Quality of life, life expectancy, literacy, standard of living and migration in India

Quality of life, life expectancy, literacy, standard of living and migration in India

Human development—a comprehensive approach

  • Human development is a process of enlarging people’s choices. But human development is also the objective, so it is both a process and an outcome. Human development implies that people must influence the processes that shape their lives. In all this, economic growth is an important means to human development, but not the end.
  • Human development is the development of the people through building human capabilities, by the people through active participation in the processes that shape their lives and for the people by improving their lives.
  • It is broader than other approaches, such as the human resource approach, the basic needs approach and the human welfare approach

Measuring human development

  • The composite Human Development Index (HDI) integrates three basic dimensions of human development.
  • Life expectancy at birth reflects the ability to lead a long and healthy life.
  • Mean years of schooling and expected years of schooling reflect the ability to acquire knowledge. And gross national income per capita reflects the ability to achieve a decent standard of living.
  • To measure human development more comprehensively, the Human Development Report also presents four other composite indices.
  • The Inequality-adjusted HDI discounts the HDI according to the extent of inequality.
  • The Gender Development Index compares female and male HDI values.
  • The Gender Inequality Index highlights women’s empowerment. And the Multidimensional Poverty Index measures nonincome dimensions of poverty.

India’s Human Development Index 2016

  • India was ranked 131 in the 2016 Human Development Index (HDI) among the 188 countries.
  • India scored 0.624 and was placed in medium human development category.
  • The index was unveiled recently as part of the Human Development Report (HDR) 2016 titled Human Development for Everyone published by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  • India related facts: India’s HDI value increased from 0.428 in 1990 to 0.624 in 2015. However, its average annual growth in HDI (1990-2015) was higher than that of other medium HDI countries.
  • Life expectancy at birth: In India, it has increased from 68 years to an average of 68.3 years — 69.9 years for women and 66.9 years for men.
  • Access to knowledge: India’s expected years of schooling remains at 11.7 years, while mean years of schooling increased from 5.4 to 6.3 years.
  • India’s Gross National Income (GNI) based on per capita purchasing power parity (PPP): It has risen from $5,497 to $5,663.
  • Gender Inequality Index (GII): India ranked 125 among 159 countries. Only 12.2% of Parliament seats are held by women. 8% of women above the age of 15 years are part of India’s labour force — compared to 79.1% men. The ratio of maternal mortality is 174 against every 100000 live births.
  • Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI): It is difference between the HDI and IHDI, expressed as a percentage of the HDI, indicating the loss in human development due to inequality.
  • India’s HDI was pegged at 0.624, but its value falls 27.2% after being adjusted for inequalities, resulting in a HDI value of 0.455.
  • Life expectancy adjusted with inequalities between 2010 and 2015 fell 24%, resulting in a value of 0.565.
  • The percentage of inequality in education in 2015 was 39.4% or 0.324 and inequality in income 16.1% or 0.512.

Social Progress Index: India’s quality of life improves

  • The measurement of quality of life is critical to understand whether economic growth is fostering social development across the globe or not.
  • It is essential to ranks countries on the basis of government’s effectiveness at meeting basic human needs, at providing a foundation for well-being with basic education and environmental protection, and at creating opportunities for all citizens to make personal choices and reach their full potential.
  • This kind of framework is being used by the Social Progress Imperative to create the Social Progress Index. It is observed that the world incorporating 128 countries scores 64.85 on social progress.
  • It registers a 2.6 percent increase from 2014.
  • The performance is best in Basic Human Needs with a score of 89.62 followed by Foundations of Well-being and Opportunity.
  • The major factors that contribute to the improvements in social progress are increased access to information & communication and enhanced advanced education landscape. On the other hand, Personal Rights which includes measures of political rights and freedom of expression is declining in most countries.
  • A rapid deterioration of rights, especially in terms of falling political participation and worsening freedom of expression and assembly, points out that the choices of citizens are being threatened.
  • Also, the advancements in Personal Safety have been intangible. This is mainly due to the reverse changes in the homicide rate and violent crimes which some countries are experiencing.

Quality of life: Which is the best Indian city to live in?

