – by many of the tribes here.
  • The Monpas and Sherdukpens are well known as traditional silver smiths and even supply silver ornaments to other tribal groups – the Khowas, Mijis and Akas.
  • The Nishis and Sulungs have perfected the art of brass smithy. They dexterously craft ornaments, dishes, sacred bells and smoking pipes out of this metal.
  • The Khamptis work mainly in gold, iron, silver and ivory, though their products were mainly meant for use within their own tribe.
  • Because of the abundant availability of cane and wood in Arunachal, pottery never gained popularity.
  • Another reason for its relative under development is the nonavailability of suitable clay in this region. However, several tribes like the Monpas, Sherdukpens, Apatanis, Nlishis, Noctes, Wanchos, Adis, Khampas and Mombas practise for art.
  • Among the pottery work, the beautiful clay images of Lord Buddha made by the Monpas, Mombas and Khampas are specially mentionable.

Other Crafts

  • Paper making, smithy work, carpentry, pottery and ivory work are the other crafts practiced by the Arunachalis.
  • The Monpas make paper locally, from pulp of trees called Sukso or the paper trees.
  • This hand made paper is used for writing religious prayers on them. Hunting, fishing also form the subsidiary occupations


Fairs and Festivals of Arunachal Pradesh

Fairs and Festivals of Arunachal Pradesh

  • Festivals are plentiful in Arunachal. Each tribe has its own festival, which provides a creative forum for expressing the distinctness of their art forms, dresses, designs, dance forms, musical instruments, etc.
  • The festivals are generally related to agricultural activities like sowing and harvesting.
  • There are collective rituals performed and celebrated in public by the community as a whole.
  • Both women and men dance during the festivals.
  • The songs of the festivals show that they are celebrated for the harmony and prosperity of the people and fertility of the land.
  • The women actively and publicly participate during the time of festivals, work in the fields and engage in the trade of buying and selling goods in the market without any discrimination or insecurity.
  • In recent times, the presence and participation of women in offices is also quite pre-ponderous. Some of the local festivals are—
  1. ‘Solung’ celebrated by the Adis in Siang and Dibang valley, ‘
  2. Nyokom’ celebrated by Nyishis,
  3. ‘Mopin’ by Gallongs,
  4. ‘Lossar’ by Monpas,
  5. ‘Dree’ by Apatanis,
  6. ‘Loku’ by Noctes
  7. ‘Boori-Boot’ celebrated by the Hill Miris, etc.
  • Like the dance which takes place in all festivals, prayers and sacrifices are also common.
  • The indigenous dress, which is a product of local people’s long interaction with their ecological settings, makes the festivals exceedingly lively and colourful.
  • In Arunachal, Durga Puja, Vishwakarma Puja, Christmas, Baisakhi and Eid are also celebrated with equal zest and fervour, especially in urban centres like Pasighat, Ziro, Itanagar, Along, Tezu and Bomdila, where there is a visible presence of non-Arunachali population.
  • A common feature of all festivals, including tribal festivals is that while the festivals may be organised by the followers of a concerned faith, people from all walks of life participate in them enthusiastically.
  • This is a product of the co-habitation of innumerable tribes and sub-tribes in the region coupled with their distinct religious faiths, and above all their growing interaction with others in modern times.

Major Fairs and Festivals of Arunachal Pradesh


  • The Siang River Festival is held to celebrate the communal harmony in Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Earlier this festival was celebrated in the form of Brahmaputra Darshan Festival in Tezu and Pasighat but since the year 2005, the festival is celebrated as Siang River Festival in places like Tuting, Yingkiong and Pasighat in the month of December each year.
  • It is one of the most popular festivals in Arunachal Pradesh and is an attempt to promote eco-tourism and offer a lot of adventure and fun activities like elephant race, traditional boat race, Didi – the mock war game of Mishmis, River rafting, Food Festivals, Folk dances, Cultural Shows, Hot air balloon & Para gliding and Exhibition of local model house.
  • Apart from this an exhibition of handloom and handicrafts by the different districts is also held.

Pangsau Pass Winter Festival

  • Pangsau-Pass-Winter-Festival is a modern day winter festival which started in the year 2007 and since then has been gaining a lot of popularity in the state.
  • This festival is celebrated in Nampong which is situated in Changlang district of Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Pangsua Pass Winter Festival (PPWF) is a three-day fest that takes place in the month of January each year.
  • At this festival, the people of Arunchal Pradesh celebrate their extravagant ethnicity and perform folk dances and sing folk songs.
  • Also, handicraft and handloom articles from different parts of the state are put up for exhibition.
  • Along with displaying the variety of culture and tradition of Arunachal, PPWF offers a platform for the neighbouring country of Myanmar to exhibit its culture as well.
  • The festival conjoins the tribes of both North East and Myanmar and gives them the opportunity to showcase their culture and traditions to each other.


  • This festival is Arunachal’s own version of the Sunburn Festival.
  • Ziro Festival of Music is the biggest outdoor music festival in the state and is the most happening event in Arunachal Pradesh as well.
  • Music lovers from all over the state and the North East region gather at Ziro, where this festival takes place.
  • It is a four-day festival where the music lovers enjoy the performances of international and domestic music artists.
  • Folk acts from all across the North East are also organized; therefore it is a good opportunity to learn about the different cultures here.
  • People make merry and spend four unforgettable days at the Ziro Festival of Music.


  • An agriculture festival, Solung is celebrated in the month of monsoon (July /August).
  • This 10 days festival is amongst the most famous festivals in North East India, especially celebrated by the Adi community in West Siang district, East Siang district, Lower Dibang Valley district, Upper Dibang Valley district and Upper Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh.
  • The date for the festival is different each year and is decided by Kebang or the village council keeping the convenience of the villagers in mind and once the date is fixed the preparation of the local beer Apong starts.
  • On the first day, the Indian Bison along with pigs are slaughtered in the early hours of the morning. On the second day, 1/3rd of the meat is distributed among the relatives; also a grand dinner feast is arranged for neighbours, women and children.
  • On the fourth day of the festival which is also called the Oinnyad, one of family member goes to the field and sacrifices a fowl especially for ‘Kine Nane’.
  • On the seventh day or Ekob, men assemble at the village dormitory known as ‘Mosup’ to make bows and arrows, which are then fastened on the doors of every house in the village.
  • On the tenth and final day of the festival, village people uproot the weak plants of paddy that get spoiled by worms and insects and this process is known as Irni.
  • This act is done in the hope that ‘Kine Nane’ (the Goddess) will drive away the worms and insects out of the fields.


  • Nyokum is the festival of the Nyishi tribe and is celebrated for the harmony and prosperity of the people.
  • Nyokum is celebrated on the 28th of February every year in East Kemang district, Lower Subansiri district, Kurung Kummey district and Papumpar district.
  • The term Nyokum came from two words from the native dialect and can be broken as Nyok meaning Land and Kum meaning People.
  • It is a 2-day festival in which the Nyishi tribe enjoys singing, dancing and gathering up.
  • Men and women hold hands and form a circle to perform a traditional dance.
  • The major rituals are performed by the high priest and prayers are offered to the spirits to bring tranquility and prosperity to each household.


  • It is the festival of the Monpa tribe in Arunachal Pradesh and is celebrated to welcome a new year.
  • Monpa is the dominating tribe of Tawang and West Kemang district; therefore one can consider Lossar as one of the major festivals here.
  • Tawang is amongst the most popular tourist attractions in North East India and visiting it during the festival is indeed the ideal time.Fairs and Festivals of Arunachal Pradesh
  • The festival falls usually in the month of February or in early March and lasts for about 8 to 15 days during which homes are cleaned, prayers are offered, religious flags are hoisted atop each house, holy scriptures are read and lamps with butter are lit in all the houses.
  • The local deity is also worshipped by the Monpas for the welfare of the society and the people. Losar is also the time to relish the taste of local made drinks and savour the traditional cuisine.


  • Celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm, Dree Festival is a crucial part of the Apatani tribe of Lower Subansiri district. Ziro is the ideal place to see the celebration of Dree.
  • During the festival people offer sacrifice of fowls, eggs and animals to the Gods and pray to the deities of Tamu, Metii, Danyi and Harniang.
  • Prayers are offered to God Tami so that he protects the plants from harmful pests and insects. Metii is worshipped for controlling of famine and epidemics.
  • Danyi, on the other hand is offered prayer for the protection and prosperity of mankind.
  • God Harniang is worshipped for ensuring the fertility of soil and preventing the paddy plants from getting dried. During the fest a local beer called Apong is prepared by each house.
  • The venue for the worship is decided by the high priest (Nyibu), which is often a placed near the paddy fields.


  • This festival is the way to offer gratitude for successful harvest of the crops.
  • It is a 3 days festival that is celebrated by the Hill-Miris in the Upper Subansiri and Lower Subansiri district in the month of February (4 – 6 Feb).
  • Boori Boot means to get together irrespective of caste, creed, age and sex to celebrate the arrival of spring.Fairs and Festivals of Arunachal Pradesh
  • Another aspect of this festival is that people pray to the spirit of Boori Boot so that it blesses them with prosperity and frees them from diseases.
  • People from all over Arunachal Pradesh come to Upper and Lower Subansiri districts to be a part of this festival and and zealously participate in all the activities organized during the fest.
  • The high priest who is known as Nibu’ performs the rituals and conducts the sacrifice on behalf of the people.


  • Loku is the main festival of the Nocte Tribe of Tirap district and is celebrated to bid farwell to the winter.
  • The term Loku came from two words from the local dialect – Lofe, which means to drive out and Rangku, which means the season.Fairs and Festivals of Arunachal Pradesh
  • Loku or Chalo Loku is celebrated in the month of February and is considered an agriculture festival.
  • The date of festival is decided by the elders and is according to the days of the waxing moon.
  • It is a 3 days festival which starts with a day called Phamlamja; on this day animals like pigs and buffaloes are slaughtered for meat and the village people engage in preparations for the next day.
  • Also people check their traditional costumes, which would be worn during the celebrations.
  • The second day of the festival is known as Chamkatja and on this day the Noctes enable the male members of the family to become full-fledged members of the Paang (decision-making committee).
  • It is in fact mandatory that each household performs a ritual called Chamkat for each of its male member who has attained adolescence on the day of Chamkatja.
  • The third and final day is called Thanlangja, and on this day villagers, irrespective of sex, age or social status participate in folk dances.
  • The dances are performed at the house of the Chief and in the premises of the Paang.
  • The families who have observed Chamkat invite the dancers to perform at their houses and in return offer food and drinks to the participants.
  • Thanlangja is also a day for the people to visit their relatives and friends.