  • One of the most difficult financial decisions one has to make in life is to decide the place where they would choose to stay. The location one chooses is influenced by a host of pros and cons. The cost of living, the availability of economic opportunities, the quality of life, education facilities, among others are some of the many deciding factors.
  • Mercer, the global human resources consulting firm, has released its 18th annual Quality of Living Survey, listing 2016 city rankings of best places to live in.
  • Mercer evaluated local living conditions in more than 440 cities surveyed worldwide according to 39 factors, grouped in 10 categories such as political and social environment, economic environment, socio-cultural environment, medical and health considerations, schools and education, public services and transportation, recreation, consumer goods, housing, and natural environment.
  • As per the Mercer ranking, Hyderabad has been ranked as the best city in India to stay in with a ranking of 139 out of 230 cities in the world.
  • Pune has been selected as the second best Indian city with a rank of 144.
  • Other Indian cities that found a place in the list are: Bangalore (145), Chennai (150), Mumbai (152), Kolkata (160), and New Delhi (161).

Literacy in India

  • The 15th official census in India was calculated in the year 2011. In a country like India, literacy is the main foundation for social and economic growth. When the British rule ended in India in the year 1947 the literacy rate was just 12%.
  • Over the years, India has changed socially, economically, and globally.
  • After the 2011 census, literacy rate India 2011 was found to be 74.04%.
  • Compared to the adult literacy rate here the youth literacy rate is about 9% higher. Though this seems like a very great accomplishment, it is still a matter of concern that still so many people in India cannot even read and write.
  • The numbers of children who do not get education especially in the rural areas are still high. Though the government has made a law that every child under the age of 14 should get free education, the problem of illiteracy is still at large.
  • Now, if we consider female literacy rate in India, then it is lower than the male literacy rate as many parents do not allow their female children to go to schools. They get married off at a young age instead.
  • Though child marriage has been lowered to very low levels, it still happens. Many families, especially in rural areas believe that having a male child is better than having a baby girl. So the male child gets all the benefits.
  • Today, the female literacy levels according to the Literacy Rate 2011 census are 65.46% where the male literacy rate is over 80%.
  • The literacy rate in India has always been a matter of concern but many NGO initiatives and government ads, campaigns and programs are being held to spread awareness amongst people about the importance of literacy. Also the government has made strict rules for female equality rights. India literacy rate has shown significant rise in the past 10 years.
  • Here are some facts about different states literacy rate, Kerala is the only state in India to have 100% literacy rate. It is followed by Goa, Tripura, Mizoram, Himachal Pradesh, and Maharashtra, Sikkim.
  • The lowest literacy rate in India is seen in the state of Bihar.
  • We also need to think why is the literacy rate is low here in India compared to other developed countries. Basically the population in India is very high. Being the 7th largest country its population stands 2nd in the world after China. There are over 1 billion people in India.
  • The number of schools and educational centers especially in rural areas is less. Even today many people are below the poverty line. Also people aren’t aware that children should get free education according to the law

Standard of living in India

  • Standard of living in India varies from state to state.
  • With one of the fastest growing economies in the world, clocked at a growth rate of 7.6% in 2015, India is on its way to becoming a large and globally important consumer economy.
  • According to Deutsche Bank Research, there are between 30 million and 300 million middle-class people in India. If current trends continue, India’s share of world GDP will significantly increase from 7.3 in 2016 to 8.5 percent of the world share by 2020.
  • In 2011, less than 22 percent of Indians lived under the global poverty line, nearly a 10 percent reduction from 29.8 percent just two years prior in 2009.
  • According to NCAER, India’s middle class population would be 267 million in 2016.
  • Further ahead, by 2025-26 the number of middle class households in India is likely to more than double from the 2015-16 levels to 113.8 million households or 547 million individuals.
  • Another estimate put the Indian middle class as numbering 475 million people by 2030.
  • It is estimated that average real wages will quadruple between 2013 and 2030.
  • The standard of living in India shows large disparity.
  • For example, there is widespread poverty in rural areas of India, where medical care tends to be very basic or unavailable, while cities boast of world class medical establishments. Similarly, the very latest machinery may be used in some construction projects, but many construction workers work without mechanisation in most projects.
  • However, a rural middle class is now emerging in India, with some rural areas seeing increasing prosperity. In general, the southern Indian state of Kerala ranks top for most of the indices.
  • In 2010, the per capita PPP-adjusted GDP for India was US$3,608.