  • This is one of the most important religious festivals in Arunachal Pradesh and is celebrated on 14th February each year.
  • It is mainly celebrated by the Khampti tribe of Lohit district; however, it is celebrated in entire Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Sanken or Sangken is a three-day festival in which people bathe the idol of Buddha.
  • The festival also marks the beginning of the New Year.
  • On the first day of the festival prayers are offered for the well-being of all by beating of drums and gongs.
  • During the entire festival, people abstain from killing animals, taking intoxicating drinks and indulgence in illicit sexual activities.
  • People also refrain from all forms of manual work, gambling and even cutting trees.
  • After ritual bathing of the images of Buddha and holy shrines, people sprinkle clean water on each other and exchange greetings.
  • On the final day, the idol of Lord Buddha is installed back in the main temple and a community feast is organized.

Other Fairs and Festivals of Arunachal Pradesh

Along with these above mentioned festivals, there are many other festivals that the people of Arunachal Pradesh celebrate throughout the year. These festivals also revolve around the successful harvest seasons, religious beliefs and socio-cultural norms. Khan, Gomkum Gompa, Si Donyi, Mopin, Aran, Tamaldu, Shapawng Yawng Manau Poi, Reh, Oriah and Mol are other festivals celebrated in Arunachal with equal zeal and enthusiasm.

Arunachal Industrial Policy

Arunachal Industrial Policy


The Industrial Policy, 2008 of Arunachal Pradesh is formulated to achieve the following objectives:

  • To create an investment-friendly environment in the State for industrial growth in the private/ joint venture / cooperative sectors for sustainable economic development of Arunachal Pradesh.
  • To generate employment opportunities in the State.
  • To make Arunachal Pradesh a preferred destination for outside investors.
  • To encourage local entrepreneurs to set up enterprises based on locally available raw materials.
  • To promote export oriented industrial units.
  • To take steps to promote hand loom and handicrafts.
  • To promote local investors through joint ventures with outside investors.
  • To encourage industrial units producing high value – low volume products.
  • To ensure fast track clearance of industrial proposals.Arunachal Industrial Policy

Focus Industries

Focus Industries will be

  • Industries based on agricultural, horticultural and plantation produce.
  • Industries based on non-timber forest produce: bamboo, cane (rattan), medicinal plants / herbs, aromatic grass, tea, coffee etc.
  • Industries based on locally available raw materials except timber.
  • Textiles (handlooms and power looms), Handicrafts and Sericulture
  • Electronics and IT based Enterprises.
  • Mineral Based Industries ( eg. Ferro-alloys, Cement Plant etc.).
  • Facilitation and Development of Industrial Infrastructure including Power, Communications etc. under Public Private Partnership (PPP).
  • Food Processing Industries.
  • Engineering and Allied Industries (Rolling Mill, Steel etc.).
  • Tourism (tourism infrastructure including resorts, hotels, restaurants etc.).

Main Features of Arunachal Industrial Policy

  • The State Government shall make special efforts to create proper infrastructure by promoting establishment of Industrial Estates, Industrial Growth Centres, Integrated Infrastructure Development Centres, Small Industries Cluster Development, Export Promotion Industrial Parks, Export Promotion Zones, Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Food Parks; strengthening of existing Industrial Estates, Border Trade Centres, Industrial Cluster Development etc,.
  • Entrepreneur(s)/ a group of entrepreneurs/ consortium of industries will be allowed cent percent equity holding / ownership of their industrial unit(s)/enterprises for a period of 50 years.
  • Entrepreneurs/ Investors shall be allowed to hold the land on lease for a period of 50 years on a predetermined lease rent. The consideration for lease of land may be in the form of annual or lump sum payments or equity participation.
  • State Government shall provide 99% Sales Tax (VAT) / Entry Tax exemption to eligible industrial units on import of actual raw materials, machineries and equipments into Arunachal Pradesh as also on sale of finished goods in the State for a period of 7 years from the date of commencement of commercial production.
  • At present, trading licenses are issued only to indigenous local traders. The present policy will continue to hold good for small scale industries/enterprises. However, under this policy the trading license will be issued to all entrepreneurs including outside investors for the industries/ enterprises which involve investments of minimum Rs 5.00 Crore in plant and machineries, whereas in case of service sector the minimum investment on equipments should not be less than Rs.2.00 Crore to qualify for obtaining trading license.
  • State Government Departments and other state Government controlled bodies and organizations, while making purchases will give price preference to the products manufactured by registered Micro and Small Enterprises
  • The Department of Industries shall be the Nodal Department for quality control of all industrial products in the state and for the products notified by the union government from time to time.
  • Special incentives will be provided to eligible Food Processing Units as additional State Capital Investment Subsidy @ 20 % subject to a ceiling of Rs.25.00 lakhs.
  • The financial institutions’ under the control of the State Government will be revamped and the District Industries Centers and financial institutions will work in tandem to ensure smooth flow of credit to new projects, existing industrial units for modernisation/ expansion/ diversification, village industries and rural artisans.
  • A State Level Industrial Empowered Committee headed by the Chief Secretary will be constituted, which will comprise the Commissioners/ Secretaries of the concerned administrative department and representatives from banking and financial institutions as members for smooth passage of various clearances through a Single Window Clearance System.


Arunachal Pradesh Trade and Commerce

Arunachal Pradesh Trade and Commerce

  • Arunachal Pradesh is situated in the north eastern most part of India and is nearly 84,000 Sq. Km in area. It has a long international boundary with Bhutan to the west (160 Km), China to the North East (1080 Km) and Myanmar to the East (440 Km) stretching 1,680 Kms of international border.
  • The Department of Trade & Commerce was created and caArunachal Pradesh Trade and Commerceme into being in the state of Arunachal Pradesh during 1998.The main functions of the Department as per the Business of Allocation notified by the Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh are as under:
  1. Issue of Trade License.
  2. Facilities to Border Trade & Foreign Trade.
  3. Development and expansion of export production particular in plantation of crops, orchids, flowers and Handlooms and Handicrafts.
  4. Creation of Export commodities including Export Processing Zones etc

Activities of the Department by Department of Trade and Commerce Arunachal Pradesh

  • The Department of Trade & Commerce is the Nodal Department for issue of Trade Licences.
  • All the respective Deputy Commissioners/ ADCs of the Districts have been empowered to issue Trade Licences up to Rs. 10 lakhs.
  • Trade Licences involving more than Rs. 10 lakhs are also issued by the respective DCs after thorough examination by the Department of Trade & Commerce and subsequent approval of the Government.
  • Normally, Trade Licences are issued to Arunachal Pradesh Scheduled Tribe (APST) entrepreneurs only.
  • However, in exceptional cases where there is no APST entrepreneurs forth coming, Non-Tribals are also issued Trading licences with the approval of the Government subject to dully recommended by the respective DCs as a special case.
  • Moreover, trade licences can also be issued to industrial unit established by other than APST as per Arunachal Pradesh State Industrial Policy 2008

Facilities to Border Trade and Foreign Trade

  • By the advent of globalization and economic liberalization, The Government of India has given more emphasis on the development of Border Trade & Foreign Trade with the neighbouring countries for the overall economic development of the state in particular and country in general.
  • As a consequence, the Government of Arunachal Pradesh has taken up some ambitious proposals for re-opening of border trade with the neighbouring countries i.e. Bhutan, Myanmar & China.
  • In the past, the people of the state residing in the border areas had been maintaining trade relations with the neighboring countries though in traditional and unregulated manner.
  • People inhabiting in the border areas with Bhutan and Myanmar have been maintaining unregulated trade relation till today though trade relation with China was discontinued after Sino-Indian conflict in 1962.
  • The Government of Arunachal Pradesh has identified the following border trade points and further development of infrastructure is under active process in Indo-Myanmar and Indo-Bhutan sector.


  • The Government of Arunachal Pradesh is presently planning to open a new horizon by opening Border Trade with our neighbouring countries, viz., China, Bhutan and Myanmar.
  • In most of the places, traditional way of trade is existing but Government is preparing proposals to create proper infrastructure for formal trade.
  • Border Trade in following sectors is being proposed:

Indo-China Sector

  1. Kenzamane (Zemithang) in Tawang District
  2. Bumla in Tawang District .
  3. Gelling (Kepangla Pass) in Upper Siang District
  4. Kibithoo in Anjaw District
  5. Mechuka (Lolla Pass) in West Siang District.
  6. Monigong (Dumla Pass) in West Siang District
  7. Taksing in Upper Subansiri District.

Indo-Myanmar Sector

  1. Pangsu Pass (Nampong) in Changlang District

Indo-Bhutan Sector

  1. Bleting (Namtsering) in Tawang District
  2. Dongshengmang and Bongkhar in Tawang District

Various scheme for Trade Development

Export Development Fund (EDF)

  • Following the announcement of the Prime Minister on June, 21-22, 2000 at Shillong, an Export Development of Fund (EDF) has been set up for promotion of the export development in the North Eastern Region including Sikkim.
  • The fund was set up initially with a corpus of Rs 5 crores and thereafter further contribution to the fund is to be provided by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry from any other budgetary or non budgetary sources of the government which is to be managed by the Agriculture & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) under the instruction of the Department of Commerce.

Central Assistance to States for Developing Export Infrastructure and Other Allied Activities (ASIDE)

  • The Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India is implementing a central scheme, ‘Central Assistance to States for Developing Export Infrastructure and Other Allied Activities’ (ASIDE) for promotion and facilitation of export commodities and creation of necessary infrastructure in the state in order to maintain lower cost of production so as to make our exports internationally competitive.
  • The objective of the scheme is to involve the state in the export effort by providing assistance to the state government for creating appropriate infrastructure for the development and growth of exports as the states do not often have adequate resources to participate in funding of infrastructure for exports.