Migration in India

  • One important facet of study on population is the study of migration arising out of various social, economic or political reasons.
  • For a large country like India, the study of movement of population in different parts of the country helps in understanding the dynamics of the society better.
  • At this junction in the economic development, in the country, especially when many states are undergoing faster economic development, particularly in areas, such as, manufacturing, information technology or service sectors, data migration profile of population has become more important.
  • When a person is enumerated in census at a different place than his / her place of birth, she / he is considered a migrant. This may be due to marriage, which is the most common reason for migration among females-or for work, what is the case as generally among males, etc.
  • It also happens that many return to their place of birth after staying out. To capture such movements of population census collect information on migration by last helps to understand the current migration scenario better.
  • In India, as per census 2001, about 307 million person have been reported as migration by place of birth. Out of them about 259 million (84.2%), migrated from on e part of the state to another, i.e., from one village or town to another village or town. 42 million (2%) from out side the country.
  • The data on migration by last residence in India as per Census 2001 shows that the total number of migrants has been 314 million. Out of these migrants by last residence, 268 million (85%) has been intra-state migrants, those who migrated from one are of the state to another.
  • 41 million (13%) were interstate migrants and 5.1 million (1.6%) migrated from out side of the country.

Why do people migrate?

  • People migrate for many different reasons. These reasons can be classified as economic, social, political or environmental:
  1. economic migration – moving to find work or follow a particular career path
  2. social migration – moving somewhere for a better quality of life or to be closer to family or friends
  3. political migration – moving to escape political persecution or war
  4. environmental causes of migration include natural disasters such as flooding
  • Some people choose to migrate, eg someone who moves to another country to enhance their career opportunities. Some people are forced to migrate, eg someone who moves due to war or famine.
  • A refugee is someone who has left their home and does not have a new home to go to. Often refugees do not carry many possessions with them and do not have a clear idea of where they may finally settle.

Push and pull factors of Migration

Push factors are the reasons why people leave an area. They include:

  1. lack of services
  2. lack of safety
  3. high crime
  4. crop failure
  5. drought
  6. flooding
  7. poverty
  8. war

Pull factors are the reasons why people move to a particular area. They include:

  1. higher employment
  2. more wealth
  3. better services
  4. good climate
  5. safer, less crime
  6. political stability
  7. more fertile land
  8. lower risk from natural hazards

Migration usually happens as a result of a combination of these push and pull factors.

Human Development in Arunachal Pradesh

Human Development in Arunachal Pradesh

The human development index (HDI) is basically a composite index based on three dimensions of human development—income, health and education. In conventional analysis a country is called rich or poor mainly on the basis of a single indicator—the per capita income. The HDI, on the other hand, puts equal emphasis on all the three dimensions of development. Thus, different indicators of development like per capita income, life expectancy, adult literacy and enrolment ratio are used to construct a single index—the human development index.

In terms of HDI the position of Arunachal Pradesh is dismal, ranking 14th among the 16 major states of India. At a disaggregated level, in Arunachal Pradesh, the district East Siang with an HDI of 0.660 ranks first among the 13 districts, followed by Dibang Valley with an HDI of 0.659. The district of Papum Pare in which the capital complex, Itanagar is situated ranks third with an HDI of 0.573. Further it has been observed that the hilly districts have a lower HDI compared to that of the plain districts.

The spatially uneven process of development in the State has created new challenges and constraints. Usually, the districts or areas bordering Assam, and within the district areas near the urban, administrative centres have better infrastructural facilities than the interiors.Human Development in Arunachal Pradesh

Arunachal Pradesh has been the home of a number of tribes and sub-tribes, and many of them have limited mobility beyond their well-defined local boundaries. Interregional disparities in the State, therefore, have an additional implication—as in many cases, it may reflect inter-tribal disparities to a certain extent.

Though the state has been relatively free from secessionist violence and insurgency, its development performance, particularly in terms of the human development indicators, has not been satisfactory.

Health of Human Development in Arunachal Pradesh

The right to lead a long, healthy and productive life is one of the fundamental prerequisite for human development. In fact, it is one of the essential indicators of peoples’ well-being and quality of life. Apart from the low levels of food and nutrition security, access to health care, education and income, critically conditions the survival and well-being of individuals.

Life Expectancy of Human Development in Arunachal Pradesh

The life expectancy at birth in Arunachal Pradesh is estimated to be 54.05 years, which is less than the national average of 63.30 years. Although, the health conditions in Arunachal Pradesh, by and large, have improved in the post-Independence decades, yet there are no reliable estimates of the changes in the health condition of people in the State.

Papum Pare is the district with the highest life expectancy at birth indicating the best of health status of the people among all the 15 districts of the State, followed by East Siang. At the other extreme is Kurung Kumey, which has a life expectancy of only 42.50 years.