Setting up of World Trade Centre (WTC) in Itanagar

  • The World Trade Centre, Mumbai (WTCM) which is the lone Centre in entire Country is very much interested to set up one more such centre in the state of Arunachal Pradesh at Itanagar in view of the high potentiality of Border Trade scope in the region in tune with “Look East Policy” of the Central Government.
  • The W.T.C can facilitate in numerous ways, such as, holding of business exhibitions, Business centre with rooms for holding meetings, conferences, workshops, video conferencing, W.T.C club, undertaking research studies and dissemination of information through on-line, periodicals, training in foreign languages and taking and receiving trade missions.
  • Moreover the WTC can be a catalyst for all round development of the region, such as, renewal of urban areas, attraction of new business in the region, boosting of airport and air traffic and enhancing the trade capabilities of the trading community of the region


arunachal pradesh industries

Arunachal pradesh industries:- Arunachal Pradesh has several small and medium scale industries based on forest products. The industries include plywood, rice mills, fruit preservation units and handicrafts. The state has its own mineral development and trading corporation which looks after the fair transportation and exploration of various minerals. The Corporation also gives an industrial shape to its mineral products. The state has 12 industrial estates, established across districts. To support industrial growth, the State Government has also notified integrated infrastructure development centres, industrial growth centres and industrial areas.

Key Industries are Arts and Crafts, weaving, cane and bamboo, carpet weaving, wood carving, ornaments, tourism and horticulture.

Arts and Crafts

Arunachal Pradesh has a rich tradition of Bamboo and Cane Handicrafts and also Wood Carving and Carpet Weaving. The products reflect the rich and varied culture of the tribes inhabiting this enchanting State and the products featured are representative of the wide range of Handicrafts produced in the State.

Handloom forms an integral part of the culture and tradition, which is reflected in the State’s apparels. Some of these are unique Handloom products in artists weaving and design. Most of the Women folk of the state have been engaged in Handloom sector  treated as primary occupation. A wide variety of crafts such as weaving painting, pottery, smithy work, basketry, woodcarving etc. are found among the people of Arunachal Pradesh.

The Department of Textile & Handicraft(s) has been set-up to develop  this sector to uplift the economic condition as well as to provide self employment opportunity to the Weaver and artisan of the  State through various Development Schemes/Projects.

Cane & Bamboo

The traditional Cane Bamboo product are mainly available in the Districts of East Kameng. Papumpare, Changlang, Upper and Lower Subansiri, East and West Siang, Lohit and Dibang Valley which represents high premium on design, quality, local technology and focus cultural indentity. The famous cane cap & head gear are available for different tribe of the State. While carrying Basket, Marketing Basket, varieties of design & utility product viz. Cane chair, Cane Table, Cane Racks, Cane Cradle, Cane Murrah , Designer Cane Tray etc. available in different marketing outlet in the State as well as out side the State.

Wood Carving


The unique, and artistic indigenous wood carving articles are available of Tirap, Upper & West Siang, Lohit and Tawang.

 It is practiced by very limited artisans / craftsman of the above mentioned districts, both passed out trainees form the Deptt. Craft center as well as traditional artisans.The main raw-materials used are locally available wood.

Traditional Male and Female Wooden figure are depicted as main subject, warriors / head hunters are popular in Tirap District Wood Carving, originally such wood carvings were used to decorate “MORANG” (Youths Dormitory ) & modernized as decorative collection items where as different types of Wooden Musk and goddess figure are depicted as main subject considering the cultural & religious value, which are popular in the district of Upper and East Siang , Lohit & Tawang.

Being promoted through Govt. Craft Centres with provision for training. Passed out trainees are engaged as production worker in departmental promotional schemes.

Traditional Ornament Products

Beads ornaments of various types are found in all over Arunachal Pradesh . However weaving or decorating small beads ornament are predominatory found in Tirap District. The unique beads ornaments and grass necklece products are mainly available in Tirap & Changlang districts which signify higher cultural and Traditional value.

The Beads ornaments making practiced by women folk , the main raw-material used in “GRASS BEADS” of very higher quality normally imported from other country .

All type of ornaments viz. Necklace Wrist band, Waist band , Head gear, earring are made with beautiful geometrical pattern used both by male and female.

Being promoted through Govt. Craft Centres while provision for training and passed out trainees are engaged as production worker.


The carpet making is one of the important occupation in the districts of Tawang, West Kameng, Changlang, Upper Siang. The women folk are engaged in this trade. The Arunachal Pradesh’s carpet has been acclaimed to be of National & International repute by considering the quality of carpet weaving in different motive and design. The items produced are wall hanging , cushion pad, telephone pad, floor covering etc. These are being promoted through Govt. Craft Centre with provision for training. Passed out trainees are engaged as production worker in the industry.


Arunachal Pradesh can be called store House of Handloom designs as its 20 major tribes and more then 100 sub-tribes has got   unique and appealing Handloom designs.  The products are , Skirt (Gale), Shirt (Galuk) , cotton shawl, side bag, curtain cloth etc, in different pricing pattern according to the quality, traditional value, motive and design.arunachal pradesh   industries


Arunachal Pradesh has tremendous scope for development of various types of tourism activities, such as Cultural tourism, Adventure tourism, Historical tourism, Wildlife tourism, Nature based tourism and Eco-tourism. Any developmental programme tapping the latent tourism potential of the state, need to be based on sound understanding of the ground realities and the general of basic infrastructure development.