Infant and Child Mortality of Human Development in Arunachal Pradesh

Infant mortality rate measures the health conditions in infancy and it is intricately enmeshed with the low economic conditions of the population. In general, a high IMR in a high fertility society is associated with illiteracy, low level of technology in production and poverty. As per the HDR survey, Arunachal Pradesh has a high IMR of 77.

The IMR in Arunachal Pradesh varies from 113 in Kurung Kumey to 53 in Lower Dibang Valley, the inter-district variation being quite large. In Arunachal Pradesh there are six districts with IMR higher than 90. There are five districts in Arunachal Pradesh with IMR higher than that of Orissa’, the state having the largest IMR.

Immunisation of Human Development in Arunachal Pradesh

The universal immunisation programme (UIP) was introduced by the Government of India in 1985-86 with the objective of covering at least 85 per cent of infants against six vaccine-preventable diseases by 1990. Subsequently, the programme was expanded to cover all the districts of the country and the target now is to achieve 100 per cent immunisation coverage. In spite of the programme being universal, a number of states in the country including Arunachal Pradesh have failed to really ‘universalise’ it.

Educational Attainments of Human Development in Arunachal Pradesh

Literacy Rates

The literacy rate for Arunachal Pradesh, according to 2001 census, is only 54.34 per cent, much lower than the national average of 64.80 per cent. Nevertheless, the State has made some progress in raising the literacy rate—from only 25.55 per cent in 1981 to 54.34 per cent in 2001. However, literacy rate in rural areas is as low as 47.8 per cent, and the rural-urban gap in literacy continues to be very high. Among the ST population literacy has gone up from 14.04 per cent in 1981 to 34.45 per cent in 1991 and further to 49.62 per cent in 2001. Adult literacy rate went up from 23.77 per cent in 1981 to 37.53 per cent in 1991, but in rural Arunachal Pradesh literacy was only 32.61 per cent, which was much below the other northeastern states.

Gender Gap in Literacy

The gender gap in literacy in Arunachal Pradesh as per 2001 census is 20.30 per cent points which is lower than the national average of 21.5 percentage points. The gap between male and female literacy rates in the State declined very slowly during 1981 to 2001. In rural areas, gender gap in literacy is sharper than that in urban areas. Although the gender gap in literacy has been narrowing down in the urban areas; it has remained at around 20 per cent points during the past two decades in rural areas—a fact that needs to be addressed in all future initiatives.


In Arunachal Pradesh, the educational infrastructure continues to be inadequate, but its expansion over the past three decades or so has been impressive. Children, as a result, have better access to schooling today in comparison with the past. Enrolment ratio in the age group 6-11 has gone up from 31.9 to 38.1 per cent, while in 11-14 age group it improved from 42.8 to 61.5 per cent during 1981 to 1991.

Dropout Rates

Improvements in enrolment, however, do not guarantee access to adequate levels of education. The dropout rates in relatively underdeveloped regions are very high. Dropout rates in classes I-V for children in Arunachal Pradesh have come down substantially from 73.9 per cent in 1981-82 to 46.85 per cent in 2004-05. It is still higher than the national average, but there seems to be very little improvement in reducing dropout rate at this stage in the past few years. The dropout rate at this stage had already reduced to 46.89 per cent in 1998-99.


Arunachal pradesh human development index

Arunachal pradesh human development index:-

Human development an integral part of economic development is fastly catching of various stakeholders around the world. It is also about people’s active engagement in shaping development, equity and sustainability, intrinsic aspects of freedom of people have to lead lives they have reason to value. Human development index is a tool devised by United Nations for ranking countries for measuring levels of social and economic development measuring life expectancy, education , literacy and standard of living.

The concept of human development emerged in the late 1980s based on the conceptual foundation provided by Dr. AmartyaSen and Dr. MahbubulHaq. The human development approach puts people at the centre of the development agenda, where economic growth and wealth are considered means to development, not an end by itself. Basically, human development is concerned with the advancing the richness of human life, rather than the richness of the economy in which human beings live. The starting point for the human development approach is the idea that the purpose of development is to improve human lives by not only enhancing income but also expanding the range of things that a person can be and can do, such as be healthy and well nourished, be knowledgeable, and to participate in community life. Seen from this viewpoint, development is about removing the obstacles to what a person can do in life, obstacles such as lack of income, illiteracy, ill health, lack of access to resources, or lack of civil and political freedoms.

There are scores of economic and social indicators which have been used to measure different aspects of socio-economic progress. The Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite index developed to measure the average achievement in basic dimensions of human development. These basic dimensions, as defined by UNDP3 are – a long and health life, knowledge and decent standard of living. While there exists a general consensus on these core dimensions, there could be slight variations in the choice of indicators depending upon the focus and also on availability of feasibility data.

State Profile:-

Till 1972, Arunachal Pradesh was known as the North-East Frontier Agency (NEFA). It gained the Union Territory status on January 20, 1972 and renamed as Arunachal Pradesh. On February 20, 1987, it became a full-fledged state. Its capital is located in Itanagar in the Papumpare district. Itanagar is named after Ita fort meaning fort of bricks, built in the 14th century AD.Arunachal pradesh human development index

Arunachal Pradesh constitutes 2.55 per cent of India’s total geographical area and 31.94 per cent of that of the Northeast. The State is divided into five river valleys: the Kameng, the Subansiri, the Siang, the Lohit and the Tirap. Part of the Eastern Himalayan ranges, Arunachal Pradesh is one of the most picturesque tourist destinations in India.

Human development trends in Arunachal Pradesh:-

  • The State of Arunachal Pradesh is significantly rich in mineral resources, oil and natural gas. The State is also rich in forest products such as bamboo, cane and timber. But in human development index state has been poor performance.
  • The per capita Gross Domestic Product (GSDP) in 2004-05 for the State stands at Rupees 21,919 and the Net State Domestic Product (NSDP) in 1999-2000 is Rupees 14338. Arunachal Pradesh ranks 29 th in the human resource development index and 30th in the poverty index in India, as per the Human Development Report 2001.
  • In 2001 the literacy rate of Arunachal was only 55 percent. Although there has been a remarkable growth of education and health facilities in the state, the performance of the state in the area of human development has come in for a great deal of criticism, as there are considerable interdistrict variations in the levels of services and performance.

Arunachal Pradesh as per Human development report 2005:-

·         The faculty of the Rajiv Gandhi University at Itanagar prepared the report, sponsored by the Planning Commission, for the Arunachal Pradesh government.


·         More than a quarter of the population of Arunachal Pradesh will not live beyond 40 years of age.

·         The report shows that 28 per cent of the people are not expected to survive beyond the age of 40, as compared to 16.7 per cent at the national level.

·         It points out that the hilly and steep terrain, inaccessibility and scattered habitations result in poor access to medical facilities and consequently to poor health status.

·         Not surprisingly, districts located at high altitudes or less accessible areas record more premature deaths. In KurungKumey, East Kameng and Dibang Valley (New), more than 40 per cent of the population are not expected to survive beyond the age of 40.

·         In contrast, the well-connected districts, particularly those in the plains, have substantially higher rates of life expectancy. For example, in Papum Pare, a district with good connectivity and access to healthcare facilities, only around 23 per cent of the people are not expected to live beyond 40 years of age.

·         The report noted with surprise that ‘in the cases of premature deaths, variables such as medical facilities or the distance of the village from the health centres, doctor-population ratio and hospital beds per 1,000 people, did not have any significant bearing on premature deaths’.

·         This suggests that the creation of medical facilities alone is not sufficient: awareness, willingness and road connectivity are the more important variables in improving the health status of the population.

·         It also revealed that there was a high degree of inter-district variation in life expectancy among the 15 of the total 16 districts of the state surveyed.

·         Though the people of Arunachal Pradesh strive to remain healthy by following appropriate diets and maintaining regulated lifestyles, their health status is not commendable when measured by conventional indicators, in absolute terms and in comparison with other states and regions.

·         The report said in the past few decades, the state has made significant progress in moving from an absence of hospitals, dispensaries and diagnostic facilities to a relatively wide network of healthcare facilities.

·         However, the increase in health coverage and services has been at a slower pace than the expansion of educational facilities and the growth of the economy.

·         Fortunately, Arunachal Pradesh is relatively free from the problem of discrimination against girl children that many other states in the country face. While the people of Arunachal do have some preference for sons, it is not as deep-rooted as in other regions.

·         This is partly responsible for the relatively better infant mortality rate here than in many other parts of the country. Arunachal Pradesh has an infant mortality rate of 77 per 1,000 live births. Among the 15 big states, Orissa has the highest such rate at 95.