Inspite of vast tourism potential, Arunachal Pradesh so long remained unexplored to the outside world due to general backwardness of the area in terms of low road length, absence of rail links and airstrips, remoteness and inaccessibility of the area, lack of infrastructural development which holds the progress of development in check and the imposition of Restricted Area Perrmit (RAP)/Protected Area Permit (PAP) and Inner Line Permit (ILP) system.

Industrial Policy

  • The State Government will encourage the establishment of industrial undertakings in the private and cooperative sectors for the sustainable development of the state.
  • Employment opportunities and gainful self-employment in industrial and allied sectors for the local populations of Arunachal Pradesh will be given priority.
  • Investors from outside the state will be encouraged to invest in the state. Hundred percent equity ownership of an industrial unit by entrepreneurs will be allowed for a maximum period of 30 (thirty) years by the end of which period such equity holding will be reduced to 49 percent, the remaining 51 percent will be held by a local Arunachal Tribal entrepreneur or a group of local tribal entrepreneurs or the state government, if it considers necessary to do so.
  • Outside entrepreneurs may be allowed to hold land on lease for a period of 30 years, after which the lease may be renewed for a further period of 30 days. The consideration for the lease may be in the form of annual or lump sum payments or as equity. (The lease may be used as security for loans from financial institutions.)
  • Development of all industries will be encouraged. To begin with, the following industries will have priority.
  • Industries based on locally available raw materials.
  • Textiles (handlooms and power looms) and handicrafts.
  • Electronics and knowledge based industries.
  • Industries based on non- timber forest produce.
  • Infrastructure, such as power and communications.
  • Tourism
  • Medical services
  • Educational services













An Introduction to Arunachal Pradesh Economy

An Introduction to Arunachal Pradesh Economy

Arunachal Pradesh – State profile

  • Covering an area of 83,743 sq km, Arunachal Pradesh is the largest state in the Northeast India.
  • The state is located in the extreme Northeastern corner of the country. It shares its border with the neighbouring countries of Bhutan in the West, China (Tibet) in the North and Northeast, Myanmar in the East and Southeast and the Indian states of Assam and Nagaland in the South.
  • Itanagar is the state capital. Arunachal Pradesh has 16 administrative districts.
  • Naharlagun, Tawang, Tezpur, Bomdila, Ziro, Pasighat and Tezu are the major towns in the state.
  • Brahmaputra is the major river flowing through the state. Other smaller rivers include Kameng, Subansiri, Lohit and Tirap.
  • The most commonly spoken languages are Assamese, Bengali and Hindi. English is the primary medium of education in the schools

Rich and varied agro-climatic conditions

  • Undulating topography and varied agro-climatic conditions offer vast potential for horticulture and growing a variety of fruits, vegetables, spices, aromatic and medicinal plants, flowers and mushroom.

Policy and fiscal incentives

  • The state offers a wide range of fiscal and policy incentives and assistance for businesses under the State Industrial Policy, 2008. Additionally, the state has sectorspecific policies for industries related to power and agriculture.

Facilitating industrial infrastructure

  • The state has 12 industrial estates, established across districts. To support industrial growth, the State Government has also notified integrated infrastructure development centres, industrial growth centres and industrial areas.

International trade opportunities

  • The geographic location of the state provides immense opportunities for international trade with the South Asian countries through its shared borders with Myanmar, Bhutan and China.

Key industries in Arunachal Pradesh

  • The resources, policy incentives and climate in the state support investments in mining and mineral products (including cement), tissue culture and floriculture, plantation crops (tea, rubber, etc.) and agro-based industries.
    • The North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Limited is engaged in catalysing the industrial growth of the Northeastern region (including Arunachal Pradesh) by providing counselling, timely advice and assistance for building quality enterprises.
    • The Department of Industries, Government of Arunachal Pradesh, is responsible for promoting industrial activities in the state to provide employment opportunities to the rural and urban people.
    • The Department of Industries has set up district industries centres (DICs) and sub-district industries centres (sub-DICs) for the industrial development of small scale, tiny and village industries.
  • Key industries in Arunachal Pradesh
  • Art and crafts
  • Weaving
  • Cane and bamboo
  • Carpet weaving
  • Wood carving
  • Ornaments
  • Tourism
  • Horticulture
  • Saw mills and plywood

Employment profile of Arunachal Pradesh

  • The primary sector employs around 67.4 per cent of the total workforce in Arunachal Pradesh, followed by tertiary sector (23.9 per cent) and secondary sector (8.7 per cent).
  • Around 94 per cent of the state‟s population lives in the rural belt. Thus, agriculture is the main occupation of the people of Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Of the total workforce, 60.4 per cent are cultivators with self-owned land and only 5.1 per cent of the workforce falls in the agricultural labourer category.

Cereals, oil seed and sugarcane are the key agricultural products

  • In 2009-2010, total production of cereal crops was 325,000 tonnes, compared to 306,500 tonnes in the previous year.
  • Major cereal crops of the state are rice, maize, millet, wheat and pulses (pea, kidney-bean and black-gram).
  • Non-cereal crops include ginger, oil seed and sugarcane, apart from vegetables.

Road network

  • Arunachal Pradesh has a road density of 17.36 km per 100 sq km.
  • Six National Highways run through Arunachal Pradesh, connecting the state with the rest of India as well as the international borders with China (Tibet), Myanmar and Bhutan.

Airports and railways

  • In December 1995, the State Government introduced passenger flight services by nine-seat Dauphin helicopters to overcome the constraints posed by the hilly terrain.
  • Later a 23-seat MI-172 type helicopter had been added to the fleet, primarily to operate between Guwahati in Assam and Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh.
  • The service also connects 29 major towns including Naharlagun, Tawang, Ziro, Pasighat, Bomdila, Seppa, Daporijo, Along, Yingkiong, Roing and Tezu.
  • A greenfield airport has been proposed near Itanagar, for which environmental clearance has been received in April 2010. Ministry of Civil Aviation has also planned to operationalise airports at Daporijo and Tezu.
  • The nearest railway station is located at Harmoti in Assam, 23 km from Naharlagun and 33 km from Itanagar.

Industrial infrastructure

  • Arunachal Pradesh has 12 industrial estates located in different districts and spread over total area of 55.6 hectare. These industrial estates have been developed in land-areas ranging from 4,540 to 202,325 square metre, with the primary objective of growth and development of small scale industries.
  • In addition, the State Government has also notified integrated infrastructure development centres, industrial growth centres and industrial areas to support industrial growth.
  • The State Government has set up district industries centres (DICs) in all 16 districts. These DICs play a vital role in the industrial development by providing services to the entrepreneurs viz., identification of suitable schemes, preparation of project report, arrangement for providing required plant, machinery and raw-material, assistance in availing incentives and facilities provided by both central and state governments, liaison with all development departments and financial institutions to provide assistance to the prospective entrepreneurs.
  • Based on availability of resources, the State has identified thrust areas for industrial development:
  • Industries based on agricultural, horticultural and plantation produce.
  • Industries based on non-timber forest produce such as bamboo, cane (rattan), medicinal plants/herbs, aromatic grass, tea and coffee.
  • Industries based on locally available raw-materials except timber.
  • Textiles (handlooms and power-looms), handicrafts and sericulture.
  • Electronics and IT-based enterprises.
  • Mineral-based industries (such as ferro-alloys, cement, etc.)
  • Facilitation and development of industrial infrastructure including power, communications, etc., under public private partnership
  • Food processing industries.
  • Engineering and allied industries (rolling mill, steel mill, etc.).

State Industrial Policy, 2008

  • Aim: To facilitate and promote the growth of industry, employment and investment in the state.

Key initiatives:

  • To create an investment-friendly environment in the state for industrial growth in the private, joint and cooperative sectors for sustainable economic development of Arunachal Pradesh.
  • To generate employment opportunities in the state.
  • To make Arunachal Pradesh a preferred destination for outside investors.
  • To encourage local entrepreneurs to set up enterprises based on locally available raw-materials.
  • To promote export-oriented industrial units.
  • To take steps to promote the handloom and handicrafts industry.
  • To promote local investors through joint ventures with outside investors.
  • To encourage industrial units producing high value products.
  • To ensure fast-track clearance of industrial proposals

Hydro Power Policy – 2008


  • To harness hydropower potential of the state in a manner that is consistent with the provision of the Electricity Act, 2003 and the National Electricity Policy and other policies formulated in the Act.
  • To develop hydropower projects in eco-friendly manner causing minimum distress to the affected people.
  • To accelerate the pace of hydropower development through participation of both the central public sector undertakings and private power developers, as also by formulating public private partnership.
  • To provide for creation of social and development infrastructure through hydropower development.
  • To ensure proper rehabilitation and resettlement of people affected by projects in order to improve their living standards.
  • To create job opportunities for local tribal people specially for those affected by the project

Small Hydro Power (SHP) Policy, 2007

Aim: To facilitate and promote the growth of small hydro power plants and, thereby, increase employment opportunities in the state.

Key initiatives:

  • Private participation in development of SHPs with targeted incentives.
  • Formulation and notification of an action plan for SHP generation. The action plan to provide programmes for capacity addition and determine the extent of involvement of various stakeholders of State Government or agencies in the field.

North East Industrial and Investment Promotion Policy (NEIIPP), 2007

Aim: To promote the Northeast region as an attractive investment region through concessions and incentives.

Key features:

  • Industries covered under this policy are eligible for incentives for a period of 10 years from the date of commencement of commercial production.
  • All new units as well as existing units that undergo substantial expansion (minimum 25 per cent increase in fixed capital) and start production before 2017 would qualify for incentives.
  • Incentives would be available for all existing industrial units and upcoming units anywhere in the Northeast.
  • A high-level monitoring committee or advisory committee would oversee the implementation of the NEIIPP.
  • NEIIPP would not be applicable to peripheral activities such as preservation while in storage, cleaning, packing, re-packing, labelling or re-labelling, sorting, etc.
  • North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd (NeDFI) to act as the nodal agency for disbursal of subsidies.
  • NEIIPP, 2007, has replaced the North East Industrial Policy, 1997

Agriculture Policy, 2001

Aim: To achieve higher economic growth and create job opportunities for the rural unemployed through agriculture and allied sectors.

Key initiatives:

  • Top priority to be accorded on increasing farmers‟ income.
  • Addressing problems related to shifting (jhum) cultivation.
  • Location-specific strategy development – area specific and differentiated strategy.
  • Convergence of allied activities by making a shift from a commodity approach to a system approach in agriculture.
  • Technology transfer.
  • Supply of inputs such as seed, fertiliser, pesticides, agri-tools and implements and credit to farmers at reasonable rates.
  • Facilitating private investment in agriculture, especially for establishing agro-based industries.
  • People‟s participation through formation of “self-help groups” and village committees at several levels.
  • Research and technology package for location-specific agricultural research based on identified agro-climatic zone.
  • Marketing infrastructure and techniques, especially for preservation, storage and transportation.
  • Priority on setting up agro-processing units in key production areas.
  • Market intervention scheme involving procurement by a notified agency to assure remunerative prices to farmers

Mineral-based industry

  • Arunachal Pradesh has considerable mineral reserves, which offers immense potential.
  • The state has reserves of coal at Bhalukpong; graphite at Tahila, Bopi and Khetabari; limestone at Hunli, Tidding, Menga and Pagin; marble at Hunli, Tezu, Pyuli and Dora; dolomite at Kaspi and Rupa; and lead and zinc at Shergaon.
  • These minerals are useful in the gasified form or in cooking, fertiliser plants, refractory units and calcium carbide manufacturing units.
  • The state‟s mining activities are managed by the Arunachal Pradesh Mineral Development and Trading Corporation Limited (APMDTCL ).
  • Parsuram Cements, a subsidiary of APMDTCL, is one of the oldest resource-based companies, based out of Lohit.

Agriculture and forest-based industries

  • Major agro- and forest-based industries in the state relate to tea, fruit, timber and plywood industries.
  • Non-timber based industries include bamboo, cane and medicinal plants.
  • The industry is characterised by many regional players; several units have been set up by Arunachal Pradesh Forest Corporation (APFC), a government organisation.
  • APFC has taken up a project on capacity building for production of bamboo-based industrial intermediates at Poma village near Itanagar.
  • The State Industrial Policy, 2008 of Arunachal Pradesh lists agriculture and non-timber forest produce-based industries as thrust sectors.


  • Textile is a grass-roots industry in Arunachal Pradesh and provides employment to mainly, women. Most of the units are home-based and have small scale of operations.
  • Carpet making is one of the important occupations in the districts of Tawang, West Kameng, Changlang and Upper Siang. The state‟s carpets have received national and international repute owing to their quality.
  • The carpet weaving industry is promoted through the Government Craft Centre.
  • The state has unique and appealing handloom designs from each of its tribes. The products include skirt (gale), shirt (galuk), cotton shawl, side bag and curtain cloth.

Key nodal agencies in Arunachal Pradesh

Department of Industries

  • The Department of Industries is the main executive and regulatory agency, functioning under the State Government. It oversees and monitors the over all industrial development activities in the state.
  • The department is engaged in various activities such as:
  • Registration of industries regulation and development of industries.
  • Providing finance to small scale and other industries.
  • Distribution of scarce and indigenous raw-materials to different industrial units.
  • Other industrial development related activities.

Arunachal Pradesh Industrial Development and Financial CoAn Introduction to Arunachal Pradesh Economyrporation Limited (APIDFC)

  • APIDFC was incorporated under the Companies Act,1956, in August 1978, to promote and finance industries in Arunachal Pradesh.

Arunachal Pradesh Energy Development Agency (APEDA)

  • APEDA is the state designated agency (SDA) for implementation and enforcement of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001, in coordination with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Ministry of Power, Government of India.
  • APEDA is also the state nodal agency for projects connected with clean development mechanism (CDM)

Arunachal Pradesh Khadi and Village Industries Board (APKVIB)

  • APKVIB was constituted by the Government of Arunachal Pradesh in 1989, with the mission to create employment opportunities in the non-farm sector in the rural areas, to promote saleable articles and support rural development to improve quality of life.
  • The industries under its purview include khadi (silk, cotton, woollen), minerals, forest- and agro-based industries, polymer and chemical, engineering and non-conventional energy, textile industry and service sectors.

North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Limited (NeDFI)

  • NeDFI was promoted by Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI), Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI), Industrial Credit and Infrastructure Corporation of India (ICICI), Unit Trust of India (UTI), Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC) and its subsidiaries and State Bank of India (SBI).
  • Incorporated in August 1995, NeDFI has its headquarter in Guwahati, Assam.
  • NeDFI provides facilities such as project and equipment finance, working capital finance, schemes for development of entrepreneurial skill and market development for products from the Northeast.


  • Arunachal Pradesh had a total installed power capacity of 201.9 MW, under the state and central sector. While 83.3 MW of installed capacity was under state sector, 118.6 MW was under central sector.
    • Hydro power is the major source of electricity generation in the state, contributing around 97.6 MW, followed by 67.4 MW of renewable energy resources and 36.9 MW of thermal power.
    • Arunachal Pradesh has been focusing on developing its huge hydro power potential. The state has set up the Department of Hydro Power Development to oversee, coordinate and monitor hydro power development.
    • The Government of Arunachal Pradesh has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with central sector power generators and integrated power developers (IPD) for the development of 135 hydroelectric power plants, with an aggregate capacity of 25,722 MW